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%HIRUH#<RX#%HJLQ These Operating Instructions describe which functions can be used with the Hicom 150 H Version 1.2 with commercially available dial pulsing or touch tone telephones. You may find that some functions you wish to use are not available on your telephone. This may be due to one of the following reasons: •...
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$FFHVVLQJ#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS $FFHVVLQJ#)XQFWLRQV 111#:LWK#&RGHV You can activate the functions of your system by entering codes such as: DND (do not disturb) on. DND (do not disturb) off. All codes to activate or enable functions are always in- troduced by pressing the star key, and all codes to de- activate, disable or delete functions are always entered starting with the pound key.
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&RQWHQWV $FFHVVLQJ#)XQFWLRQV 1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#16 ... With Codes ..........3 Ø...
&RQWHQWV &KHFNLQJ#DQG#$VVLJQLQJ#&DOO#&KDUJHV #1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1 54 Dialing with Call Charge Assignment ......21 ,I#<RX#&DQQRW#5HDFK#D#'HVWLQDWLRQ 1111#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1 55 Using Callback ..........22 Call Waiting (Camp-On) .
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&RQWHQWV 7HDP#DQG#([HFXWLYH26HFUHWDU\#)XQFWLRQV#:LWK#$V0 VLJQHG#7UXQN#/LQHV1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#1#16< Forwarding Calls on Lines ........39 Transferring Calls Directly to the Executive (Only in an Executive/Secretary Group) .
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0DNLQJ#DQG#$QVZHULQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 0DNLQJ#DQG#$QVZHULQJ#&DOOV Special default ring signaling is set for your telephone: • When you receive an internal call, your telephone rings once every four seconds (single-tone se- quence). • When you receive an external call, your telephone rings twice in rapid succession every four seconds (dual-tone sequence).
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0DNLQJ#DQG#$QVZHULQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS Placing the first call on hold and answering the sec- ond call: Enter the code. You are connected to the call waiting party immediately. The first party is placed on hold. Ending the second call and resuming the first one: ) Press the key.
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0DNLQJ#DQG#$QVZHULQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS $FFHSWLQJ#D#6SHFLILF#&DOO#IRU#<RXU# &ROOHDJXH You hear another telephone ring. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the number of the telephone that is ringing. Accepting calls in a team Æ page 42. 8VLQJ#0DLOER[HV If there are messages waiting for you, you will hear a special dial tone (continuous buzzing) when you lift the handset.
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0DNLQJ#DQG#$QVZHULQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 7XUQLQJ#'R#1RW#'LVWXUE#2Q#DQG#2II You can activate the do not disturb function if you do not want the receive any calls. When do not disturb is activated, internal callers hear a busy signal and external callers are rerouted to a telephone assigned for this purpose (System Support).
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0DNLQJ#DQG#$QVZHULQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS Speaking to visitors via the entrance telephone: Precondition: Your telephone rings. Lift the handset within thirty seconds. You are connect- ed to the entrance telephone immediately. Lift the handset after more than thirty seconds. Dial the entrance telephone number. Opening the door from your telephone during a call from the entrance telephone: Enter the code.
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0DNLQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 0DNLQJ#&DOOV 'LDOLQJ#1XPEHUV Lift the handset. Internal calls: Enter the station number. External calls: Enter the external code and the station number. The called party does not answer or is busy: Replace the handset. &DOOHU#,'#6XSSUHVVLRQ You can prevent your station number or name from ap- pearing on the displays of external parties you call.
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0DNLQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 7DONLQJ#WR#<RXU#&ROOHDJXH#:LWK#D# 6SHDNHU#&DOO You can talk to internal parties with an optiset E system telephone directly with a speaker call without any action on their part. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the station number. $FWLYDWLQJ#7RQH#'LDOLQJ#2#'70)#6XIIL[# 'LDOLQJ# +2QO\#)RU#3XOVH#7HOHSKRQHV, You can transmit dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) signals to control devices such as an answering machine or automatic information system.
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0DNLQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 5HVHUYH#7UXQN If this feature is configured (contact System Support), you can reserve a busy trunk for your own use. When the trunk is free, you receive a call. Lift the handset. Enter the external code. The external trunk is busy; you hear a busy signal tone.
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0DNLQJ#&DOOV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 7UXQN#)ODVK To activate ISDN-type services and features through the network carrier’s analog trunks or those of other com- munication systems (such as "consultation hold"), you must send a signal to the trunks before dialing the ser- vice code or telephone number. Precondition: You have set up an external connection via an analog line.
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&DOOLQJ#0XOWLSOH#3DUWLHV#6LPXOWDQHRXVO\ 6WHS#E\#6WHS &DOOLQJ#0XOWLSOH#3DUWLHV 6LPXOWDQHRXVO\ &DOOLQJ#D#6HFRQG#3DUW\#+&RQVXOWDWLRQ# +ROG, You can call a second party while engaged in a call. The first party is placed on hold. ) Press the key. Call the second station. Return to the first party: ) Press the key. Enter the code or wait two seconds.
