® Secure Perfect Access Control and Integrated Security Management System User Manual imagination at work...
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All Rights Reserved Printed in the USA Secure Perfect is a registered trademark of GE Security, Inc. Access, Active Directory, Directory File Services, DirectX, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, .NET, SQL Mail, SQL Server, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows XP are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
The content of this User Manual was generated from the Secure Perfect 6.1.1 Online Help system. 1. Books , as displayed in the Online Help, Contents, have become sections in this document. 2. Hyperlink locations throughout this Guide display in 3.
READ ME FIRST! ... 1 Introduction to SP Editions ... 13 Welcome ... 13 What's New? ... 14 Client/Server Architecture ... 17 Getting Started... 18 Related Documentation ... 18 Navigation... 19 Log On/Log Off or Shut Down ... 19 Navigational Conventions ... 20 SP Menus...
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Alarms ... 40 Overview ... 40 Alarm Form Completion ... 41 Alarm Groups ... 42 Alarm Groups ... 42 Cameras... 43 Camera Form ... 43 Digital Inputs ... 43 Digital Input Form Completion...43 Digital Outputs ... 44 Digital Output Form ... 44 Digital Output Groups ...
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LogFile Form ... 70 Mode Schedule Form... 70 Operator Form ... 71 Override Form ... 71 Parameters Form ... 71 Permission Form... 72 Region Form ... 73 SP Auto Update Configuration Form ... 74 Time Schedule Form... 75 Tour Point Form ... 76 Reporting Capabilities ...
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Change State ... 120 Check for Update ... 120 Clear Archive Tab... 120 Clear Button ... 121 Clear Search ... 121 Client ... 121 Client Assignment Dialog Box ... 121 Client Group ... 121 Client Group Tab - Client Group Form ... 122 Client Monitor ...
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DO Groups Tab ... 144 DO Groups Tab ... 144 Door Functions Tab... 145 Download Badges ... 146 Download Database ... 146 DVR... 146 DVR Disk is Full ... 146 DVR Help ... 147 DVR Help - Boxes and Properties ... 147 DVR Help - Call Preset Button ...
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Filters Tab - Badge Report Form... 169 Filters Tab - Device Report Form ... 169 Filters Tab - DI History Report Form ... 169 Filters Tab - Operator History Report Form... 169 Filters Tab - Person Report Form... 170 Filters Tab - Schedule Report Form ... 170 Filters Tab - Time and Attendance History Report Form ...
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Logoff ... 193 Low-Battery Alarm... 193 M ... 194 Manual Control... 194 Manual Control Tab... 194 Mass Update ... 195 Menu Buttons ... 196 Message Format Tab ...196 Micro ... 197 Micro/5-PX or Micro/PX-2000 Records Generation... 197 Micro Assignment Dialog Box ... 197 Micro Configuration Tab ...
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Status Tab - Alarm Form... 249 Status Tab - Badge Form ... 250 Status Tab - Digital Input Form... 250 Status Tab - Digital Input Status Tab... 251 Status Tab - Digital Output Status Form... 252 Status Tab - Digital Video Recorder Form... 252 Status Tab - Intrusion Zone Form...
Welcome Welcome to Secure Perfect! Secure Perfect Editions is a multi-edition offering of Integrated Secure Management Software designed on Microsoft Windows technology. Secure Perfect Editions provide full security management functions including access control, intrusion zone control, alarm monitoring, reporting, photo ID badging, and CCTV interfaces as standard features.
What's New? What’s New in Secure Perfect New in 6.1.1 ONLY: Configure Status by Region: This feature allows you to configure APB readers across Regions or within a specific Region only. If configured across Regions, entering a Region activates the badge only in that region and disables the badge in all other Regions.
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Enable ‘Valid No Passage’: This option is configured on the checkbox if you want your Secure Perfect system to notify you when a valid badge read occurs but the door did not open within the configured sense time. This may be an indication of a duress situation, someone deciding not to pass through the door, or an accidental read as someone passes a reader.
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Real-Time Digital Output Status: Digital output status is reflected in real-time updates on the Alarm Graphics Viewer if this option is selected on the Micro Definition tab of the Micro UL Certification: Secure Perfect is a UL-listed Grade A system (UL 1076 Grade A Proprietary Burglary Requirements/UL 294 Access Control Requirements).
Client/Server Architecture Secure Perfect Server, client workstation, and network-enabled microcontrollers communicate over 10/100Mb Ethernet LAN/WAN typologies. Refer to Micro Form, Microcontroller types. PC Function Configuration Win2000/2003 Secure Perfect Software Standard Cluster technology or Global Edition selections in this Edition Server Enterprise-level system installation provide new architecting options.
Micro/PX-2000 and Micro/PXN/2000 Microcontroller Quick Installation Instructions Secure Perfect Installation Guide Badge Designer Manual for Picture Perfect v3 and Secure Perfect v6 These documents and others are included on the Documentation CD-ROM in is included in the media kit, shipped with your system. You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to view PDF documents.
The default Login/logout ID is secure and the default Password is master. If you purchased your system from GE Security, the default ID and Password are set for you. UPGRADES: Versions of Secure Perfect 4.0 and earlier did not require case-sensitive default login passwords.
Navigational Conventions Typical Microsoft Windows navigation is used in this application. Selecting menu bar, drop-down menu, and task bar options are typical Microsoft navigational procedures. Color or format in text, or changes in the cursor identify hotspot links to related topics. To change the Help window size: To make the navigation or topic panes larger: Point to the divider between panes.
SP Taskbar Reference Topic: Status Bar You can elect to view the Secure Perfect Taskbar across the bottom of your Secure Perfect window indicating the current operator, communication port status, number of clients connected, number of alarms, and number of background tasks. It may look similar to the following: The numbers indicate the total status of all facilities assigned to the current operator.
SP Toolbar The Toolbar selection on the View menu is a toggle election and determines whether or not the toolbar is visible across the top of the Secure Perfect screen. The following toolbar icons and functionality are unique to SP: Click Save changes to the current record.
Tasks and Functions You Will Perform Frequently Alarm Routing and Bumping Arm/Disarm an Intrusion Zone Configure Devices Configure Guard Tours Configure/Monitor Redundancy Contact Customer Support Create a Dial-Up Micro Record Create a Direct-Connect Micro Record Create Badges Create Access Rights Create Person Records Create Reports Display DVR Windows...
Activity Monitoring Overview Activity Monitor The Activity Monitor displays badge and intrusion zone transactions on the system’s readers. Once you configure your readers, this is a way to verify that the configuration is correct and that the readers work as you expect. Before the Activity Monitor can display badge transactions for a reader, the reader MUST be marked as Active and Online and the activity for the reader MUST be routed to the Activity Monitor.
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APB Out Current badge APB current status of OUT, and attempted to gain Invalid access to an APB OUT reader. TA In Invalid Current badge T&A current status of IN, and attempted to gain access to T&A IN reader. TA Out Invalid Current badge T&A current status of OUT, and attempted to gain access to a T&A OUT reader.
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Failed Not in Zone The following are Guard Tour activities: Tour Started Security officer has started a Guard Tour. Tour Ended Security officer has completed a Guard Tour. All tour points have been ‘hit.’ Tour Started A Guard Tour was started manually, at the control station and not Manually by presenting a badge at a reader or DI point.
Alarm Graphics Functions Alarm Graphics Editor Alarm Graphics Editor Form This form allows you to create a graphical view of alarm states for the alarms you select. In general, you import a map drawn as a Windows MetaFile (.wmf or .emf) and place alarm points on the map. A single file may be imported multiple times.
The drop-down displays a list of available digital outputs. Link to more than one alarm: point to the point you are creating on this map. This button label changes based on the type of point that you are configuring. The icon that will display for the group reflects the most severe alarm in the group.
contact information. Magnification Slide to zoom out or zoom in, on the map view currently displayed. Once you have zoomed in or increased the size of the map, the navigation bars on the side and bottom of the map windowpane become available.
Alarm Monitoring Using the Alarm Monitor Form For a shortcut menu to the functions available within the Alarm Monitor Form or to a related form, click the right mouse button within the first windowpane where the alarms display or the second pane where the messages display.
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Count The number of times the alarm has entered an alarm state since the alarm was last cleared from the Alarm Monitor. Host Date/Time The date and time the alarm occurred according to the system date and time. Micro Date/Time The date and time the alarm occurred according to the micro’s date and time.
Changing Operator Password Change Password Operations Menu This dialog box is available only if this operator has permission to change the operator password, as assigned on the Operator tab of the Operator Form. This dialog box allows you to change the password of the operator currently logged in. Because it is difficult to retrieve, it exactly as created.
