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Craftsman CX series 247.374880 Operator's Manual
Craftsman CX series 247.374880 Operator's Manual

Craftsman CX series 247.374880 Operator's Manual

Cx series 33" lawn mower


Model No. 247.374880
using this
read this manual
all safety
rules and operating
Sears Brands
IL 60179, U.S.A.
Visit our website:
No. 769-08683


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Craftsman CX series 247.374880

  • Page 1 SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE CAUTION" Before using this PARTS LIST product, read this manual o ESPANOL follow all safety rules and operating instructions. Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. Visit our website: www.craftsman.com Form No. 769-08683 (December10,2012)
  • Page 2: Back Cover

    This warrantyapplies for onlyoneyearfrom thedateofpurchase i f thisridingequipment i severused whileproviding commercial services o r ifrentedto another p erson. Forwarrantycoverage d etails to obtainrepair or replacement, visitthewebsite:www.craftsman.com. This warrantycovers ONLY d efects inmaterial a ndworkmanship. Warranty coverage d oesNOT include: Expendable items that canwearoutfrom normal u sewithin thewarrantyperiod,including butnot limitedto blades, s park plugs, a ircleaners, belts, andoilfilters.
  • Page 3: General Operation

    Thissymbolpointsout importantsafety instructionswhich, if not Thismachinewasbuilt to beoperatedaccordingto the safeoperation followed, could endangerthe personalsafetyand/or property of practicesin this manual.Aswith anytype of powerequipment, yourself and others.Readandfollow all instructions in this manual carelessness o r error on the part of the operatorcanresultin seriousinjury. beforeattempting to operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these Thismachineiscapableof amputating fingers, hands,toesandfeet and instructions m ay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis symbol, HEED...
  • Page 4 Ifthe equipment should start tovibrate abnormally, stop t he engine Keep childrenout of the mowingareaandunderwatchfulcareof a check immediately for t he cause. Vibration is generally awarning oftrouble. responsible a dultotherthanthe operator. Shut the e ngine off a nd w ait until the blade comes to acomplete stop b efore Bealertandturn moweroff if a childentersthe area.
  • Page 5: Spark Arrestor

    General Service: DO NOT MODIFY ENGINE Never r unan engineindoorsor inapoorlyventilated area.Engine exhaust Toavoid seriousinjuryordeath,do notmodifyenginein anyway.Tampering contains carbonmonoxide, a nodorless a nddeadlygas. with the governorsetting can leadto a runaway engineandcauseit to operateat unsafespeeds. N evertamperwith factory setting of engine Beforecleaning, r epairing, o r inspecting, makecertainthe bladeandall governor.
  • Page 6: Safety Symbols

    SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispage depicts and describes safety symbols that may appear on this product. Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the machine before attempting to assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble operate DANGER -- ROTATING BLADES...
  • Page 7 15° Slope 15° Slope (OK) (TOO STEEP) _- _. Figure1 Figure 2 _O._daShed._ fine USETHiS SLOPE GAUGE TO DETERMINE iF A SLOPEiS TOOSTEEP FORSAFEOPERATION! Tocheckthe slope, proceedas follows: 1. Removethis pageand fold alongthe dashedline. Locatea vertical object on or behindthe slope(e.g. a pole, building,fence, tree, etc.) Align either side of the slope gaugewith the object (SeeFigure1 and Figure2 ).
  • Page 8: Tools Needed For Assembly

    iMPORTANT: Thisunit isshipped with oil inthe engine.Afterassembly, seepage13 forfuel andoil details. Themowingdeck iscapableof throwing objects.Failureto operate the NOTE: Reference torightand lefthand side oftheLawn Mower isobserved fromthe mowerwithout the dischargecoverin the proper operating positioncould operating p osition. result in seriouspersonalinjury and/or property damage. Attaching the Battery Cables Disconnect the sparkplug wire and ground it againstthe engine to prevent NOTE: Thepositivebatteryterminalismarked Pos.
  • Page 9: Unfolding The Handle

    Unfoldingthe Handle Remove t he starknobs andcarriage screws from the lowerhandle. S ee Figure 3. Figure 5 Remove t he remaining screwandnut from the lowershiftleverplate.See Figure 5. Position the uppershift leverinto averticalpositionaligningthe holesin the leverwith the holesinthe shift plate.SeeFigure 6. Figure 3 Pivotthe upperhandleinto operatingposition.Be carefulnot tocrimp cables.
  • Page 10: Mower Controls

    Throttle/Choke Control Blade Control Fuel T ankCa Ignition Switch _ Deck Height L ever SystemsIndicator Monitor DriveControl GearShift Lever Figure 7 Spark Plug Oil Cap/ Refer t o the Maintenance s ectionforinstructions on sparkplug replacement. Oil Cap/Dipstick Refer t o the Maintenance s ectionforinstructions on checking the oil. Mower Controls Refer t o Figure 7 forlocations of the mowercontrols.
  • Page 11: Drive Control

    DriveControl DeckHeightLever Use this leverto adjustthe mowingdeck's cutting height.Touse,movethe leverto Thedrivecontrolisusedto engage anddisengage the left, thenplacethe leverinthe notchbestsuitedfor yourapplication. driveto the wheels.Toengage thiscontrol,squeeze the drivecontrolagainst t he handlebar g rip.Tostop the drive,release the drivecontrol. Ignition Switch Neverleave arunning machineunattended.Alwaysdisengageblades,stop engine and remove keyto preventunintended starting. Alwaysreleasethe drive control before changingspeeds.Failureto doso Thefour-position switchisusedto startandstopthe engine on electric-start may result in seriousdamageto yourtransmission.
  • Page 12: Gear Shift Lever