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&DOOLQJ#0XOWLSOH#3DUWLHV#6LPXOWDQHRXVO\ 6WHS#E\#6WHS &RQGXFWLQJ#D#&RQIHUHQFH In a conference call, you can talk to as many as four (two in the case of Office Point) other parties at the same time. These may be internal or external users. Lift the handset. Call the first party. ) Press the key.
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&DOOLQJ#0XOWLSOH#3DUWLHV#6LPXOWDQHRXVO\ 6WHS#E\#6WHS 5HPRYLQJ#WKH#,6'1#&HQWUDO#2IILFH#3DUW\# )URP#WKH#&RQIHUHQFH#+2QO\#IRU#8161, Enter the code. 7UDQVIHUULQJ#D#&DOO If the person you are speaking to wants to talk to anoth- er colleague of yours, you can transfer the call that col- league. ) Press the key. Enter the number of the party to which you want to transfer the call.
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&DOOLQJ#0XOWLSOH#3DUWLHV#6LPXOWDQHRXVO\ 6WHS#E\#6WHS 3DUNLQJ#D#&DOO You can park up to ten calls, either internal, external, or both. Parked calls can be displayed on and picked up from another telephone. This feature is useful if you want to continue a call at another phone. Precondition: You are conducting a call.
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0DNLQJ#&DOOV#WR#6WRUHG#'HVWLQDWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 0DNLQJ#&DOOV#WR#6WRUHG# 'HVWLQDWLRQV 8VLQJ#6WDWLRQ#+2QO\#'70)#7HOHSKRQHV, DQG#6\VWHP#6SHHG0'LDO#1XPEHUV Precondition: You have stored station speed-dial numbers Æ page 26 or System Support has stored system speed-dial numbers. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter a speed-dial number. " 0" to 9" = station speed-dialing. "000"...
&KHFNLQJ#DQG#$VVLJQLQJ#&DOO#&KDUJHV 6WHS#E\#6WHS &KHFNLQJ#DQG#$VVLJQLQJ#&DOO# &KDUJHV 'LDOLQJ#ZLWK#&DOO#&KDUJH#$VVLJQPHQW You can assign external calls to certain projects. Precondition: System Support has set up account codes for you. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the account code. If necessary Press this key (may be needed, depending on the configuration;...
,I#<RX#&DQQRW#5HDFK#D#'HVWLQDWLRQ 111 6WHS#E\#6WHS ,I#<RX#&DQQRW#5HDFK#D# 'HVWLQDWLRQ 111 8VLQJ#&DOOEDFN If a user is busy or is not answering, you can store an automatic callback. This feature saves you from having to make repeated attempts to reach the user. You receive a callback, •...
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,I#<RX#&DQQRW#5HDFK#D#'HVWLQDWLRQ 111 6WHS#E\#6WHS &DOO#:DLWLQJ#+&DPS02Q, It is important that you reach the called party, but the number is busy. Lift the handset. Enter the internal station number. Wait (approx. 5 seconds) until the busy tone is followed by the ring tone. The called party can then respond Æ...
7HOHSKRQH#6HWWLQJV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 7HOHSKRQH#6HWWLQJV /RFNLQJ#WKH#7HOHSKRQH#WR#3UHYHQW#8Q0 DXWKRUL]HG#8VH You can prevent unauthorized persons from using your telephone during your absence. Precondition: You must have configured a personal identification number (PIN) for your telephone Æ page 25. To lock and unlock the telephone: Lift the handset. Enter the code for "lock"...
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7HOHSKRQH#6HWWLQJV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 6DYLQJ#<RXU#3,1 To prevent unauthorized persons from using your tele- phone Æ page 24 and to use another telephone like your own Æ page 31, you need to enter a personal iden- tification number, which you can save yourself. Lift the handset.
6DYLQJ#6WDWLRQ#1XPEHUV#DQG#$SSRLQWPHQWV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 6DYLQJ#6WDWLRQ#1XPEHUV#DQG# $SSRLQWPHQWV 6WRULQJ#6WDWLRQ#6SHHG0'LDO#1XPEHUV# +2QO\#'70)#7HOHSKRQHV, You can store the ten numbers which you use the most and dial them using your own station speed-dial 9 Æ page 20. numbers: 0 through Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the speed-dial number you wish to use ( 0 to First enter the external code and then the external station number (wait approx.
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&DOO#)RUZDUGLQJ 6WHS#E\#6WHS &DOO#)RUZDUGLQJ 8VLQJ#9DULDEOH#&DOO#)RUZDUGLQJ You can immediately forward internal or external calls to different internal or external telephones (destinations). (External destinations require special configuration in the system). Special features must be taken into consider- ation if your telephone operates with HiPath AllServe 150 V1.0V1.0 (system networking via PC network) Æ...