Client Monitoring Client Monitoring Client Monitor Form Use this form to obtain client information, such as client type, Imaging status, and connection status. A client is a computer that has all the functionality of the server but does not store the Secure Perfect database and it does not validate license information.
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File Server Display name of the File Server that is hosting the database for this Hosting client. Mode Displays the status of the Mode for this client. Primary Com Displays the primary communications port used for CCTV serial Port interface. Secondary Com Displays the secondary communications port used for CCTV serial Port...
Digital Input Status Configuration Digital Input Status Digital inputs are physical sensing devices, such as door sensors or motion sensors, used to monitor an electronic contact connected to a micro. Refer to your micro installation for information on how to connect a digital input device to the micro.
Enable Alarm Video Window Enable Alarm Video Pop-up Operations Menu Select this item to enable/disable an automatic live video pop-up window when an alarm occurs with an associated alarm trigger. By default, this is a toggle option and is not selected. This option must also be activated by selection of Video Window Auto Pop-up on the Event Trigger Form, if the operator has been assigned permission for Digital Video Viewer.
Micro Monitoring Overview Micro Utility Form The Micro Utility Form allows you to view all types of micros, the activities of those micros, monitor communications, and control each micro in the system. Using the Micro Utility Form, you have the capability to select, sort, and display only the micros that you want to view, and then save that view.
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Address: Physical address assigned to the micro when defined. State: Current state of the communications with the micro. Online means that the host will attempt to communicate with the micro. Offline means that the host will not attempt to communicate with the micro. Error means that there is a communications problem.
Head Of Line If the micro is defined as head-of-line, this field will be blank. If the selected micro is not head-of-line, this field contains a description of the micro that is the head of this line. Message Count This field will display the number of messages waiting to be sent to a selected micro. Selecting Facilities Select Facilities Set Active Facilities Dialog Box...
Configuring Devices In case of a default host computer that has failed, devices that have been added to this default host computer during the failover cannot come online until the default host has recovered and a system recovery notification is received. The following order is recommended for completion of Secure Perfect device configuration: Create micro records...
Alarm Form Completion Editing or Modifying Alarm Records on the Alarm Form Use the Alarm Form to modify an alarm record. With the exception of external alarms, you cannot delete alarm records; alarms are managed by the owner of the alarm record. The alarm owner can be an API, board, CCTV Interface, digital input, Kalatel camera, Kalatel DVMR, micro, or reader.
Alarm Groups Alarm Groups Alarm Group Form Alarm groups provide two things: 1) a convenient way of scheduling many alarms at once, and 2) a means of disabling monitoring in many alarms from a keypad reader. Refer to the reference topic, Keypad Alarm Shunting, for additional information.
Cameras Camera Form Use the Camera Form to edit existing camera parameters. Camera records are automatically created when a DVR is defined on the Digital Video Recorder Form. The camera records display in the format 00X-0X Camera where 00X is the DVR address and 0X is the camera number. Description Enter a camera name or click Search to display a list box of existing cameras.
Description When the records are created, the default description is in the format: mmmm-b-pp where mmmm represents the micro number to which this digital input is associated, b represents the board number, and pp represents the point or device number. Example: 0001-1-01 DI This digital input is on micro 1, board 1, point 1.
Digital Output Groups Digital Output Group Form Digital output groups provide an easy, convenient way of scheduling many digital outputs at once. To create digital output groups, manually create the groups and then assign the digital outputs to them. Use the Digital Output Group Form to assign digital outputs to a group and schedules to digital output groups.
SP Enterprise Edition supports up to 64 licensed SP Professional Edition supports up to 16 licensed DVR connections. EZ Edition supports up to 8 licensed DVR connections. The following order is recommended for configuration of an SP Editions DVR system: Set up operators and permissions.
Elevator Management Overview Elevators The first step in configuring elevator control is setting up floors. The Floor Form of the Administration menu allows you to set up floors. Now, you can configure the elevator records. You will use the Elevator Form to configure elevator records.
Elevator Form Use this form to create or modify an elevator record. For a shortcut menu to related forms, move the mouse pointer below the tab and click the right mouse button. Elevator control does not span micros. This means the reader, digital outputs, and digital inputs (if applicable) must be on the same micro.
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In this example, notice the DI records created automatically when the Micro/PX2000 record was saved. The Micro Form contains a combination of tabs. The settings selected on the Micro Definition tab determine which tabs display. Note that any time a badge that is not in a micro is presented to a reader, it is reported as unknown and the host sends the badge to the micro.
Micro Form Completion Reference Topics: Overview Micro Definition Tab Security Tab Time Zone Tab Comments Tab Events Tab – Micro Form Status Tab – Micro Form Micro Configuration Tab Port Settings Tab Settings to Reach Host Tab Settings to Reach Micro Tab For a shortcut menu to related forms, move the mouse pointer below any of the tabs and click the right mouse button.
Readers Readers Overview Readers Form Readers are the devices that interpret the encoded numbers on badges. Readers are usually located near doors or gates that the system controls. Badges are presented to the readers in order to gain access through a door. When a micro record is created, reader records are also created.
Access Rights Access Right Form Use this form to create access rights to define where (with readers) and when (with time schedules) an individual can gain entry. Floors and digital output groups can be assigned to an access right to define which floors a person can access and what digital output groups a person can trigger with a valid badge.
Person Records Creation Person Form Use this form to create a record for a person, someone who can access the readers controlled by the Secure Perfect system. Click Add to add a new record or click Search to display a list of previously created person records to review or modify.
Badge Alias Form This form is available only if aliasing option was elected during initial Secure Perfect Server installation. Use this form to control the alias numbers that will display in place of the encoded badge number. An alias is a number that represents the encoded badge number. You decided whether to use badge alias and which method during installation of SP.
Description Enter a unique or suggestive description for this badge design. The field accepts 1 to 32 characters. During installation of Badge Designer, four standard badge designs are included, in the Designs folder of Secure Perfect: Landscape Portrait No Design Wanted Poster Do one of the following: Select from the list of existing standard design records.
Badging Overview Badge Form A badge identifies a person to SP. This is usually a card with an embedded number that uniquely identifies the card. However, the badge does not have to be a card; it could be a unique number that is entered into a keypad reader.
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Select the input device you will be using and click OK. The next time you capture a photo, the program will use the input device you selected. Repeat these steps to set up an input device for signature pads. The program will recognize a separate input device for photos and signatures.
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Capture Based on the input device you previously selected, the appropriate interface window will come up for adjusting, capturing and loading a new image. Enhance and Crop These options allow you to individually crop or enhance the current image. You can adjust the existing image without having to recapture the image.
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Select Image Type This dialog box enables you to configure image types in the EPISUITE SDK configuration database. You can use this dialog box to edit, create, or remove image types. To modify an image type, highlight the image type name in the list and click Edit to open the Image Type Manager dialog box. Click Add to create a new image type, or click Remove to delete the highlighted image type.
Alarm Instruction Form Alarm instructions are directions on how to react to alarms. Use this form to create messages that will display on the Alarm Monitor Form whenever the associated alarm occurs. ADDING OR MODIFYING A NEW RECORD: Click Add to add a new record OR Search and view or change an existing record. Facility: A facility can be assigned to your new Alarm Instruction record from the Facility drop-down list.
Alarm Response Form A response describes a reaction to an alarm. The Alarm Response Form allows you to create a list of frequently used, predefined responses to an alarm, and reduces the need to type an entry. The response entries that you create will display as selections on the Alarm Monitor Form. Click Search to view or edit existing response records or click Add to begin a new response record.
This option is purchased individually and licensed with your Secure Perfect system. For complete details, contact your GE Security Sales Representative. The number of API records that you can configure is limited to the number of API connections for which you are licensed.
Badge Format Form Administration Menu If you experience difficulty with this form, contact GE Customer Support for assistance. This form allows an operator to do the following: Import or export custom badge records in a Wiegand or magnetic stripe format, into the micros on your Secure Perfect system.
CCTV Alarm Form This form is used for serial interfaces that are interfaced to Secure Perfect. Following installation of hardware and the CCTV interface software, you must create CCTV alarm records. This form is used to set up CCTV alarms. To locate and view existing records, click Search.
Client Group Form This form allows you to assign Secure Perfect client computers into logical groups. Members of a Client Group cannot have conflicting Mode Schedules. A comment box is available for entry to describe the reason for this group or configuration. Client groups can be assigned to specific alarm routing and bumping configurations.