    GearShift Lever SystemsindicatorMonitor/Bout Meter ©© BATTERY j Jr Use this leverto selectanyof fourforwardgroundspeeds, n eutral,or reverse. Forward 42.0] Fourforwardspeeds areavailable. P osition one(1)is the slowest a ndpositionfour HOURS 1/10 \\\ (4)isthe fastest. Reverse Toselectreverse, p ut the leverinthe Reverse ( R)position. Figure10 Lookbehind the mower beforeandduring reverse operation.
  • Page 13: Gas Andoilfill-Up

    GAS ANDOILFILL-UP Oil Fill Cap/Dipstick=_ IMPORTANT: Theengineisshipped without gasoline andwith motoroil in the engine.However, youMUST check the oil levelbefore operating.Be carefulnotto overfill.Running the enginewith insufficient o il cancause serious enginedamage andvoidthe enginewarranty. Oil Recommendations Beforestartingengine,check oil level,capacityis1700ml/57.5 fl. oz.Referto viscosity chartbelowforoil recommendations. Donot over-fill.Useasyntheticor non-synthetic 4-stroke, o r anequivalent h ighdetergent,premiumquality motor oil certifiedto meetorexceed U.S.
  • Page 14: Engaging The Blades

    Fuel m ustbefreshandclean.NEVER u sefuel left overfrom last Remove t he keyfromthe ignitionswitchto preventunintended starting. season o r storedforlong periods. Engaging the Drive NEVER m ixoil with fuel. DONOTusefuelcontainingMethanol(WoodAlcohol) NOTE: Beforerefueling, a llowengineto cooltwo minutes. Avoidsuddenstarts, excessive speedandsuddenstops. Clean aroundfuel fill before removingcapto fuel. Startthe engineasinstructed earlierinthissectionandmovethe throttle/choke Filltank until fuel reaches I /2inchbelowthe bottomofthe filler neck to controlinto the FAST _...
  • Page 15 Exercise extreme caution when changing direction slopes. Neverattemptto mulchif the lawnisdamp.Wetgrass tendsto stickto the underside ofthe cuttingdeckpreventing propermulchingof the clippings. Watch for holes,ruts,rocks,Nddenobjects, o r bumpswhichcancause you to slipor trip.Tallgrasscanhideobstacles. DoNOT attemptto mulchmorethan1/3 the total heightofthe grass. D oing sowill cause the clippingsto clumpupbeneaththedeckandnot bemulched Always be sureof yourfooting.Aslip andfallcancause serious personal effectively.
  • Page 16: Maintenance Schedule

    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenance s chedule givenbelow.Thischartdescribes s ervice guidelines only.Use the Service Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance t asks.Tolocatethe nearest S ears Service C enter o r to schedule service, Beforeperforming any type of maintenance/service, d isengageall controls andstop the engine.Wait until all moving partshavecometo a complete simplycontactSears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME ®.
  • Page 17: General Recommendations

    Beforeperforming anymaintenanceor repairs,disengageblades,stop OilFil engine and removekeyto preventunintended starting. GeneralRecommendations Always observe safetyruleswhenperforminganymaintenance. Thewarrantyonthislawnmowerdoesnotcoveritemsthat havebeen subjected to operatorabuse or negligence. Toreceive full valuefrom warranty, o peratormustmaintainthe equipment a s instructed here. Changing of engine-governed s peed will voidengine warranty. All adjustments shouNbe checked a t leastonceeachseason. Periodkally check all fasteners andmakesurethesearetight.
  • Page 18 AddOil IMPORTANT: Besureunit isona {eve{ s urface with theenginestopped. Wipearounddipstickcapandtubewith adeanclothto remove anydebris. Referto Figure 13onprevious page. Electrode Remove d ipstkk andwipedeanwith acloth. Pouro1[ i nto thedJpstkktube. Donotoverfill Withan o1[ f ilter change the high levelamount o foi[ for thisengineis1700ml(5Z48N-oz.). Instal[dipstickandturn to [goRed p ositionbefore startingengine.
  • Page 19 Remove t he air filter.SeeFigure 17. Remove t he foampre-filterfromaroundthe paperair filter. SeeFigure 18.Replace p aperelement w hendirty ordamaged. C lean foamelement o r replace whendamaged. Tocleanfoamelement, w ashin amild liquiddetergent a ndwater.Squeeze or press the foamelement t o rinseout dirt andwater.Donot twist; this coulddamage or tearthe foamelement.
  • Page 20: Tire Pressure

    [:uel [:liter Thefuelfilter cannotbecleaned andshouldbereplaced every100operatinghours; Fuel F ilter moreoftenif runwith oldgasoline. Remove a ll fuel fromtank byrunningengineuntil it stopsfrom lackof fuel. Usepliersto squeeze tabson the clamps, t henslidethe clamps awayfrom FuelLine the fuelfilter. SeeFigure 21. Twistandpullthe fuel linesoffof the fuelfilter. Replace w ith a newfuel filter.
  • Page 21: Cleaningthe Mower

    Cleaningthe Mower Anyfuel or oil spilledonthe machine shouldbewipedoff promptly.DoNOT allow debris to accumulate around the coolingfinsof the engine,the transmission's coolingfan or onanyotherpart ofthe machine, e specially the beltsandpulleys. Smart Jet Your m ower'sdeckisequippedwithawaterport on its surface aspartof its deck washsystem. Use the SmartJetto rinsegrassclippings fromthe deck'sunderside andprevent t he buildupof corrosive chemicals.
  • Page 22: Cutting Deckremoval

    Adjustments Shutthe engine off and removethe ignitionkeybefore making adjustments. Height Handle Theupperhandleissecured to two supportbarsthatcanbeadjusted to raiseor lowerthe handleheight.Adjustif necessary a sfollows: Remove t he upperstarknobandcarriage screwonthe rightsideof the handleandthe left sideof the handle.SeeFigure 24. Pivotthe handleforwardor rearwardto alignoneof the threeholeson each supportbarwith the holeson the handle.
  • Page 23: Cutting Blades

