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Piece read the o_rating instructions ,_d safety precautions carefully _d thoroughly before [r_s,ta]_in, g and op,eratingi your room air conditioner DEVENTANA va/luable proper air order to prevent isuse ,or improper for any damages itioner.
FOR YOUR RECORDS Write the model and serial numbers here: Mode| # Serial # You can fi_ them on a label on the side of each un_. D_i_er's Name Date Purchas_ II S[ap[e you[ _aceip[ 1o [his page i=_ I[he everLt you [_ed it to prove d_e of purchase or for warranty issues_ READ THIS MANUAL Inside yoiu w_! find many help{ul hirY!:so,n h_...
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To prevent injury toi the user o,r other people prope_y damage, the bHowiing instru_ct[ons must be followed, [] Incorrect ,opemti,on due to ignoring instruction will cause harm or damage.. The seriousness. is classified by the foHowiing indications, WARNING Th,s sym_l mdl,cates the poss_b_U_yof death r senous _nlury,...
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!I Operation • it will cause electric sh_k or fire •,_herMse, it may _use a fire or electrica_ sh_k, due to heat gener_ion_ • The appearance ,ofthe air • it will cause f_lure of machine or • it may cause fire and ele_ric cond_ioner may detedor_,e, shocL electric shock_...
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SafetyPr_utions • _ will cause e_tric shock or fire • litwiB cause electric shock or fire., • It will _u_ electric shock. due to he_ generation, • ff may cause eledric sh_k and • Qlherwise, it: may cau_ • They are, sharp and m_ cause _mage explo¢ion_ and a fire, injury,...
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SafetyPrecautions [] Operation • ff _y cause injury,, • it may cause product failure. • The appearance of Me air _nditioner may deteriorate, change color_ or develop surface fl._ws, • it cont _ns ,containments and will • lit may _use an injury through •...
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Befo,_ Operation Contact an installation specialist for installation. 2. Plug in the power plug properly. 3. Use a dedicated circuit. 4. Do not use an extension cord. 5. IDo not staWstop operation by plugging!unplugging the power cord. 6;. If the cord/plug is damaged, replace it with only an authorized replacement part.
introduction This symbol alerts you to the risk of electric shock,. This symbol alerts you to hazards that could cause harm to, the air conditioner. This symbol indicates, sp_ial notes. This _pI[ance should _ ins_Hed in acco,rd_ce with the National Electric _,de, THE SLEEVE AND THE REAR GIRILLiE (,op_on_ly s_ied w;tlf_your un_)
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Electrical Safety 230V-- 115V ~ Power cord may" include a current: interrupter device. A test and reset button is pm,vided o,n the plug case. The device, sho,uld be tested on a periodic b_is by first pressing the TEST b_ton and then the RESET button,, If the TEST b_to,n does not tnp ,or if the RESET button will not stay engaged, discontinue use of the air...
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A. SITUATIONS WHEN THE APPLi_CE WILL BE DISCONNECTED OCCASIONALLY: (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY3 Because of potentia_ safety hazards_ we strongly FOR' THE USER_ PERSONAL SAFET_ dis_urage the use of a_ adapter p_ug. [However, if you APPLIANCE MUST BE PROPERLY GROUNDED wish to use an adapter a "TEMPORARY CONNECTION may be made.
tns_flation INSTALLATION HARDWARE Removepackingmaterials from _e wall sleeve and tape from the air _nditioner INSTALLATIOI',I REQUIIREMENTS If you fuse an exi_ing wall sl_ve, you should measure its dimensions. 2 Size options install the new air conditioner according to, the_e installS:ion instructbns to achieve the best pedorman_, AJl wal! s_ee'_s used to mount the new...
Installation A_I wall sleeves used to, mount the new Air CAUTION Conditioner must be in sound structural condition We _rongly recommendthe removal,ofthe and ha_,,ea rear glrille that securely a_taches to, oid wall sleeve and the installation of a new sleeve, o,r rear flange that _rves as a stop tot the LGE Wall Sleeve, Air Conditioner.
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tns_'llation PROCEDURE H you are using the n_ sleeve (optionaHiy sup, pried with your unit),s.kip to step 3. Otherwise, install the pl_tic gdHe from the kit Cut the plastic griIle to 25-!/2 '° wide and 15- 1/4 ° high, P_ace the plastic grille to the inside iii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiii/_ of the walil s_eeve at the rear flange°...
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Installation PROCEDURE Remove the backing from the Vertical insulation strip, 15%,s x 1_,,_ x ! _,'_and attach that to the inside right d the steeve as shown _1_, _ired the lieuvers at the back of the wail sleeve to 60 ° angle as. shown in the FIG 9. The Remove the backing from the Around Insulation use of pliers is re_mmended_ strip 67% x 1_,,_x _...
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installation PROCEDURE as sh_vn FIG 15. Slide the baffle into slots of the su_,ort Mocks Wall Wall-- Sleeve Install the n_ unit into the w.all s_eove. ssemble, trim as describ_ in Step & Proc_ure ,, Air _ndition,ers cover_ in this manual po_ an excessiveHight hazard,T_ or more people are need_ 1o moveand in_aiil the unit.
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instalia#on PROCEDURE Remove the ba,_ing from the Horizontal _nsulatioin strip 23h:32 x 138 x 13,_ and attach that to the inside right of the sleeve as shown R_iro_ the louvers at the back of the wa_l sleeve to 60 ° angle as, shown in the FIG 16 _low.
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Ins_'llation PROCEDURE & CAUTION liil To achieve rearward slo_ [or unit draining, • Air ,_nditioners covered in this imianua[ _ e remove the backing from the 11 _s_,l_" s him ,excessive weigN hazard,T_ ,ormore people are strips and attach them as shown below in Fig, need_ to m,o_ and instaiithe unit, 23°...
Operating tnstrucfions 'The controls wilt leek like on of the fottowi_, ,--FAN SPEED , Every time you push this button_it advances the _tting as follows: {High-, Low -_ M_ -_ High} REMOTE CONTROL SIGNAL TEMPERATURE S_ING - Use this b_n to automati_Hy control the tem_rature d the room.
Operating Instructions The remote control ar_ control p_et will look like oi_ of pictures. the' _O'_OJW_ - To turn the air dJ_ditioner ON, push this buIton. To turn the air c_nditione_ OFF, push the button again - This but,ton takes priod'ly over any other buttor_. - When you firs1 t_m it on, the unit is in (#o_ m(_e, High fan spe_J_ Temperature setting a 7_F, .
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Operating instructions 1 Remove the ,co_erfrom the back of _e remote ,. Do not use r_harg,eaNe b,a_eries _ntroller Such _tteries ditfer from stand_d dry ce!lls in sh_e_ di_nsions, 2. Insert two batteries. _rformance. , Be sure that the, (+) and (-) dire_ions are •...
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Maintenance andService TURN THE AIR CONDITIONER OFF AND REMOVE THE PLUG FROM THE POWER OUTLET The air filter should be checked at least twice a month to see if clieaning is neces_ry. Trap,_d panicles in the filter wil! build up and block the airflow. This redu_s the cooling capacity and also causes an accumulation o,f frost on the coo_ing coils,...
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Ma.intenance .and Service Troubfeshooti_ Tips Save time and money! Review t_ chart _!ow first and you may _t need to call for service. , You may hear a pinging noise caused by water _ing picked up and thrown against the condenser on rainy days.