Event Schedule Form An event schedules when an action occurs, such as resetting an anti-passback status, dialing a micro, or changing a physical reader type. There is no end time associated with an event. Events are comprised of one or more times on one or more days of the week and modes. Events differ from time schedules in that events define when an action occurs and time schedules define an interval of time over which an action occurs.
Event Trigger Form Completion The Event Trigger Form opens with the Preset/Camera tab displayed. An event consists of a camera and either readers, alarms, or zone activity. A trigger causes an event or program routine to be executed, depending on what options you set on the tabs of this form. Intrusion Zone activities can also trigger an event.
Floor Form Use this form to associate a description to a floor number. Click Add to add a new record OR Search and view or change an existing record. Facility: A facility can be designated for the new Floor record from the Facility drop-down list. For a shortcut menu to related forms, move the mouse pointer below the tab and click the right mouse button.
Monitor or the Description* Enter a unique or suggestive description for this tour. The field accepts 1 to 64 characters. Facility Assign a facility by this operator. If you do not select a facility, Ignore Facilities will be assigned for you.
LogFile Form The LogFile Form allows you to select a computer in your Secure Perfect network, set up a new logfile (establish an identity for the file), and designate a path and directory in which to place your LogFile. All log files should be saved in the Secure Perfect/Logs folder;...
Operator Form An operator is an individual who can access and control the Secure Perfect software. To locate and view existing operator records, click Search. A list of operator records will display. You can either click Add to add new operators OR search and view or change the existing list of operators on the Secure Perfect system.
Permission Form The forms in Secure Perfect will display an icon in the left corner indicating the permissions assigned to this operator. The form icons correspond to the icons and permissions assigned here. Use the Permission Form to create permission records. Permissions and facilities must be created before they are assigned to operators.
Region Form This form displays if you are licensed for Global Edition software. Refer to the Secure Perfect Installation Guide for complete details of the Global Edition features. When a Server computer is added to a Secure Perfect Global Edition system, Region Form records are also created. You cannot delete a Region Form record.
HTTP Server Path: This is the Server to which you need to connect in order to search for available updates. This field may look something like the following: http://ge-interlogix.com HTTP Server User Name: Enter the User Name used to reach the HTTP Server, if required.
Time Schedule Form Administration Menu Time schedules define the day(s) of the week and time(s) an action will start AND end. This form is used to create time schedules. A time schedule determines when an action will occur, such as turning on alarm monitoring. Time schedules are comprised of one or more time intervals (start and stop times) on one or more days of the week and modes.
Tour Point Form Administration Menu This form is unavailable if you are not licensed for Guard Tour. A Guard Tour is an inspection of your facility premises, made by a security officer at random intervals. The officer stops at pre-determined tour points along the way, where a badge must be presented to a reader or DI point so that the Secure Perfect system can track the badge progress.
Overview - Reports Secure Perfect provides extensive reporting capabilities based on your system configuration. All reports are selections on the Secure Perfect Reports drop-down menu. Reports are filtered so that supplied information pertains only to the selected operator. A list of standard reports is provided below. Seven are history reports. In addition, Secure Perfect has the ability to access reports created by using a third-party report generator.
Reports Administration Report Generates reports about the administration and organization of your Secure Perfect system. Template: Displays the name of the currently loaded template, if there is one. Templates: The Templates button is for saving a template or making it a default. Alarm History Report Form This form generates reports based on alarm transactions.
Badge Report Form This report provides information in areas you select on all or a subset of badges in the system. Template: Displays the name of the currently loaded template, if there is one. Templates: The Templates button is for saving a template or making it the default. Device Report Form This form generates reports about the devices in the system.
Floor Access Report Form This report lists the people who have access to floors. Template: Displays the name of the currently loaded template, if there is one. Templates: Click to save a template or make the displaying template the default. Guard Tour History Report Form Generates reports that include such information as start points, hits, invalid points, pauses, resumes, and tour end points.
Person Report This report provides personal information, such as address, department, badge, access rights, and user fields on all or a subset of persons in the system. Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo. Template: Displays the name of the currently loaded template, if there is one. Templates: The Templates button is for saving a template or making it the default.
Schedule Report Form This report lists the schedules and events assigned for each micro. Template: Displays the name of the currently loaded template, if there is one. Templates: Click to save a template or make it the default. Time and Attendance History Report Form Generates reports on time and attendance transactions.
Web Site www.ge-security.comSupport Training rs-bcttraining@ge.com Documentation bctdocs@ge.com Check the Web site periodically for timely information on all GE Security products. Help Menu Selections The following selections display in the Help drop-down menu: Help Topics About Secure Perfect Overview - Diagnostics...
Remote Diagnostics If you purchased your computer from GE Security, the program pcANYWHERE was included. If you are experiencing problems, this program allows your GE Security Business Partner or Support Center personnel to dial into your Secure Perfect computer and observe the situation, thus providing a quicker response and resolution time.
Index of 'Show Me' Demo Files This is a comprehensive list of all demonstration files displayed throughout this Help system. The demo files are in English only. Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo. There is a short pause as the demo begins.
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Restoring Secure Perfect on an Enterprise Edition System Video – Recording and Playing Back Video Save Video Search – General Event Tab Video Search – General Playback Tab Video Search – Motion Tab Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual...
Reference Topics (Elements, Descriptions) About Secure Perfect Help Menu Selection of this option opens a screen displaying the Secure Perfect software version, service pack number, copyright information, licensing information, and contact information. A sample window for a Secure Perfect system might display as follows: Access Right Personnel Menu The Access Right option displays the Access Right Form that allows you to assign when (using a time...
Access Rights Assignment Select from the Available list those access rights you want to assign to this person. The access rights that display in this list are those that were previously set up on the Access Rights Form. Only access rights in the operators’...
Activity Monitor Form Shortcut Menu Options of the shortcut menu are as follows: Resume: Starts the scrolling of badge transactions. This option will be active only if you previously selected Pause. All badge transactions that occurred while the Pause option was on will be displayed once you select Resume.
Activity Monitor Form Toolbar The Activity Monitor Form toolbar consists of the following options: Click Resume or restart the scrolling of badge transactions. Pause or suspend the scrolling of badge transactions. Clear all badge transactions. Display an Edit Readers List Start the Swipe and Show be available if the system is not licensed for Imaging or...
Adding Sound to an Alarm If you would like to hear a sound from the Secure Perfect computer when an alarm occurs, follow the steps below: You MUST have a sound card in your computer! 1. Click Start, Settings, then Control Panel. 2.
Additional Filters Tab - Zone History Report Use this tab to select additional, specific source criteria by which this report will be generated. Activity Type: Select the type of activity to use in generating this report. If you want to use all intrusions zone activity type messages, select <ALL>.
Administration Menu Selections The following selections display in the Administration drop-down menu: Operator Permission Client Region API Connections Event Schedule Time Schedule Mode Schedule Instruction Response Alarm Notifier Client Group Alarm Routing and Bumping Floor Parameters Override Badge Format Auto Update LogFile Diagnostic Setting Diagnostic Viewer...
Alarm Device Menu The Alarm option displays the Alarm Form that allows you to modify records that are automatically generated when you define a micro. It also displays alarms created from Digital Inputs. Alarm Assignment This window displays a list of alarms in the Secure Perfect system for the facilities available for assignment by this operator.
Set state to: The names of the buttons change depending on the DI type (Alarm or Other) selected. If an Alarm or Alarm Group is selected, click . . . Monitor On: To monitor the selected alarms or alarm groups. Setting Monitor On will display the alarms on the Alarm Monitor Form.
Alarm Graphics Viewer Shortcut Menu Operator permissions for the Alarm Graphics Viewer must be assigned to ‘Update’ in order to view and select right-click menu options. Points, alarms, DIs, and DOs do not display if not in the operator’s facility. For shortcut menu functionality, move your mouse pointer to an assigned point and click the right mouse button.
Alarm History Reports Menu The Alarm History option opens the Alarm History Report Form that allows you to create a report based on the history of alarm activity. Alarm Instruction Assignment This window displays when you click Edit, allowing you to modify the list of alarm instructions assigned to this alarm.
Alarm Monitor Form Shortcut Menu Select Show Inactive Display alarms in an inactive state and removed from view. These Alarms alarms were previously acknowledged or purged from the Alarm Monitor. This is a toggle election and is a way to display previous alarm activity without running a report.
Quick Launch Select to automatically access live and recorded video from the camera(s) associated with the alarm’s transaction as defined by its event trigger. Refer to management information. In order to view live and recorded video, the DVR must be online and available, and not serving another request for playback of recorded video based on this event.