    Position wood blocks at various places underthe deck's edge.These will temporarilysupportthedeckinthe process o f removing it. Lift Arm Use the deckheightleverto lowerthe deck,sothat it restson thewood blocks. Remove t he screwandflangenut whichsecures t he belt keeperrodto the left sideof the mower'sframe.SeeFigure 27. Remove t he belt keeperrodandremove the deckbeltfrom aroundthe mower'senginepulley.
  • Page 24 Place ablockof woodbetweenthe center d eckhousing baffleandthe cuttingbladeto actasastabilizer. S eeFigure 30. Remove t he hexflangenut thatsecures t he bladeto the spindleassembly. Toproperlysharpen the cutting blades, r emove equalamounts of metal from bothendsofthe blades alongthe cuttingedges, p arallelto the trailing edge,ata 25 °- to 30 °...
  • Page 25 Changing The DeckEngagementBelt Shutthe engine offand removeignitionkey beforeremovingthe cutting blade(s)for sharpeningor replacement.Protectyour handsby using heavy gloves when grasping bladesand pulleys. DeckIdler TheV-beltsfound on yourmower arespecially designedto engageand disengagesafely. Asubstitute(non-OEM) V -belt canbe dangerousby not disengagingcompletely.Fora properworking machine,useidentical replacement b elts aslisted in parts list of this operator'smanual. All beltson yourmoweraresubjectto wearandshouldbereplaced if anysigns of weararepresent.Tochange or replace the deckengagement belt onyourmower, proceed asfollows:...
  • Page 26: Preparing The Engine

    Neverstore lawn mowerwith fuel in tank indoors or in poorlyventilated areaswhere fuel fumes mayreachan openflame, spark,or pilot light ason afurnace,water heater,clothesdryer, or gasappliance. PreparingThe Engine PreparingThelawn mower Clean a nd lubricate m ower t horoughly asdescribed in thelubrication Forengines storedover30 days: instructions.
  • Page 27: Need More Help

    Disconnect the sparkplugwireand groundit againstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all controls andstopthe engine.Waituntil aHmovingparts havecome to acomplete stop.Alwayswearsafetyglasses duringoperation or while performing any adjustments or repairs. This section addresses minor service i ssues. Tolocate the nearest Sears Service Center or to schedule service, simply contact S ears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME 1.
  • Page 28 Craftsman 33-inch Wide CutMower -- Model No. 247.374880...
  • Page 29 Craftsman33-in(h Wide CutMower -- Model No.247.374880 741-0660A 687-02427 Lever Assembly - LH Flange Bearing, .760 x .941 x 1.0 787-01496-0691 687-02426 Height Adjustment Bracket Lever Assembly - RH 710-0572 787-01510-0637 Link Pivot Bracket Screw, Carriage, 5/16-18 x 2.25 710-0599 787-01521-0637 Lever Pivot Bracket Screw, 1/4-20 x 0.500 710-0604A...
  • Page 30 Craftsman 33-inchWide CutMower -- Model No. 247.374880 .... 13__...
  • Page 31 Craftsman 33-inch Wide CutMower-- Model No. 247.374880 726-04009 Push Cap 631-04252 Mulch Plug 918-04639 Transmission 4-Speed 987-02420 Idler Arm Assembly 710-0176 Screw, HH Cap, 5/16-18 x 2.75" 687-02476-0691 Deck Assembly, 33-inch 710-0376 Screw, HH Cap, 5/16-18 x 1.00" 710-0451 Bolt, Carriage, 5/16-18 x .75"...
  • Page 32 Craftsman 33-inchWide CutMower-- Model No. 247.374880 632_ MODEL and SERIAL NUMBERS HERE...
  • Page 33 Craftsman33-in(h Wide CutMower -- Model No.247.374880 TC-790075 Brake Disk TC-772147 Transaxle Cover TC-790007 Brake Pad Plate TC-780086A Needle Bearing TC-770128A Transaxle Case TC-799021A Brake Pad (pkg. of 2) TC-776395 Countershaft TC-786026 Dowel Pin .3125" x .750" 736-3078 Washer .312" ID .059" TC-776409 Output Shaft...
  • Page 34: Air Intake

    Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Air intake _124 127_.L_ o--128 130 __ 951-12255 Air Filter Cover Assembly 712-04219 Air Filter Lock Nut 951-12255 Air Filter Cover 951-12256 Sponge Filter 951-12260 Air Filter Assembly Nut M6 712-04212 951-12328...
  • Page 35 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Engine Shroud (_-_ 951-12311 Cover 712-04290 750-05320 Engine Shroud Spacer 710-05304 Starter/Shroud Stud M6xlO0 951-11622 Flexible Clamp 710-05305 Hook Bolt 951-12206 Air Shield...
  • Page 36 Craftsman EngineModel No.4PgOMUA ForCraftsmanMowerModel No. 247.374880 Crankcase _Z_I-49 _-so 196-Gasket Kit- Complete 197-Gasket Kit- External _--s3 198-CornpJete Engine 18S_...
  • Page 37 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo.4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 951-11499 750-05530 Component Bracket Spacer Upper Crankshaft Seal 710-04916 Bolt M6x14 951-12235 Breather Hose Assembly 751-12770 Breather Cover Plate 951-12236 Breather Hose Clamp 951-12226 Breather Gasket 751-12200A Short Block Assembly 951-12685 Umbrella Valve (I ncl.37,47-53,55-58,73-77,84,86-89,...
  • Page 38 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Starter Assembly 11--_ _--11 12--_.._ =-12 ,=--12 2S@ I 25---o 24--! _--_= 710-05306 Bolt M8x40 951-12528 Starter Housing Assembly 951-12207 951-12217 Screw Starter Assembly 736-04554 Lock Washer 710-05307 Screw MSx25 951-12529 736-04554...
  • Page 39 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Muffler A ssembly 190 -- 710-04916 Bolt M6x14 712-04219 NutM8 951-12270 MuFfler Assembly 951-12271 Exhaust Pipe Gasket 951-12272 Muff Stud M8x47 951-12196 Muffler Stud Assembly 951-12278 Wire Mesh Shield 710-05051 Bolt M6x12...
  • Page 40 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Carburetor Assembly --133 o _ __ 199- Carburetor Kit- Major...
  • Page 41 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 951-12823 LockWasher Carburetor Assembly 951-11731 Nylon/Plastic O-Ring Fuel Hose Clamp 951-11336 Fuel Line Kit Fiber O-Ring 723-04071 Plastic Support Clamp Idle Speed Adjusting Screw Idle Mixture Screw 951-12261 Carburetor Gasket 951-12262 Carburetor...
  • Page 42 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Crankshaft & Crankcase Cover 76--_ --7S 0--86 84--6 117_i...
  • Page 43 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 951-12248 951-11622 Oil Pump Assembly Flexible Clamp 951-12247 951-12238 O-Ring 10x2.65 Crankshaft Assembly 951-11969 951-12249 Filter Main Bearing 951-12250 951-10307 Woodruff Filter Spring 951-12251 951-12239 Dipstick Assembly O-Ring 35.5x2.65 951-12241 951-12252 Filter Cover...
  • Page 44 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Cylinder Head _ 153 _--'_'_(_) 192--_) OPTIONAL _--14o...
  • Page 45 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 710-05315 Bolt M5xlO 751-12778 Cylinder Head Asm 951-12265 Cowl (Incl.137-139,144,146-157, 160,161,163-172) 710-05316 Valve Cover Bolt 951-12202 Cylinder Head Kit 951-12266 Valve Cover (Inc1.144,154,163,164,166) 951-12267 Valve Cover Ring Air Valve Core 951-11981 751-12774...
  • Page 46 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 & Electrical ignition Bolt M6x28 710-04920 951-12220 Ignition Coil Assembly 712-04220 Flywheel Nut M16x1.5 Plate 951-12221 751-12222A Cooling 951-12223 Flywheel 951-12224 Coil Assy.Charge 710-04940 Bolt M6xl0 951-12279 Cowl...
  • Page 47 CraftsmanMower Labek -- Model No. 247.374880 777S30145 777D15546 777122793 777D18493 777122808 777S30117 777D16808 777122759 777D18515 777122760 777122814 777122815 777X43688 777122809...
  • Page 48: Owner's Warranty Responsibilities

    FEDERAL and/or CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY S TATEMENT YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS MTD Consumer Group Inc, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and, for those products certified for sale in the state of California, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are pleased to explain the emission (evaporative and/or exhaust) control...
  • Page 49: Warranted Parts

    10. Add-on o rmodified parts t hatare not e xempted bythe AirResources Board m ay not b eused. The use ofany non-exempted add-on o r modified parts b ytheultimate purchaser willbegrounds fordisallowing awarranty claims. MTD Consumer Group I nc willnotbeliable t o warrant failures ofwarranted parts c aused bytheuse ofanon-exempted add-on o rmodified part.
  • Page 50 Congratulations onmakingasmartpurchase. YournewCraftsman ®productisdesigned andmanufactured f or yearsof dependable operation. B utlikeall products, i t mayrequire repairfromtime to time.That'swhenhaving a Repair P rotection Agreement c ansave youmoneyandaggravation. Here'swhat the Repair ProtectionAgreement _ includes: 10,000 [] Expertservice byour professional repairspecialists [] Unlimitedservice and nocharge for partsandlaboronallcovered repairs [] Productreplacementupto $1500 if yourcovered productcan'tbefixed [] Discount o f 25%from regular priceof service andrelatedinstalled p artsnot covered bythe agreement;...
  • Page 51 Esta garantiaesv_lidas61o porunaEoa partirdela fecha decompra sieste equipo ecuestre sehautilizado alguna vez,mientras quela prestaci6n d e servicios c omerciales o sisealquilaa otrapersona. Para obtenerinformaci6n s obre el alcance dela garantia y solicitar l a reparaci6n o el reemplazo, visiteel sitioWeb: w ww.craftsman.com. Esta garantiacubre ONICAMENTE losdefectos e nlosmateriales y en lamanodeobra.Esta garantia NO cubre:...
  • Page 52 Lapresendade este simboloindica quesetrata de instrucdones Estam_quinafue construida parasetoperadadeacuerdoconlasreglas importantes de seguridadquesedebenrespetarparaevitar poneren de seguddadcontenidaseneste manual.AI igual queconcualquiertipo peligro suseguddadpersonaly/o materialy lade otras personas.Leay siga de equipo motodzado,un descuidoo error pot parte del operadorpuede todaslasinstrucciones de este manualantesde poner enfundonamiento produdr lesionesgraves.Estam_quinaescapazde amputar manosy pies esta m_quina.Sino respetaestasinstrucdonespodriaprovocarlesiones y de arrojar objetoscon gran fuerza.Deno respetarlasinstrucdonesde...
  • Page 53 Nunca operelapodadora enc_sped humedo. S iempre est_seguro de su No haga Io siguiente: equilibdo.Sitropiezay caepuedelesionarse gravemente. Si s ienteque Nocorteelc_sped cerca de pozos, h undimientos, b ancos, p odr[a perderel pierdeelequilibrio,suelteinmediatamente l amanijadecontrol d e la equlllbrlo. cuchilla y lacuchilla dejar_degiraren tressegundos. Nopodependientes mayores d e 15grados comoIoindicael medidor d e Corteelc_sped solamente conluzded[ao conunabuenaluzartificial.
  • Page 54 Nunca recargue eltanquede combustible. L leneeltanquenom_sde I Nocambielaconflgurad6n delregulador delmotorniacelere demadado el pulgadapordebajode labase del cuellodellenadoparadejarespadoparala mismo. E lregulador controlalaveloddadm_ximasegura deoperad6ndel motor. expansi6n delcombustible. Vuelva acolocar latapadelagasollna y ajfistelablen. Verifiquefrecuentemente lalineade combustible, eltanque,eltapbn,y los accesorios buscando rajaduras o pdrdidas. R eemplace desernecesario. Limplelagasollna derramada sobre el motory elequipo.Traslade l a m_quina aotrazona.Espere 5 mlnutosantesde encender e lmotor.
  • Page 55 S|MBOLOSDESEGURIDAD Esta p_gina representa y describe la seguridad los simbolosque pueden parecer en este producto. Lea, comprenda, y siga todas instruccionesen la m_quina antes procurar para reunir y operar. LEA EL MANUAL(S) DEL OPERADOR Lea, comprenda, y siga todas instrucciones en el manual (manuales) antes procurar para reunir y operar.
  • Page 56 15 ° Pendiente 15° Pendiente (DEMASIADO ESCARPADO) (ACEPTAR) _- _. Figura1 Figura 2 " " "- 15°/fneadisco t. USO BE ESTE PENBiENTE BE CALIBREPARA BETERrvIINAR SiUNA PENDIENTE ES DEMASIADO ESCARPADO PARA UNA OPERACION SEGURA! Para comprobar la pendiente, haga Io siguiente: Borrar esta p_gina y doble a Io largo de la linea discontinua.
  • Page 57: Herramientas Necesarias Para El Montaje