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&DOO#)RUZDUGLQJ 6WHS#E\#6WHS 8VLQJ#1LJKW#$QVZHU When night answer mode is active, for example during a lunch break or after office hours, all external calls are immediately forwarded to a specific internal telephone (night station). The night station can be defined by Sys- tem Support ( standard night answer service) or by you (temporary night answer service).
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&DOO#)RUZDUGLQJ 6WHS#E\#6WHS &DOO#)RUZDUGLQJ#LQ#WKH#&DUULHU#1HWZRUN DQG#)RUZDUGLQJ#0XOWLSOH#6XEVFULEHU# 1XPEHUV#+061,#+1RW#IRU#8161, If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you can forward calls to your assigned multiple subscriber number (MSN) (DID number) directly within the carrier network. For example, you can forward your phone line to your home phone after business hours.
8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6HQGLQJ#D#0HVVDJH You can send short text messages to users who have system telephones. Transmitted text messages are signaled in the same way as a callback request on the optiset E entry and optiset E basic models. Lift the handset. Enter the code.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 8VLQJ#$QRWKHU#7HOHSKRQH#/LNH#<RXU# Other people can temporarily use your telephone for outgoing calls as though it were their own. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the other user’s station number. Enter the other user’s telephone lock PIN. Dial the external number. This state is canceled at the end of the call.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 6LOHQW#0RQLWRU# If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you can join a call already in progress at an in- ternal station and listen in unnoticed. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the internal station number. 0RQLWRULQJ#D#5RRP A telephone can be used to monitor a room.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS $FWLYDWLQJ#)XQFWLRQV#IRU#$QRWKHU# 7HOHSKRQH If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you can turn the following functions on and off for other telephones. This feature is also known as associated service. 97/#97 Æ page 10 • Do not disturb, code: 13/#1 Æ...
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS /RFNLQJ#$QRWKHU#7HOHSKRQH#WR#3UHYHQW# 8QDXWKRUL]HG#8VH If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you can lock other telephones to prevent un- authorized use, and later unlock them again. You can use this function to unlock the telephone for users who have locked their telephones and then forgotten their PINs.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 97/#97 Æ page 10 • Do not disturb, code: 7 Æ page 20 • Speed-dialing, code: 83 Æ page 33 • Associated service, code: Precondition: You have a telephone that uses tone dialing (DTMF dialing) or you can switch your telephone to tone dialing.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS &RQWUROOLQJ#&RQQHFWHG#&RPSXWHUV#RU 2WKHU#3URJUDPV#DQG#7HOHSKRQH#'DWD# 6HUYLFH#+)RU#2IILFH&RP23UR#RQO\, If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you can control connected computers or programs running on them, such as hotel services or information systems, from your telephone. Precondition: You have set up a connection. Enter the code.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS &RQWUROOLQJ#5HOD\V If this feature is configured (contact System Support), you can turn up to four relays on and off to control dif- ferent facilities (such as a door opener). Depending on how they are programmed, you can switch the relays on and off or switch them on and have them switched off automatically after a timeout.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS Answering the page from the nearest telephone: Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter your own station number. (QKDQFHG#3DJLQJ#(TXLSPHQW#+2IILFH3UR#2QO\, Paging: Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the number of the party you want to page. Answering the page from the nearest telephone: Lift the handset.
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7HDP#DQG#([HFXWLYH26HFUHWDU\#)XQFWLRQV#:LWK#$VVLJQHG#7UXQN#/LQHV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 7HDP#DQG#([HFXWLYH26HFUHWDU\# )XQFWLRQV#:LWK#$VVLJQHG#7UXQN# /LQHV If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you belong to a team of users for whom special trunk lines exist. You can then conduct your calls as usual via the trunk assigned to you. In addition, you can also activate call forwarding or a ring transfer for the lines of your group.
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7HDP#DQG#([HFXWLYH26HFUHWDU\#)XQFWLRQV#:LWK#$VVLJQHG#7UXQN#/LQHV 6WHS#E\#6WHS If you have activated call forwarding for a trunk, a special dial tone sounds when the line is seized. 7UDQVIHUULQJ#&DOOV#'LUHFWO\#WR#WKH# ([HFXWLYH +2QO\#LQ#DQ#([HFXWLYH26HFUHWDU\#*URXS, Normally, audible signaling of all calls for the executive is heard only in the secretary’s office. You can activate audible signaling so that calls are only signaled on the executive telephone and on a second telephone assigned to it.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#7HDP#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 8VLQJ#2WKHU#7HDP#)XQFWLRQV 7XUQLQJ#*URXS#&DOO#2Q#DQG#2II If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you belong to one or more groups of users who can each be reached under a hunt group or group call number. Incoming calls are signaled on all group member telephones in the order in which they are received ( hunt group) or simultaneously (= group call) until one member of the group accepts the call.