Alarm Routing Client Group Assignment Dialog Box This dialog box allows you to select and assign Client Groups for this routing record. Only Client Groups in the operator’s facilities are available for assignment by this operator. Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available Client Group. Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a Client Group.
Alarm Tab Alarm Form The Alarm Tab configures the alarm. Group: Displays the alarm group to which this alarm was assigned. The default is alarm group 0. You can change to any other alarm group available on that micro, displayed on the drop-down list. Owner Type: This is a read-only field and displays the object to which the alarm belongs or refers.
Alarms Tab - Alarm Routing and Bumping Form Element Description Alarms: This windowpane displays the names of Alarms assigned to this Routing and Bumping record. Assign Alarms: Click to display an you to assign Secure Perfect alarms to this Routing and Bumping record.
Antipassback Set the antipassback status to neutral for all badges in this micro. Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option: Antipassback Definitions Antipassback (APB) is an access control feature designed and configured to reduce the chance of users ‘passing back’...
APB Region Configuration Tab - Region Form Use this tab to identify APB IN and APB OUT readers, and configure the APB behavior across Regions. APB Entering Region: This listbox displays those readers that have been selected as APB IN readers for the selected Region.
Appending Archive Databases If you have a backup of a SecurePerfectArchive 3.x or later database, the data can be restored using the SP Maintenance Utility. Backup and Restore functions are detailed in the Secure Perfect Installation Guide. The SP Maintenance Utility will also append badge history, alarm history, operator history, and where appropriate, Digital Input history, Zone history, and DVR history data to the current SecurePerfectArchive database.
database. The data will be appended to the archive database until you decide the archive database has grown too large. The factors in determining whether the archive database is too large can be: The size of your hard drive. The performance you receive when running history reports. The length of time you need to keep data.
Disarm = * 0 # followed by a valid card read. All alarm points in the zone are monitored off and readers in the zone are placed online for normal operation. We recommend using CASI brand readers, configured to display the PIN light switching from ON or flashing to OFF, depending on the selected reader model.
Auto Shutdown of Client Services Services will automatically shut down when a client closes the Secure Perfect application and meets ALL of the following criteria: 1. Does not host any micros or DVRs. 2. Does not have any API connections. 3.
Backing Up Data A backup is a copy of selected data. Since Secure Perfect does not contain a backup option, you can use any method you like to back up the data. Because the Server computer contains the database, there is no need to back up your Secure Perfect folder on your client computers.
Backup Clients Assignment Dialog Box This dialog box allows you to select and assign backup clients associated with the selected client. This list includes only clients available for assignment by the current operator and defined as a client that does not exceed the limit of micros and DVRs allowed.
In the event of a system failure, the micros associated with the failed client must have available telephone numbers to reach the backup client. Click to display an Redundancy Display Redundancy Notification: By default, this check box is checked. If licensed for Client Redundancy, this check box must be selected to generate a notification message, that will display at all clients (based on facilities available to the current operator), when: A client failure occurs.
Backup Regions Tab - Region Form Global Editions systems can be configured for database redundancy, at the Regional level. A Regional Database Server can assign another for backup in the event of a failure at the default Regional Database Server. Regional database redundancy and fileserver redundancy operate independently.
Badge Alias Personnel Menu The Badge Alias option displays the Badge Alias Form that allows you to assign an alias number to the physically encoded badge number (available only if an alias was assigned during installation). Badge Alias Tab Badge Alias Form Use this tab to assign alias numbers to badge encoded numbers.
Badge Definition Tab Badge Form Use this tab to define a badge. Element Description Assigned to Select the name of the person to whom this badge is assigned. If this badge is not yet assigned, select <UNASSIGNED>. Refresh: Click to update the person list with the most up-to-date information.
Expiration: The first date on which the badge will no longer grant access. A blank value means the badge never expires. Return: The date the badge was returned. Last Valid Access Date: Date the last valid access was granted to the badge, as stored in the Secure Perfect database.
Badge Format Tab Badge Format Form This tab allows you to identify the pattern of the data bits (mask) combination, in the badge numbers that you will import or export to your micro and store in the Secure Perfect database. Element Description Format Type...
The following applies to all formats: Import format from file This selection is enabled when you click New to add a new record. Click to navigate to a network drive, CD, diskette, or a local drive of your computer and import a Wiegand or magnetic stripe file. (Example Wiegand File Name: *.wgd) Export format to file Click to navigate to a network drive, CD, diskette, or local drive of your...
Calendar Dialog Select the day, month, and year of badge issue, return, or expiration. Click OK to accept the selected date and close the form. Click Cancel to close the Calendar form without making any changes. Click None to clear the date currently in the field. Camera Device Menu The Camera option displays the Camera Form that allows you to edit the parameters of the selected...
CCTV Alarm Administration Menu The CCTV Alarm options opens the CCTV Alarm Form that allows you to link CCTV alarms to Secure Perfect alarms so that Secure Perfect alarms trigger CCTV events and display on the Secure Perfect Alarm Monitor Form. This form is NOT used in the Kalatel Integrated Digital Video option.
Change State If the micro is currently online, this will change the state to offline. If the micro is offline, this will change the state to online. Each time a micro is set to online, the database must be downloaded to the micro. If a new micro database is required, click Download Database as well as Download Badges for the selected micro.
Archive Clean Period: Start Date: Select the Start Date of the data that you want to remove from your database by selecting the month, then the day to begin your archive. End Date: Select the End Date of the data that you want to remove from your database by selecting the month, then the day to end your archive.
Client Group Tab - Client Group Form On this tab, you must assign at least one Secure Perfect client computer in order to save this Client Group record. Element Description Clients: This windowpane displays the names of client computers that are assigned to this Client Group. Assign Clients Click to display a you to assign Secure Perfect clients to this Client Group.
Client Monitor Form Shortcut Menu Element Description To disconnect Disconnect To launch Launch To display the Client Form, to add a client to the Secure Perfect network. Client Form To initiate recovery of a host that failed, was taken over by a Recover and is now able to host its original devices.
Client Redundancy Overview The Secure Perfect software system is responsible for processing alarm and badge transactions from devices like micros and DVRs. The software is responsible for writing these transactions to the database. A device such as a micro or DVR is hosted by a single Secure Perfect client. The client could potentially be responsible for hundreds of devices and can be a single point of failure.
Client Tab Client Form Element Description When creating a new client record, click Browse to display a Select Client PC Name window, listing all computers found on your network by PC name. (Secure Perfect uses PC names only.) To add a client, select the computer name from the list and click OK.
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Client Region This checkbox displays only on a Global Editions system. Failover This checkbox is applicable to Secure Perfect Global Edition systems. When displayed, the default state of this checkbox is selected and grayed out. If a database failure occurs at the default Regional Database Server, this client would automatically fail over to a configured backup Regional Database Server.
Comments Tab Micro Form This tab and windowpane are provided to enter information about this micro, such as location data. Communication Settings Tab Parameters Form Use this tab to select the modems that will be used for dial-up micros. Installed Modems: Displays all modems currently installed on the PC. To designate a modem for use with a dial-up micro, enable it by clicking in the box to the left of the modem name so that a check displays.
GE Security has set 200 as the default maximum number of records that can process updates at one time. However, this number is configurable. Call GE Security Customer Support for assistance if you want to reconfigure the default.
Create Default Template File Menu Select this option to create a default Report template. This option is available only when a Report Form is displaying. If a specific date is part of this template, whenever this report is run, it will use that date; therefore, it is important to update the calendar criteria as needed.
12. On the Micro Configuration tab, select the boards that are in the micro you are setting up. Click the desired board in the Boards and drag to the Configuration column. To delete a board from the Configuration column, select then right-click and select Delete. 13.
Database Tab - Reports Alarm History, Badge History, Zone History, DI History, Time and Attendance, or Operator History Reports Use this tab to select the history database to use for this report. The file name displayed on the tab is the currently selected archive database.
Click Close to close the window and exit. The Replication tab is applicable to systems that have Secure Perfect Global Edition installed. We recommend that you call GE Security Customer Support Global Edition database replication. Date Range Tab - Reports...
BUMPING: Client Groups This windowpane displays the names of Client Groups assigned to this Bumping record. Typically, the Client Groups displayed here are different than those assigned to Routing. Assign Client Groups Click to display an dialog box that allows you to assign Secure Perfect Client Groups to the Bumping record.
Definition Tab - Camera Preset Form Preset In this text field, enter a number within the range of 1 to 32. This number will only reference the preset number programmed and stored in a camera with PTZ capability. Click Save. This preset is now available for assignment, to a specific camera.