    IMPORTANTE: Estaunidadseenviasinaceiteenelmotor.Despu_s d elmontaje, consulte la p_gina 61 paralosdetallesdelcombustible y elaceite. Laplataforma de la cortadorade c_spedpuedearrojar objetos. Encaso /MPORTANTE: Lasreferendas a losladosderecho o izquierdo de lacortadora de de operar lacortadorade c_sped sin colocarla cubiertade descargaen la c_sped sehacen observando l am&quina desde laposid6ndeoperad6n. posici6nde funcionamientoadecuada,podrian produdrse graveslesiones personales y/o daffosmateriales.
  • Page 58 Despliegue de la manija Extraiga l asperillasenestrellay lostornillosdel carrodelamanijainferior. VealaFigura 3. Figura 5 Extraiga eltorni[[oy [atuercarestantes de [aplatade[apa[anc decambios inferior. V ea[a Figura 5. Coloque [ apa[anca decambios superior e n posid6nvertical a [ineando los orificiosde lapalanca conlosde laplatade cambios. V ealaFigura 6. Figura 3 Girelamanijasuperior a laposici6n defuncionamiento.
  • Page 59 Palancade control del regnlador/Cebador lasCnchillas Tap6nDeCombustible Interrnptor deencendido _Palanca dealtura de laplataforma Monitor indicador d e sistemas/medidor horario Control dela Transmisi6n Palanca decambio de velocidades Fignra Controlesdel motor Bujia de encendido Consulte lasecci6n deMantenimiento paraobtenerinstrucciones sobreel Consulte la Figura 8 paraverla ubicaci6n deloscontroles del motor. reemplazo debujias.
  • Page 60 Control de la transmisi6n Palancade altura de la plataforma Use estapalanca paraajustarlaalturadecorte.Para utilizarla,muevalapalanca El c ontroldelatransmisi6n seusaparaengranar hadalaizquierda, l uegocol6quela enlamuesca quemejorseadaptea laaplicaci6n y desengranar latransmisi6n delasruedas. P ara deseada. enganchar e stecontrol,aprieteelcontroldela transmisi6n contralaempufiadura de labarrade control.Para detenerlatransmisi6n, suelteelcontrol de latransmisi6n.
  • Page 61 MonitorIndicadorde Sistemas/MedidorFlorario Interruptorde Encendiclo Nunca dejelam_quina enfuncionamiento sinvigilancia. Siempre BATTERY desenganche lascuchillas, apague elmotor y retire laIlave, para evitar e l encendido accidental delmotor. Elinterruptordecautroposiciones s eusaparaencender y apagar e l motorde losmodelos conarranque eldctrico.Para encender e lmotor,insertela Ilave en elinterruptordeencendido y girelaenelsentidodelasagujasdelreloj hadala posid6nENCENDIDO.
  • Page 62 Llenadode Gasolina y Aceite Tap6n de aceite/varUla IMPORTANTE: Elmotorseenviasingasolina y conaceiteenelmotor.Sinembargo, medici6n deJ nivel -=_ usteddebecomprobar e lniveldeaceiteantesdeoperar. T enga cuidadodenollenar de aceite en exceso. Hacer f uncionar e lmotorsinsuficiente aceitepuede causarle graves daffos y anulalagarantiadelmotor. Recomendadonessobre el Aceite Superior Antesde poneren marcha el motor,vefificarel niveldeaceite, l acapaddad esde 1700 ml/57.5onzas.
  • Page 63 Carga deGasolina Mueva elcontrol delregulador/cebador a laposid6n F ast (veloddad r_pida, representada porunaliebre). NO@: N unca d eje elcontrol delregulador/cebador enlaposid6n C HOKE (cebador) mientras opera lacortadora. SiIohace, segenerar_ una mezcla Onadulto debe decombustiblede este motor. NONCA permita que "rica" decombustibles, Iocual h ar_ que elmotor pierda potenda.
  • Page 64 Usode la Palanca de Altura de la Plataforma Para subirobajarla plataforma de corte,muevalapalanca dealturade la Nodeje la posici6ndel operadorsinantessoltar elcontrol de lascuchillas. plataformahadala izquierda y col6quela en lamuesca quemejorseadapteala Si deja lacortadora sinvigilancia, debeapagarel motory retirarla llavede aplicaci6n deseada. encendido. Corte de C sped Enganche de iasCuchUlas Laslgulente lnformad6nle resultar_i t_tilparaoperarlacortadora.
  • Page 65 Abono Instaiaci6n/ Extracci6n de iaToivade Abono Las cortadoras dec#sped anchas Sears vJenen equJpadas conun kit paraabonoque incorpora cucM[as espeda[es, quevienende serieensucortadora, p araredrcular Antesde instalaro extraer la ciavijade abono,desenganche lascuchillas, losrecortes dec#sped repetidas veces pordebajo de [aplataforma detorte. Los apagueel motor y retirela[lave, paraevitar quealguien endenda recortes muyfinos[uegosondespedidos h adaatr_sparaquesedepositen en acddentalmenteel motor.
  • Page 66: Programa De Mantenimiento