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#7HDP#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS Enter a group/trunk number to directly "leave or join". If you deactivate the audible tone for another trunk, or deactivate it for all groups and trunks to which you belong, a special dial tone sounds when you lift the handset. $FFHSWLQJ#D#&DOO#IRU#$QRWKHU#0HPEHU# RI#<RXU#7HDP You can accept calls for other telephones in your team...
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8VLQJ#2WKHU#7HDP#)XQFWLRQV 6WHS#E\#6WHS 8QLIRUP#&DOO#'LVWULEXWLRQ#+8&', If this function has been configured (contact System Support), you belong to a group of users (agents) to whom calls are distributed. An incoming call is always assigned to the agent who has had the longest break without a call. Logging on and off at the beginning and end of your shift: Lift the handset.
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Precondition: you belong to the hunt group/group call Æ page 41 of another Hicom 150 H: Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the (DISA) call number of the other Hicom 150 H. Enter. Enter the (DISA) call number of your telephone. Enter.
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HiPath AllServe 150 V1.0 telephones. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the (DISA) call number of the Hicom 150 H to which your telephone is connected. Enter. Enter the (DISA) call number of your telephone.
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Hicom 150 H systems as the night answer Æ page 28. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the (DISA) call number of the Hicom 150 H to which the night answer telephone is connected. Enter Enter the (DISA) call number of the telephone from which you wish to activate/deactivate the night answer service.
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6SHFLDO#)XQFWLRQV#LQ#WKH#/$1#+3HWZRUN, 6WHS#E\#6WHS $FWLYDWLQJ#DQG#'HDFWLYDWLQJ#D#5LQJLQJ# *URXS You can have calls for your telephone signaled audibly at external telephones or at telephones in other Hicom 150 H systems Æ page 42. Saving the telephones for the ringing group: Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the call number.
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Æ page 37 in other Hicom 150 H systems. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the (DISA) call number of the Hicom 150 H in which the relay is to be controlled. Enter Enter the (DISA) call number of the telephone from which you wish to control the relay.
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Æ page 11 in other Hicom 150 H systems. Lift the handset. Enter the code. Enter the (DISA) call number of the Hicom 150 H in which the door is to be opened. Enter Enter the (DISA) call number of the telephone from which you wish to activate the door opener.
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'RFXPHQWDWLRQ 'RFXPHQWDWLRQ 2UGHULQJ#2SHUDWLQJ#,QVWUXFWLRQV#+1RW#IRU#8161, Additional copies of these operating instructions can be ordered from the Siemens sales department: • Printed copy, order number A31003-H1012-C102-*-7619 (also available in other languages), • On CD in HTML and PDF format, order number P31003-H1012-C100- 6Z19 (7 languages included).
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,QGH[ hunt group ..........44 night answer ........... 46 open door opening the door ........49 with a code ..........11 relays ............48 operating instructions ringing group ........... 47 HTML format .......... 50 transferring call forwarding ....45 ordering ............
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,QGH[ speed-dialing dialing numbers ........20 variable call forwarding ......27 saving station speed-dialing ....26 system ............. 20 station number assigning work time ..........14 ............ 43 station speed-dialing ......20, 26 suffix-dialing ..........13 switches ............37 system speed-dialing ........
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)&&#UXOHV All analog telephones connected to the Siemens Hicom 150 H Office systems shall be hea- ring aid compatible and comply with the applicable FCC Rules, Part 68 and Industry Canada CS-03 Standard. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
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2YHUYLHZ#RI#)XQFWLRQV#DQG#&RGHV#+$OSKDEHWLFDO, 2YHUYLHZ#RI#)XQFWLRQV#DQG#&RGHV#+$OSKDEHWLFDO, The table below lists all available functions. If these functions have been configured (contact System Support), they can be called by entering a code. When using pulse telephones, the key must be replaced by the code and the key by .
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2YHUYLHZ#RI#)XQFWLRQV#DQG#&RGHV#+$OSKDEHWLFDO, Functions Operating Steps Conversation (entrance telephone) / after 30 seconds Int. Open door Int. Door release on Int. + Code Door release off Int. DND on/off DTMF dialing / Tone dialing (only pulse telephone) Ending a call Group call, leave Group Group call, join Group...
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2YHUYLHZ#RI#)XQFWLRQV#DQG#&RGHV#+$OSKDEHWLFDO, Functions Operating Steps Send message Int. Delete (sent) message Answering messages Speaker call Int. Start conference Stn. No.( Stn. No.( The other party does not respond / Wait 2 sec. / ( ) 2x 1. Continue the call Add a party to the conference (max. five) Stn No.( etc.