Delete Template File Menu Select this option to delete the current Report template. This option is available only when a Report Form is displaying with a loaded template. <deleted> Displays After I Delete All the Records To correct this, click Clear, and then click Add. Department Personnel Menu The Department option opens the Department form that allows you to create departments that can then...
Design Tab Badge Design Form Use this tab to create a new badge design record. If you are editing an existing design, these options are not available. Select one of the following: Select Default Layout: Select a badge default layout as Portrait or Landscape. Select Import Layout: Select Import Layout to make available the option to Browse to the Secure Perfect designs folder and import an existing design.
Diagnostic Setting Administration Menu The Diagnostic Setting option opens the Diagnostic Setting Form that allows you to select items for which diagnostic information will be recorded in the diagnostics log, as created on the LogFile Form. This is a good place to start troubleshooting. Diagnostic Viewer Administration Menu The Diagnostic Viewer option opens the DiagView program.
Dial-Up Troubleshooting Your DiagView program logfile will indicate modem status by displaying one of two possible messages: Message 1: The following modem is not functioning properly: <modem name>. Message 2: The following modem is functioning properly: <modem name>. Where <modem name> is the name of the modem, such as Hayes Accura 33.6. Message 1 will display on the logfile every 90 seconds following a period when the modem is NOT operating, until the modem is available and operational again.
DI Board Records Creation When you add a 20 DI board, twenty (20) digital input records are created. Example: 0001-1-01 DI This digital input is on micro 1, board 1, point 1. To change this description, enter text over the existing text and save the record.
Digital Input Tab Digital Input Form Use this tab to configure the selected digital input. Element Description Micro Displays the micro description to which this digital input is associated. This is a read- only field and unavailable for modification. Board Displays the micro board number where this digital input is located.
Digital Output Assignment This dialog box allows you to select and assign digital outputs you want associated with the selected record. Only digital outputs in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator. Select, and then click the right arrow to assign an available digital output. Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a digital output.
Digital Output Tab Digital Input Form This tab is available only if you have selected Digital Output in the Type field on the Digital Input Tab. Use this tab to link digital outputs to a digital input. When this digital input is activated, the digital output is also triggered.
Digital Outputs Tab Alarm Form Use this tab to link digital outputs to an alarm. When this alarm is triggered, the linked digital output is also triggered. Output A (Primary/Local): A primary output assignment is not required. The default is None. Click the drop-down list to select an available DO to assign as the primary.
DO Board Records Creation When you add a 16 DO board, sixteen (16) digital output records are created. Example: 0001-1-01 DO This digital output is on micro 1, board 1, point 1. To change this description, type over the existing text and save the record.
Door Functions Tab Reader Form Use this tab to define the door settings associated with the selected reader. Element Description Time Maximum unlock: The time interval in minutes and seconds that a door remains unlocked after the reader reads a valid badge. This is the amount of time that a user has to open a door based on a valid input.
Open: Enable if the Exit Request button is wired as open for an exit request. Request to Closed: Enable if the Exit Request button is wired as closed for an exit request. exit (REX) Unlocks door: Select this checkbox if you want the door to unlock when an exit request button is pushed.
DVR Help Welcome to Digital Video Viewer Help! The Digital Video Viewer program allows you to monitor digital video multiplexers/recorders and their associated cameras; control live video; and search and playback recorded video events. Operators must be assigned to the specific facility Related Topics: Moving the Window...
DVR Help - Camera Shortcut Menu Right-click on a selected camera icon to display the camera shortcut button. Select View Live to call up a live video window for that camera. Select Edit to display the Camera Form, and depending on your permissions, view or edit the camera configuration.
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Setup Record Video The selections in this grouping are available only when a video window is open and a video is not currently recording. The setup allows you to save a permanent recording of a video segment from live or prerecorded video, as displayed in the video window.
DVR Help - DVR Shortcut Menu Right-click on a selected DVR icon to display the shortcut menu options: Select Online to initiate a connection between the host computer and the DVR. The DVR will be monitored; event triggers will be processed; and video can be accessed. Select Offline to disconnect the host computer from the DVR.
DVR Help - Play Controls - Digital Video Viewer The play controls allow you to control and adjust live video and playback of recorded video. The controls affect all active video windows on the same DVR. The functions of the buttons are as follows: Play Forward Play Reverse Fast Forward...
Follow the directions and prompts as they display in the popup windows. GE Security uses only Roxio Direct CD software. If you purchased your system from GE Security, Roxio software was provided for you.
DVR Search Welcome to DVR Search! The DVR Search window opens with the SP Events Tab displayed and can be independently moved anywhere on the desktop. The window can be closed and reopened by clicking the Search icon on the Digital Video Viewer window.
DVR Search - Event Tag This dialog box allows you to enter Event Tag text, to contribute to the search of video in the Secure Perfect database. This dialog box accepts up to 50 alphanumeric characters. A search by Event Tag does not require a selection of Readers or Alarms.
A search will terminate if the DVR goes into error. If the search generates no records, a No Video Found dialog box will display. Search results can be sorted by clicking the column header in the Search Results windowpane; however, recorded video cannot be initiated during a sort.
DVR Search - Grabbing Motion Video Clips When grabbing a video image from a selected camera, keep in the mind the following: If a camera is currently recording live video, the motion grid grabs a still image of what is currently playing on that camera.
Grid: When a camera is selected, a snapshot image is grabbed from the live video that is the focus of the camera or from previously recorded video of that camera. The snapshot image is displayed in the grid. Verify that the date/time caption at the top of the grid matches your request. By default, the grid displays with rows of red cells.
Readers list window. DVR Search - Search Button Click Search to begin the search and recall of video on the DVR hard drive for the recorded video tags that meet the selected and assigned search criteria. The results are displayed in the search results window.
The Search Results windowpane returns a list of recorded video event tags based on the parameter criteria specified. The Search Results windowpane is divided into columns labeled : Sequence, Event Tag, Camera Number, DVR, Date/Time, and Event Tag. Select the desired event tag and right-click to display a shortcut menu.
Edit Alarm Group This dialog box allows you to add or edit the link between an event and an alarm group. The event determines when the alarm changes to the selected alarm group. Event: Click the drop-down list to display available events from which to select. New Group: Click the drop-down list to display available alarm groups from which to select.
Elevator Tab Elevator Form Select this tab to create or edit elevator information. Reader To tag a reader as an elevator reader, select a reader from the drop-down list of available readers. If no readers are listed, check that the readers have been marked active on the Reader tab of the Reader Form.
Event Schedules Tab Event Schedule Form Use this tab to create an event. Events are not partitioned by facilities. If you need to use facilities in your system, create an event for each facility. Use the facility description as a prefix on the Event Schedule Form, Description to indicate to which facility this event will apply.
Events Tab Alarm Form Use this tab to assign events for alarm groups and alarm sense times. Events define start time(s) and day(s) only. There is no end associated with an event. Therefore, that event will stay in effect until another event changes it or you change it manually.
Events Tab - Micro Form Micro Form Use this tab to assign events to this micro. Reset APB Event Select an event from the drop-down list of available event records that will reset the anti-passback status for all badges in the micro. Reset T &...
Export File Menu This option is available only when a Report Form is displaying. The Export option allows you to select an export format for your report. There are a variety of formats available including text, Word for Windows, Lotus, HTML, and Excel. Select an export destination for the report to a disk file, exchange folder, Lotus Domino, Lotus Domino Mail, or Microsoft Mail (MAPI).
Facilities Tab Operator Form Use this tab to assign facilities to an operator. Assigned Facilities: This list displays the Assign Facilities : Click to display the facilities to this operator. Facility Administration Menu The Facility option opens the Facility Form that allows you to label your facilities, related records, or groupings of records.
Facility Definition The Secure Perfect database can be partitioned and grouped. These groupings are identified as Facilities. If Facilities are not defined, all operators will be able to access all the Secure Perfect records, based on the permissions associated with the form. Reminders: Facility partitioning does not involve access rights or who goes where.
File Menu Selections The following selections display in the File drop-down menu: Save Record New Record Delete Record Notes Logoff Print Setup Print Preview Report Print Report Export Save Template As Set As Default Template Create Default Template Delete Template Check for Update Exit Filters Tab - Alarm History Report Form...
Filters Tab - Badge Report Form This tab is used only when generating a report will be generated. Badge Number: Select the range of badge numbers you want to display on the report. If you want to list all badges, leave these fields blank. Badge status: To provide additional filtering, you can also select to list only those badges assigned a selected status.
Filters Tab - Person Report Form This tab is used only when generating a report will be generated, allowing you to narrow the selection of information displayed on your report. Employee Last Name: Select the range of person last names you want to display on the report.