    PROGRAMA D EMANTENIMIENTO Sigaelcronograma d e mantenimiento quesepresenta acontinuaci6n. Esta tabla s61o describe pautasdeservicio. U tilicelacolumnaRegistro deServicio parahacer e l Antesde realizar cualquiertipo demantenimiento o servicio, desenganche seguimiento delastareas de mantenimiento completadas. Para ubicarelCentro de todos loscontrolesy detengael motor.Espere aquesedetengan Servicio Sears m_scercano o paraprogramar u nservicio, s implemente comuniquese conSears alteBfono1-800-4-MY-HOME ®.
  • Page 67 NOTA: Asegtirese d ecomprobar e laceitesobreunasuperfidenivelada y conel motorapagado. Tapd Retireeltap6ndellenado deaceite/la varillademedkidny limpielavarilla Ile_ demedki6ndeaceite. InsertelavarillaenelcuellodeIlenadodeaceite. G irelavarillade1/4 vueltaenlaposici6n de bloqueoensutotalidadasiento. Saque lavarillaparacomprobar e lniveldeaceite. Sielnivelest_bajo,agregue aceitelentamentehastael I[mitesuperior d ela varfllade medid6n. Vuelva a insertar latirareactiva e nlaposici6n debloqueo a ntes d earrancar elmotor.
  • Page 68 Controlde la Bujia de Encendido " NOpruebelachispasino est_la bujia de encendido.NOde arranqueal Electrodo motorsi no est_ la bujia de encendido. Para asegurarse d equeelmotorfuncionebien,labujiadebe tenerunaseparaci6n correcta y debeestarlibrededep6sitos. Retirelafundadebujiay utiliceunaIlaveparabujiasparaextraerlabujia. Si el motor haestado funcionando,el silenciadorestar_muy caliente. 0,024-0,031 pulg. Tengacuidadode no tocarel silenciador. Inspecdone visualmente l a bujia.Elimine labujias[presenta mucho desgaste, osiel aislante est_agdetadooastillado.
  • Page 69 Retiredelfiltro deaire.Veala Figura 17. Ouitarlaespuma pre-filtrodealrede todoel papel d e filtro.VealaFlgura 18. Sustituya elelementodepapelcuando sucio o dafiado. L impiaelelemento deespuma o sustituya cuandodafiado. Para limpiarelelemento deespuma, I _vese endetergente liquidoy agua. Squeeze o presione elelemento deespumaparalimpiarlasuciedad y el agua.Noretuerza, I oquepodriadafiaroromperel elemento deespuma. Permitasecar a rondoantesdelautilizaci6n.Nohagaelpetr61eo elelemento deespuma.
  • Page 70 Servido c on Filtrode Combustible Elfiltro decombustible no puede serIlmpiadoy debesersustituido cada100horas Filtrode deoperaciones; m_sa menudo desetdirigidoconviejagasolina. Combustible Quitetodoelcombustible deltanquedlrlgiendo elmotorhastaqueestose Pesta_a pareafalta delcombustible. linea de Usepinzas paraagarrarlaspestaffas d elasabrazaderas, acontinuacl6n, aleje combustible lasabrazaderas delfiltro decombustible. V erlaFlgura 21. Glrey tire delaslineasdecombustible fueradelfiltro decombustible. Reemplace conun nuevo filtro decombustible.
  • Page 71 Verifiqueperiodicamente l apresi6ndeambos neum_ticos traseros delacortadora. Silapresi6n de losneum_tkos no esuniforme,laplataforma cortar_elc_sped en formadespareja y sepuededesviar a[zquierda o derecha durantelaoperad6n. Recommended operatingtire pressure isapproximately 20p.sJ.Check the sidewall of tire formaximum p.sJ.. Limpieza de ia Cortadora Sisederrama combustible oaceitesobrelam_quina, d ebelimpiarse deinmediato. NOpermltaqueseacumulen desechos a irededor delasaietasde refrigerad6n del motor,elventilador de refrlgerad6n delatransmlsi6nn[en nlngunaotrapartede lam_quina, e spedalmente lascorreas y poleas.
  • Page 72: Ruedas Traseras

