EGOLD+ ( Functional P7 The name of the voltages are: a) VCC_SYN activated by VCXOEN and b) VCC2_8 activated by SLEEPQ_SMARTI For both voltages BATT+ is required. V1.0 Page 6 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
A F C _ P N M A F C 3 0 K 4 7 K 2 2 K G N D G N D G N D 4211 to SMARTI to EGOLD+ V1.0 Page 7 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
The picture 4221 shows the VCO output signal The picture 4222 shows the control voltage The picture 4223 shows the programming signals for the PLL 4223 4222 4221 V1.0 Page 8 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
16, the second local (TDMA-Timer L11) oscillator is switched “ON and OFF” The required voltage VCC2_8 D400 is provided by N430 External filter LO2 PUPLO2 V1.0 Page 9 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
4.2.4 Synthesizer : PLL PLL as a part of the PMB6250 (SMARTI) IC D400 Blockdiagramm V1.0 Page 10 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
PCN receiver from PA Please note, that Axx mobiles have no external antenna connector. The matrix below shows the different conditions at the diplexer and the accompanying signals. V1.0 Page 11 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
The non-symmetrical LNA output is connected to the IF mixer via a discrete balancing and adaptation circuit. This circuit converts the asymmetrical signal into a symmetrical signal. The required voltage VCC2_8 is provided by N430 4411 4413 4412 4414 V1.0 Page 12 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
GAIM part of the EGOLD+ (A/D conversion) as RX_I,RX_IX-RX_Q,RX_QX at the SMARTI pins 1,3,4,48 The required voltage VCC2_8 is provided by N430 4434 4433 from LNA baseband V1.0 Page 13 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
The required voltage VCC2.8SW is provided by transistor V435 by using TXON1 from the EGOLD+ and V100. (TDMA-Timer H14) 4522 4521 4523 4524 V1.0 Page 16 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
Vibra 8Mbit SV Logik 16Mbit 2.65 Volt Reg. I / O TXVCO SV-ASIC SMARTI 2 Volt (RTC) 2 Volt I / O DISPLAY 2.9 Volt 13 MHz V1.0 Page 17 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
Generation of the “2,0; 2,65; 2,9” voltages Generation of the “RESET_2,0V and RESET_2,65V” Generation of the “POWER_ON” through N201 Generation of the “Watch Dog” signal through the EGOLD+ after “POWER_ON” V1.0 Page 18 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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To ascertain by what signal the phone was switched on, the E-Gold checks the following signals. KB7 >>>>>>>>>>> to check the “On-Off Keypad button” RTC_INT>>>>>>>> to check the timer “on-off” EXT_Power_µc>>> to check ON-OFF via accessory V1.0 Page 19 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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(C = 2.2µF) for stabilising the voltage. This regulated voltage is measured internally. In case of an internally measured voltage >3.1V , the output transistor will switch off. V1.0 Page 20 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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C) A falling edge at the CHARGE_UP. Low Voltage VDD_RTC Voltage regulator to provide the Real Time Clock with the required 2V. Current consumption is ~1mA Regulator for RTC V1.0 Page 21 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
Linear Regulator VDD_LDO_RTC VLDO_RTC 2.0 V 1 mA Low Power Regulator TBAT CHARGE < 55°C ? & Charge FET Driver CHARGE_uC SIM Supply Switch VSIM_IN VSIM_OUT VSIM_ON V1.0 Page 22 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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Example of a timing diagram (switch on by the keypad) Example of a timing diagram (Watchdog Observation) 1. WD-Observation 2. WD-Observation 3. WD-Observation V1.0 Page 23 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
This is realized by feeding the POWER signal through the voltage divider R204 and the resistor R202 as a EXT_POWER_UC to the EGOLD+ (Miscellaneous A2) V1.0 Page 24 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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⇒ a charger voltage >15V can destroy resistors or capacitors in the charging path ⇒ a charger voltage >20V can destroy the MOS-FET switch transistor in the charging path. V1.0 Page 25 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
CCCLK F32K von RF KB0..KB9 BATT+ Battery 2.0 V Power Supply ASIC Charge 2.65 V TANTRIS Control 2.9 V CHARGE RESET_2.0V RESET_2.65V to external POWER_ON 2.65V Regulator V1.0 Page 26 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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• 1 D/A- cverter for the Power Ramping signal, • 1 Sigma Delta A/D- and D/A-converter for the voiceband part RTC (Real Time Clock) The Flash IC V1.0 Page 27 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
A/D conversion of MIC-Path signals incl. coding D/A conversion of EP-Path signals incl. decoding Generating of the PA-Control Signal “PA_Ramp” Generating of the Ringer Signal on EPP V1.0 Page 29 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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R113, R114 to the EGOLD+ (Input limitation 1.33V to 5.91V) .An analog multiplexer does the (GAIM N2) switching between the baseband signal processing and the voltage measurement. V1.0 Page 30 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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After loading into an 10 bit latch the control value will be converted into the corresponding analog voltage with a maximum of ~2V Key-Value V1.0 Page 31 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
VIBRA in the beginning. The diode V231 is used to protect the circuit against over voltage and switching spikes. EGOLD+ timing of VIBRA_ON signal V1.0 Page 32 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
This feature ensures that excessive load of power supply circuits and overshoots at the ringer output pins due to inductive load are avoided. V1.0 Page 33 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
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The input ports a the EGOLD+ are protected versus DC voltages with the capacitors C115-C118. An EMC protection is realised by C132,C129. Voiceband part inside the EGOLD+ V1.0 Page 34 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
(miscellaneous N7) transistor V193. The signal LIGHT_OFF can be used to switch off the light during the TX-Burst is active. The Illumination: a) Display b) Keypad V1.0 Page 35 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
The diode V351 is used to protect CCCLK and CCIO versus switching peaks. from/to EGOLD+ The display is provided with 2,65V from the ASIC D200. The communication with the EGOLD+ is realised via the serial signals V1.0 Page 36 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
Data line for accessory bus. Use as CTS in data operation GND_MIC For external microphone HF_MIC External microphone AUDO Trigger for external loudspeaker GNDA For external loudspeaker V1.0 Page 37 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...
8.4.2 Battery connector Name IN/OUT Notes Akku_Temp O Temperature control of the battery pack. POWER + Battery voltage V1.0 Page 38 of 38 ICM MP CC ST A35-A36-A40 Company Confidential 09/01...