Flash Micro Icon Click this graphic to download the latest firmware to the selected micro: When the Micro Flash & Micro Parameter Configuration Micro(s). Upgrades: Secure Perfect 6.0 software will communicate with micros flashed with 4.X and later firmware. All offline badge and alarm transactions will be uploaded to the Server computer after the conversion process and stored in the appropriate history table.
Floor/Digital Output/Digital Input Tab Elevator Form This tab displays ONLY if you select Floor Tracking By Input from the Floor Tracking field on the Elevator tab. Select this tab to link a digital output and a digital input to a floor. Elevator control does not span micros.
Floor Tab Access Right Form This tab allows you to configure controls for elevators and floors by assigning them to access rights. Assigned elevators: This windowpane displays a list of the elevators assigned to the current access right. Assign Elevators: Click this button to display the from a list of elevators available for assignment by this operator.
Fonts Tab This tab is used to change the fonts on selected text in the report, when generating any report. Be careful when selecting font styles and sizes. Some styles may not appear as desired when printed and some sizes may be too large for the page. Use the Print Preview option to check how the font style and size will print on a page.
General Tab Badge, Schedule, Floor Access, Reader Access, Roll Call, Alarm History, Badge History, Zone History, DI History, Operator History Reports Use this tab to set the general parameters for grouping and presenting the information of the form. Report Title: Enter a name for this report, up to 64 characters. Group Records: Select the field by which you want to group the records.
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Facility provides a listing of all facilities defined on the system. Floor provides a listing of floor descriptions and their associated floor selection numbers. Guard Tour provides information associated with each Guard Tour configured in the Secure Perfect system, including Groups, Tour Points, and badges assigned. Host Parameter provides a listing of information from the Parameter Form, including database connection timeout, database retry count, e-mail addresses, e-mails sent, and duress.
Down: Select a field and click to lower the priority of this field, which determines how the groups will be sorted. Global Edition Regional Configuration Rules This topic addresses administration and behavior of a successful Secure Perfect Global Edition system. Particular functions in the Global Edition must be handled locally, at the Regional level.
Event Schedule Form Floor Intrusion Zone Form Manual Control Form Micro Form Mode Schedule Form Override Form Reader Form Time Schedule Form Tour Point Form Group Tab Alarm Group Form Use this tab to schedule when the alarms in the group are monitored or when to print alarm transactions by assigning previously defined time schedules to alarm groups.
Guard Tour Assignment Dialog Box This window displays when you click Guard Tour Assignment, enabling you to select and assign Guard Tours that you want to trigger an event. Select, and then click the right arrow to assign a Guard Tour. Select, and then click the left arrow to unassign a Guard Tour.
Guard Tour Tab - Guard Tour Form Configure the specifics of this tour by completing the elements displayed on this tab. Requirements are indicated by an asterisk. Element Description Tour Host Computer* From the drop-down list, select the computer that will host this tour. Guard tours must be owned by a specific client host.
Guard Tour Tab - Manual Control Form This tab does not display if you are not licensed for Guard Tour. The purpose of using this form is to manually start, pause, resume, or stop a Guard Tour that is currently in progress.
Guard Tours Tab - Guard Tour History Report Click Edit to display the Guard Tour Assignment Dialog Box, enabling you to assign Guard Tours for which this report will generate. The assigned Guard Tours display in the open window pane of this tab. Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual...
Help Doesn't Display in My Assigned Language This occurs when you are using either a non-English operating system or a non-English Secure Perfect and you did not correctly shut down SP. To eliminate this problem, you MUST select the File menu and then Exit to correctly shut down SP.
How Do I Remove an Alarm from the Alarm Monitor Form When an alarm displays on the Alarm Monitor Form, appropriate action should be taken. For example, you may want to send a guard out to check that a door is secure. Once the alarm has been investigated and reset, if necessary, it should be removed from the Alarm Monitor Form.
Installing the Printer Driver To install the print driver for your badge printer: Follow the instructions shipped with your printer. Select the appropriate printer port. Select a name for the printer and indicate if it is the default printer. Do not print a test page; click Finish. After the installation is complete, move the mouse pointer over the printer icon, click the right mouse button, and select and set Properties.
Intrusion Overview About Intrusion Options Intrusion functionality provides the ability to define local intrusion zones per micro that consist of: Readers Alarms Arm/disarm input point Intrusion DI Arm/disarm output point DO The defined intrusion zones have the ability to be armed and disarmed through access control by using a card and keypad reader, DI, or manual control.
Arm/Disarm Intrusion DI: Active/Inactive/Trouble Readers: Online or Off-Line Alarm Points: Monitored Off/Monitored On Arm/Disarm By Access Right The Intrusion Zones tab of the Access Right Form allows you to assign multiple intrusion zones using an assignment dialog. Only badge holders with an Intrusion Zone assigned on the Access Right Form will be able to arm and disarm zones using any of the card/keypad readers within a zone.
Intrusion Zone Tab - Event Trigger Form This tab allows you to assign Intrusion Zones and Intrusion Zone transaction type(s) that will become the source for this Event Trigger. Element Description Transactions: Select any one or all of the types of Intrusion Zone transactions that will trigger an event.
Intrusion Zone Tab Intrusion Zone Form This tab allows you to edit or create an intrusion zone record and associate DI, DO, and devices such as readers and alarms in the operators’ selected facilities. Number: Assign and enter a number for the intrusion zone, between 1 and 96. Duplicate numbers are allowed but not on the same micro.
Intrusion Zone Tab Manual Control Form This form allows you to manually control the Intrusion Zone, and takes the Intrusion Zone from one condition (armed) to another condition (disarmed), depending on the current operator’s permissions. Example: When the Zone is Armed, readers will not allow access to anyone, alarm points are monitored, and schedules are ignored.
Keypad Alarm Shunting The keypad alarm shunting feature allows you to turn the monitoring of a group of alarms off or on using the keypad. This can also be accomplished by setting up a schedule for an alarm group using a time schedule.
Launch Client Select this icon from the Client Monitor toolbar, to enable a CCTV interface (other than integrated CCTV). This option also displays on the shortcut menu for this form. The shortcut menu displays when you click the right mouse button. Licensing Your Secure Perfect software is licensed during the installation process.
LogFile Administration Menu The LogFile option opens the LogFile Form that allows you to select the computer, name your log file, and navigate to, or enter the path and directory to your LogFile. LogFile Tab LogFile Form Click Add to create a new logfile record or Search to display a list box of previously created LogFiles. Computer This field will be unavailable when creating a new record.
Manual Control Operations Menu The Manual Control option opens the Manual Control Form that allows you to control: DO (digital output) states for Door DOs and other DOs. DI (digital input) states for Alarm DIs and other DIs. Intrusion Zone states. The shortcut key combination for Manual Control Form is CTRL+O.
Mass Update This option is not available until at least one record exists in the list box to the right of the form. The Mass Update mode allows you to simultaneously update properties on a group of records within Secure Perfect.
Menu Buttons View Menu The Menu Buttons option determines whether or not the Secure Perfect graphics display beside options in the drop-down menus. Clear the check box to hide the graphics from view. Message Format Tab Alarm Notifier Form This tab allows you to format the appearance of the e-mail alarm notification, based on your Windows regional font settings.
Micro Device Menu The Micro option opens the Micro Form that allows you to identify and configure micros. Micro/5-PX or Micro/PX-2000 Records Generation When you select a micro type on the Micro Definition tab of the Micro Form, a Power/Comm board is automatically added to the Configuration column on the Micro Configuration tab of the Micro Form.
Micro Configuration Tab Micro Form Use this tab to assign the appropriate boards to this micro. Before continuing, verify that the micro type (Micro/5-PX, Micro/5-PXN, Micro/PX-2000, or Micro/PXN- 2000) is correct. The boards listed in the Boards column depend on the type of micro you have selected. Boards Lists all boards supported by Secure Perfect and the micro type you have selected.
Micro Definition Tab Micro Form Configure your system with forethought. You will need to designate a physical address for your micro before you create a definition. This tab contains the basic information on the micro, such as its address and connection type. When configuring a micro, COMPLETE THIS TAB FIRST.
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If a MicroPXNPlus or MicroPXNPlus2000 is downstream, consider obtaining a network connection and using the Web Integrated Configuration Tool to individually download firmware for ALL micros. Connection You must select a micro type before this field becomes available. An Type error message displays if the selected connection type is not valid with the micro type.
Exit Request Enable this field to increase the sense time on all the Exit DIs (exit Debounce requests). This field is useful if using noisy or chattering contact interference in which you receive false exit requests. Send Real When this checkbox is selected, any digital output change-of-state is Time Digital reflected on the Alarm Graphics Viewer, in real-time status.