    Ruedas Traseras Lasruedas traseras sedebensacardelosejesunavezportemporada. L ubfique bien losejesy lasIlantascongrasamultiusoantesde volverainstalarlos. Ajustes Apague e[ motor y retire [a Have deencendidoantesde reaiizarajustes. Altura de [a manija Lamanijasuperior e st_sujetaa dosbarras deapoyoquesepueden ajustarpara subirobajar[aaiturade [amanija.Desernecesafio, reake unajustede [asiguiente manera: Extraiga laperillaen estrella superior y eltornillodel carroqueest_ndel ladoderecho y del ladoizquierdo dela manija.VealaFigura 24.
  • Page 73 Extracci6n de ia Plataforma de Corte Antesde realizar cualquiermantenimiento o reparaci6n, desconecte lascuchillas,apague el motor y retirela llaveparaevitar e[ encendido accidentaldel motor. Para extraerlaplataforma de corte,proceda de lasiguientemanera: Para sacarlacubiertade lacorrea saquelostrestornillosy arandelas quela sujetan al bastidor. Y eala Figura 25. Nohagafuncionar [a unidadsin tenerla cubiertade la correainstalada.
  • Page 74 CuchUlasde Corte Apagueel motor y extraiga la Ilavede contactoantesde retirar[ascuchillas decorteparaafilarlas o reemplazarlas. Prote]a susmanosutilizando guantes reforzados c uandosujete[ascuchillas. Inspeccione peri6dicamentelacuchillay/o el husillo en buscade rajaduras o dafios, e specialmentedespu_sde goipearun objeto extraffo. Noopere[a m_quinahastadespu_s de haberreemplazado loscomponentesdaffados. Para retirarlascuchillas, h agaIosiguiente. Saque laplataforma dedebajodelacortadora, ( consulte laExtracci6n d ela plataforma deestasecci6n);...
  • Page 75 Escudo Posterior Nuncaopere[acortadorasi el escudoposterior no est_ colocado y funcionando. De[ocontrario podrianproducirse[esionespersonales. Para cambiarelescudo posteriorproceda delasiguientemanera: Extraiga eltornilloquefijaelescudo al ladoderecho de lacortadora. V eala Figura 32. Combe elescudo hadaadentroacadaladoparasoltarlodelbastidordela cortadora. Coloque el nuevo e scudo posterior siguiendo lospasos a nteriores enorden inverso.
  • Page 76 Nuncaalmacene[acortadorade c_spedconcombustibleen eltanque en un espaciocerradooen _reasconpocaventilaci6n, dondelosgases del combustiblepuedanalcanzarelfuego,chispaso unaluz piloto comolaque tienen algunos homos,calentadoresde agua,secadores de ropao algun otro dispositivoa gas. Preparaci6ndei Motor Preparaci6n de ia Cortadora de C_sped Yaquelosmotores almacenaron m _is de 30dias: Limpiey lubriquelacortadora comosedescribe enlasinstrucciones lubricad6n.
  • Page 78 Antesde realizarcualquiertipo del mantenimiento/servicio,suelte todos losmandosy pare el motor. Espere h astaquetodaslaspartesde movimiento hayan venido a unaparadacompleta.Desconecte el alambre de bujia y b_selocontrael motor paraprevenir elcomienzoinvoluntario. Siemprellevepuestoscfistalesinastillables d urante laoperad6n o realizando cualquierajusteo reparadones. Estasecd6nseocupa de cuestiones de menor importanda del servkio.Para localizar el m_s cercano Centro de Servkio Sears,o para programar un servido,simplemente p6ngaseen contacto conSearsal 1-800-4-MY-HOME o El m otor n oarranca Nosehaactivado elcebador ( Motor f fio).
  • Page 79 El m otorvacila aaltasrevoluciones 1. Laseparaci6n d eloselectrodos de labujfaesmuypoca. 1. Retire labujfay reajuste laseparaci6n. El m otorfunciona malenmarcha 1. Labujiadeencendido e st_sucia 1. Reajuste l aseparaci6n o reemplace l abujfa. lenta 2. El f iltro deaireest_sudo 2. Consulte l asecci6n M antenimiento d elmanual. Demasiadavibrad6n I.
  • Page 80 DECLARACION FEDERAL y/o DE CALIFORNIA SOBRE GARANTJAS EN EL CONTROL DE EIVIISIONES SUS DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES EN CUANTO A LA GARANTJA MTDConsumerGroupInc, laAgencia de Protecci6nMedioambiental d e los EstadosUnidos(EPA),y para aquellosproductoscertificadosparasu ventaen el es- tadode California,el Departamento de los Recursosdel Aire de California(CARB)secomplacenen explicarla garanfiaque cubre al sistemade control (ECS)de emisiones(evaporativasy/o de escape)de su equipoy motor(motor de equipos de exteriores)de encendidopot chispa paratodo terreno,peque_o,de exteriores del a_o2006 y a_osposterioresEn California,losnuevosmotoresde equipos de exterioresdebenestar dise_ados,construidosy equipadospara cumplircon las estrictasnormasantipoluci6ndel Estado(en otrosestados,losequipos del a_o 1997y modelosposterioresdebenser estar dise_ados,construidosy equipados...
  • Page 81 8. Durante latotalidad del periodo de garantia del motor yequipo para todo t erreno arriba mencionado, MTD C onsumer Group Inc mantendr_ un suministro de piezas bajo g arantia suficiente para satisfacer lademanda esperada de tales piezas. 9. Cualquier pieza de reemplazo se podr_ usar para e lcumplimiento del m antenimiento olas reparaciones...
  • Page 82 Felicitaciones por haberrealizadouna adquisicidn inteligente.EI productoCraftsman ® que haadquiridoestddise#adoy fabricado para brindarmuchosa#os de funcionamientoconfiable. P erocomotodoslosproductosa vecespuederequerirde reparaciones. E s en esemomento cuandoeldisponerde un Acuerdodeproteccidn para reparaciones l epuede ahorrardineroy problemas. Acontinuad6nse detailan lospuntosinduidosen el Acuerdo: [] Servido experto prestado por nuestros 10,000 espedalistas e nreparadones p rofesionales [] Servido Uimitado sincargo paralaspiezas y la manodeobraentodaslasreparadones c ubiertas [] Reemplazodel producto hasta1500d6lares sinoesposiblereparar el productocubierto [] Descuento de 25%del predonormaldelservkioy delaspiezas reladonadas c onel mismoquenoest_ncubiertas por...