Version 4.XX and later mico firmware is able to communicate with a Secure Perfect 6.x host and continue to send alarm and badge transactions. Upgrading your system can be a seamless operation without loss of data, time constraints during the micro migration process, or lockdowns during the database upgrade process.
Micro Utility Form Shortcut Menu These options also display on the Micro Utility Form Toolbar. Refer to individual icons for additional details of each function. Select Edit Open the Micro Form Open the Micro Form Change the current state of the selected micro. Offline/Offline Download Reload the badge database records for the selected micro.
Micro Utility Form Toolbar For a shortcut menu to functions available within the Micro Utility Form, select a micro from the list and right-click. For icon functionality on the Micro Utility Form toolbar: Click Download the latest firmware to the selected micro. When the Parameter Configuration Open the Micro Form...
Mode Schedule Administration Menu The Mode Schedule option opens the Mode Schedule Form that allows you to define a mode and assign the date and time the mode goes into effect. Mode Schedule Tab Mode Schedule Form Use this tab to create a mode schedule. Time: The time displays in the format 00:00 (hours:minutes).
Mode Tab Manual Control Form Select all or individual micros or clients for immediate change of mode. Example: The change of mode for micros is helpful for an immediate "lockdown" or to open all doors immediately. The change of mode for clients applies to alarm routing and bumping. When you select this tab, a windowpane displays a list of available online micros or client groups in your system, based on facility...
There are several areas in Secure Perfect that are not translated, such as certain Windows messages and certain parts of the reporting functions. If a particular language is not provided by GE Security, the installation will take place in English and the Secure Perfect application will run in English.
Networking Secure Perfect requires that you set up a network protocol to allow the server and clients to communicate. Secure Perfect uses the TCP/IP network protocol. You will need to validate visibility and connectivity to the client and servers by name resolution. (Secure Perfect uses PC Names only.) The following describes two ways to validate operations: Envoking Ping: Select Start, then Run.
No Alarms on Alarm Monitor Go to the Alarm Form and click the Alarm tab. Make sure that the Monitor option is On. Also, check the schedules. There may be one in effect that does not route certain alarms to the Alarm Monitor Form. No Floor Tracking With this method, you define the floors available and define a digital output for each floor.
Operations Menu Selections The following selections display in the Operations drop-down menu: Micro Utility Activity Monitor Alarm Monitor Client Monitor Digital Input Status Alarm Graphics Editor Alarm Graphics Viewer Manual Control Digital Output Status Digital Video Viewer Change Password Select Facilities Enable Alarm Video Pop-up Operator Administration Menu...
Operator Tab Operator Form Use this form to create operator records that allow individuals to access the Secure Perfect program. Login ID: Assign and enter a login ID for this operator. Name: Enter the name of the operator. Permission: From the drop-down list of previously created permissions, assign a permission to ths operator.
Active Directory Password Authentication If this option is available, Secure Perfect Password Authentication options will not be available. The Active Directory domain controller authenticates this operator name and password. (The operator added to Secure Perfect must be a valid operator in the domain computer.) The next time this operator logs in to Secure Perfect, for this feature, the user must log in to the domain when logging into the computer, for access to the Secure Perfect system.
Parameters Administration Menu The Parameters option opens the Parameters Form that allows you to establish settings for your entire Secure Perfect system such as archive intervals and appropriate modems. Password Tab - Parameter Form Parameter Form This tab allows you to select the parameters for passwords used on the Secure Perfect system. Minimum Length (characters): This field accepts 1 to 20 characters.
People Assignment This window displays a list of Person Records with an e-mail address in the Secure Perfect system. Only person records in the operators’ facilities are available for assignment by this operator. Select, then click the right arrow to assign an available person. Select, then click the left arrow to unassign a person.
Example: If you want an operator to monitor alarm and badge activity, select the Operation Forms, then set the following actions: Select Activity Monitor, then select Read. Select Alarm Monitor, then select the action Read. Select Manual Control, then select Update. (Selecting Update for Manual Control allows the operator to manually change the DO state.) Select Digital Output Status, then select Read.
Personnel Menu Selections The following selections display on the Personnel drop-down menu: Person Personnel Type Department Badge Badge Design Badge Alias Access Right Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual...
Personnel Tab Person Form Create a record of an employee’s personal information. Only Last Name, Personnel Type, and Employee Number are required fields. Field Action First name Enter the first name of the person. Middle name 1 Enter the middle name of the person Middle name 2 Enter an additional name, such as another middle name, of the person.
3. Navigate to the logfile. A message informs you that Secure Perfect generated a text file and placed the file in the Logs folder of the Secure Perfect Server. Navigate to SecurePerfect\Logs\ DuplicateEmployeeNumbers.txt file, consult the list of duplicate or blank employee numbers, locate those Person records, and assign a unique employee number to each.
Personnel Type Tab Personnel Type Form Use this form to create personnel types and assign a default badge design to each personnel type. Click Search to display a list of existing types. Three personnel types come standard with SP: Permanent, Contractor, and Temporary.
Photo Tab Person Form This tab allows you to capture images, assign badge design layouts, and print badges. Field Action Photo If there is a photo associated with this person record, it will display here. Taken Date this photo was captured. Capture Click to run the Capture program, allowing you to Image/Signature...
Port Settings Tab Micro Form This tab displays only when you are configuring a micro type as direct-connect, network, network + direct, or network + network micro type. Refer to the Connection type figure below: Direct Configuration COM port: You will be able to change this setting ONLY if the micro connection type is direct-connect or network + direct.
Preset/Camera Tab Event Trigger Form This window enables you to assign camera(s) and their associated presets with an event. Up to four cameras can be assigned per event trigger. Click Edit to display the Preset and Camera combination associated with this Event. This option is disabled if there are no existing records.
Print Setup File Menu Select Print Setup to open the Print Setup Window, allowing you to select your printer, printer properties, paper source, and orientation. Print Setup Select an available printer from the drop-down list and set properties. Select paper size and source. Select orientation as portrait or landscape.
Read and Keypad-Type Reader Only reader board door inputs and 20DI board input points can be shunted from a keypad. (To identify a reader board door input, look for a default description that follows this format: 0001-1-01 Reader. To identify a 20DI board input point, look for a default description that follows this format: 0001- 1-01 DI.) Follow the steps below to shunt alarm groups within a micro connected to a keypad and badge reader: Click the start key on the keypad.
Reader Board Records Generation The reader boards listed in the Boards column on the Micro Configuration tab depend on the Micro Type you selected on the Micro Definition tab of the Micro Form. When you add a reader board (2RP, 2SRP), certain records are automatically created: Reader records: If adding a 2RP or 2SRP board, two reader records are generated.
Reader/Digital Output Tab Manual Control Form Manually lock or unlock doors and turn on or off DO (digital output) points, depending on the current operator’s facilities and permissions. Schedules override manual changes unless Indefinite Unlock has been selected. Micros will always run schedules defined previously in its database.
Reader Tab Reader Form This tab contains the basic information about the reader. Element Description Micro This is a read-only field. The description of the micro that controls this reader. Board This is a read-only field. The default description is in the format: mmmm-b Board Type where mmmm represents the micro number to which this reader is associated, b represents the board number, and Board Type represents the reader board.
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T&A in: Time & Attendance in. This type of reader (which gives an IN status) is used to enter an area. This reader will not release a door a second time until that badge is presented to a T&A out reader connected to the same micro or, if you selected Enable global T&A on the Settings Tab of the Parameters Form, a different micro.
Reader Type Events Tab Reader Form Use this tab to select the events that will be used to determine when a reader will be used as a Normal, Badge/Keypad, or Keypad reader. Events define start time(s) and day(s) only. There is no end associated with an event. Therefore, that event will stay in effect until another event changes it or you change it manually.
Readers Tab - Reports Reader Access Report or Roll Call Report Use this tab to select specific readers that will form the basis of information for this report. This windowpane displays the list of readers that currently apply to this report. If there are no readers listed, click Edit to display a Reader Assignment Readers Tab - Time and Attendance History Report Form...
Region Administration Menu The Region option opens the Region Form that allows you to assign synchronization intervals for your Global Edition database replication. This option is unavailable if you are not licensed for Global Edition software. Region Form Tab Region Form Use this tab to identify a Global Database Server or Regional Database Server, and configure synchronization intervals.
Remove All Button Alarm Monitor Form Toolbar Click this icon on the toolbar to remove all alarms on the Alarm Monitor regardless of whether the alarms are acknowledged or unacknowledged. An operator must have an ALL permission for the Alarm Monitor in order to have access to this icon.
Report Templates Window Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo. A list box displays a list of available templates. To use, select the desired template and do one of the following: Close Click to close this window without taking any action. Save As Select a template, and then click to save with a new name.
Reports Menu Selections The following selections display on the Reports drop-down menu: Person Badge Administration Device Configuration Schedules/Events Floor Access Reader Access Roll Call Alarm History Badge History Zone History Report DI History Report Time and Attendance History Operator History Guard Tour History External Reports Reset Micro...
Restoring Secure Perfect Databases Complete instructions for Restore functions are detailed in the Secure Perfect Installation Guide. Restoring your databases depends on your system and how you performed your backups. The following demonstrations are examples only. Secure Perfect Enterprise Edition: Click the Show me icon to view a step-by-step animated demo.
Routing Schedule Tab Reader Form Use this tab to select the schedules that will be used to determine when valid transactions will be sent to the history file, monitor, and/or printer. Time schedules define intervals which include a start AND an end time for different days of the week and modes.
Routing Tab Reader Form Use this tab to define where transactions on the reader are sent. You have three options: badge history, Activity Monitor, and a badge transaction printer. Badge transactions will print only if the transaction is routed to the printer, the badge transaction printer is enabled, and a badge transaction printer is selected. The enabling and selection of the badge transaction printer is done on the Parameters Form.
Save Record File Menu Item The Save Record menu option saves changes made to the current record into the database. Unsaved entries are discarded. The Save Record option is available only when a form is open, and you have been given permission to update records.
Schedule Tab Digital Input Form This tab is available only if you have selected Digital Output in the Type field on the Digital Input Tab. Use this tab to assign a schedule. Time schedules define intervals which include a start AND an end time for different days of the week and modes.
Search Search Menu The Search option conducts a search in the database for all records that match the search criteria data you enter in the form. The records found by the search are displayed in the search results window. Data can be in any number of fields in the form or any number of tables.
Secure Perfect Services Windows uses special programs called services. A service is a process that can start automatically when the system boots and remains running as a background process independently of anyone being logged in. It runs regardless of whether anyone is logged into Windows or SP. In other words, the computer must be turned on but no one needs to be logged in.
Security Tab - Micro Form Micro Form Micro Passwords: The Micro Passwords list box has the following default password entries, enabling four possible levels of security. Select a password; it now displays in the Password dialog box: Select one-1 Re-assign a password by typing over the default displayed in the dialog box.
Data Key: Secure Perfect supports two methods of data encryption standards: DES: When you select this method, only one dialog box is available for input. Enter 16 unique characters in this binary field. We recommend that you do not repeat any character.
Select Facilities Operations Menu The Select Facilities option opens the Set Active Facilities Form that allows you to change the facilities currently in use. Set As Default Template File Menu Use this option to select a template to use as the default template. This option is available only when a Report Form is displaying with a loaded template.
Setting Up an Elevator Do not switch between floor tracking and no floor tracking in the same elevator record. If you want to change an existing record, delete that record and create a new one with the desired floor tracking method.
Settings Tab Parameters Form Use this tab to set the general system settings. Archive Database Select an option to schedule archiving leaving your history database empty. The default value for this option is Monthly. If you select: Daily: The archive is appended every day beginning at 11:59:58 P.M. Weekly: The archive is appended every week on the day that you select, beginning at 11:59:58 P.M.
Alarm Notifier E-mail Support: Enable: Select this check box to activate the e-mail notification option. The following e-mail dialog boxes become available: To E-mail Address Field: Select a field name from the drop-down list that will be assigned as an e-mail address.
Retry Interval (30 sec) Enter the number (from 1 to 9) of 30-second intervals that the micro will wait in between each dial to the host. For example, if you specify 2, then the micro will wait: 2 x 30 = 60 seconds between each dial to the host.
Split View Menu The Split option allows you to increase or decrease the horizontal size of the tabs and windowpanes on a form. Status Bar View Menu Status Bar is a toggle option and determines whether or not you view the Secure Perfect status bar at the bottom of your Secure Perfect screen.
Status Tab - Badge Form A badge record must be selected in order to enable this tab. This windowpane provides an immediate status of the selected badge according to the information in the micro database. This is a diagnostic tool. The status displayed here is verification that a badge modification has actually taken place in the database, according to a change in the Status as modified on the Badge Definition tab.
Status Tab Digital Input Status Form Provides the status of the selected digital input according to the information in the micro database. You can list the digital inputs for all micros or list the digital inputs per micro. Select micro Select All to display the status for all digital inputs on all micros.
Status Tab Digital Output Status Form This form displays the status of the selected digital outputs according to the information in the micro’s database, by Reader DO or other DOs, by micro or for all micros. Select DO Type Select Reader to display the DO points available for the readers. Select Other to display Aux DOs (the two DO relays available on a 2RP board) and other DO points.
Status Tab Intrusion Zone Form Perform a search, select an Intrusion Zone record from the right pane of this form window, and click Status. This list box will display the status of all devices associated with this zone and status of the Zone. Reader Status: Online/offline Alarm Status: Monitored on/monitored off Zone Status: Armed/Disarmed.
Status Tab - Reader Form Select this tab to view information about the reader as currently stored in the micro’s database, such as its type and routing information. You can request the latest information by clicking Refresh. It may take a moment to complete the refresh of the data.
Swipe and Show Option Only one instance of Swipe and Show is available for display on a computer at one time. If readers have not been selected, the program will not start. If Imaging is not licensed for the system, this option is not available.
Takeover and Recovery Timing Client device takeover occurs following communication breakdown between the default client and the backup client, under the following circumstances: If network problems should occur. If a default client computer crashes. Immediate takeover following normal shutdown, ignoring any other settings. This occurs if Secure Perfect services are stopped and Perform Backup on Normal Shutdown is enabled on the Backup Clients tab of the Client form.
Time and Attendance Set the time and attendance status to neutral for all badges in this micro. Clicking this icon from the Micro Utility Form toolbar will access this option: Time and Attendance History Reports Menu The Time and Attendance History option opens the Time and Attendance History Report Form that allows you to create a report based on the history of time and attendance activity and the parameters you select.
Example: On the Reader Form, select Building 1 Lobby Door reader record. On the Functions Schedule tab, select a Door schedule BocaHQ Normal Workweek from the drop-down list. Select Unlock. The result is that the reader will unlock the door based on the time schedule of BocaHQ Normal Workweek.
Tour Point Tab Tour Point Form A tour point can be a reader or digital input. You must select one option before you can save this point record. Element Description Reader If you selected Reader, this field is available. Select a reader from the drop-down list of available readers.
UL Certification Secure Perfect is a UL-listed Grade A system (UL 1076 Grade A Proprietary Burglary Requirements/UL 294 Access Control Requirements). Your installation must adhere to the requirements listed in the Certification section of the Secure Perfect Installation Manual, in order to qualify as UL-listed Grade A certified.
User Fields Tab Person Form Use this tab to enter user-defined information. Modify Field Enter the value for the currently selected User Field. This text box field accepts 32 alphanumeric characters. User Fields are not appropriate for exceptionally lengthy street addresses or E-mail addresses.
Video Display Tab Digital Video Recorder Form Select this tab to set up your DVR video window display options. These options are configurable per DVR and are intended for optimizing system performance based on your network bandwidth and computing hardware. Secure Perfect can be configured to request and process video from DVRs in reduced resolution and color for display purposes, while the video remains locally stored on the DVR in its original recorded resolution and color settings.
Video Driver Installation After installation of the video adapter card, Windows will automatically detect the new video card on power up. Follow the installation instructions received with your video driver software; then, reboot your computer. After your computer has rebooted, you will need to select your video resolution. A Secure Perfect computer requires that you run in 1024 x 768 resolution.
.JPG video file. The default file folder may display similar to the following: c:\Program Files\GE Interlogix\Secure Perfect\Video\untitled.jpg (If this is a custom installation and the file shares were separated from the Secure Application, the default video folder resides on the File Server.) If you choose, you can navigate to another location and store the file.
View Menu Selections The following selections display on the View drop-down menu: Toolbar Status Bar Menu Buttons Split Next Pane Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual...
Weak Encryption Key Weak encryption implies that the key could be unscrambled with a realistic amount of processing capacity and within a reasonable amount of time. In Secure Perfect, a message displays informing you that an assigned key is too weak and therefore, invalid.
Zone History Reports Menu The Zone History option opens the Zone History Report Form that allows you to create a report based on the history of intrusion zone transactions in the system. Secure Perfect 6.1.1 User Manual...