  • Page 83 Esta pgtginase march6 intencionadamenteen blanco.
  • Page 84 Your Home For troubleshooting, product manuals and expert advice: managernylife www.managemylife.com For repair - in your home - of all major brand appliances, lawn and garden equipment, or heating and cooling systems, no matter who made it, no matter who sold it! For the replacement parts, accessories owner's manuals that you need to do-it-yourself.
  • Page 85 SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE CAUTION" Before using this PARTS LIST product, read this manual o ESPANOL follow all safety rules and operating instructions. Sears Brands Management Corporation, Hoffman Estates, IL 60179, U.S.A. Visit our website: www.craftsman.com Form No. 769-08683 (December10,2012)
  • Page 86 This warrantyapplies for onlyoneyearfrom thedateofpurchase i f thisridingequipment i severused whileproviding commercial services o r ifrentedto another p erson. Forwarrantycoverage d etails to obtainrepair or replacement, visitthewebsite:www.craftsman.com. This warrantycovers ONLY d efects inmaterial a ndworkmanship. Warranty coverage d oesNOT include: Expendable items that canwearoutfrom normal u sewithin thewarrantyperiod,including butnot limitedto blades, s park plugs, a ircleaners, belts, andoilfilters.
  • Page 87 Thissymbolpointsout importantsafety instructionswhich, if not Thismachinewasbuilt to beoperatedaccordingto the safeoperation followed, could endangerthe personalsafetyand/or property of practicesin this manual.Aswith anytype of powerequipment, yourself and others.Readandfollow all instructions in this manual carelessness o r error on the part of the operatorcanresultin seriousinjury. beforeattempting to operatethis machine.Failureto complywith these Thismachineiscapableof amputating fingers, hands,toesandfeet and instructions m ay resultin personalinjury.Whenyou seethis symbol, HEED...
  • Page 88 Ifthe equipment should start tovibrate abnormally, stop t he engine Keep childrenout of the mowingareaandunderwatchfulcareof a check immediately for t he cause. Vibration is generally awarning oftrouble. responsible a dultotherthanthe operator. Shut the e ngine off a nd w ait until the blade comes to acomplete stop b efore Bealertandturn moweroff if a childentersthe area.
  • Page 89 General Service: DO NOT MODIFY ENGINE Never r unan engineindoorsor inapoorlyventilated area.Engine exhaust Toavoid seriousinjuryordeath,do notmodifyenginein anyway.Tampering contains carbonmonoxide, a nodorless a nddeadlygas. with the governorsetting can leadto a runaway engineandcauseit to operateat unsafespeeds. N evertamperwith factory setting of engine Beforecleaning, r epairing, o r inspecting, makecertainthe bladeandall governor.
  • Page 90 SAFETY SYMBOLS Thispage depicts and describes safety symbols that may appear on this product. Read, understand, and follow all instructions on the machine before attempting to assembleand operate. READ THE OPERATOR'S MANUAL(S) Read, understand, and follow all instructions in the manual(s) before attempting to assemble operate DANGER -- ROTATING BLADES...
  • Page 91 15° Slope 15° Slope (OK) (TOO STEEP) _- _. Figure1 Figure 2 _O._daShed._ fine USETHiS SLOPE GAUGE TO DETERMINE iF A SLOPEiS TOOSTEEP FORSAFEOPERATION! Tocheckthe slope, proceedas follows: 1. Removethis pageand fold alongthe dashedline. Locatea vertical object on or behindthe slope(e.g. a pole, building,fence, tree, etc.) Align either side of the slope gaugewith the object (SeeFigure1 and Figure2 ).
  • Page 92 iMPORTANT: Thisunit isshipped with oil inthe engine.Afterassembly, seepage13 forfuel andoil details. Themowingdeck iscapableof throwing objects.Failureto operate the NOTE: Reference torightand lefthand side oftheLawn Mower isobserved fromthe mowerwithout the dischargecoverin the proper operating positioncould operating p osition. result in seriouspersonalinjury and/or property damage. Attaching the Battery Cables Disconnect the sparkplug wire and ground it againstthe engine to prevent NOTE: Thepositivebatteryterminalismarked Pos.
  • Page 93 Unfoldingthe Handle Remove t he starknobs andcarriage screws from the lowerhandle. S ee Figure 3. Figure 5 Remove t he remaining screwandnut from the lowershiftleverplate.See Figure 5. Position the uppershift leverinto averticalpositionaligningthe holesin the leverwith the holesinthe shift plate.SeeFigure 6. Figure 3 Pivotthe upperhandleinto operatingposition.Be carefulnot tocrimp cables.
  • Page 94 Throttle/Choke Control Blade Control Fuel T ankCa Ignition Switch _ Deck Height L ever SystemsIndicator Monitor DriveControl GearShift Lever Figure 7 Spark Plug Oil Cap/ Refer t o the Maintenance s ectionforinstructions on sparkplug replacement. Oil Cap/Dipstick Refer t o the Maintenance s ectionforinstructions on checking the oil. Mower Controls Refer t o Figure 7 forlocations of the mowercontrols.
  • Page 95 DriveControl DeckHeightLever Use this leverto adjustthe mowingdeck's cutting height.Touse,movethe leverto Thedrivecontrolisusedto engage anddisengage the left, thenplacethe leverinthe notchbestsuitedfor yourapplication. driveto the wheels.Toengage thiscontrol,squeeze the drivecontrolagainst t he handlebar g rip.Tostop the drive,release the drivecontrol. Ignition Switch Neverleave arunning machineunattended.Alwaysdisengageblades,stop engine and remove keyto preventunintended starting. Alwaysreleasethe drive control before changingspeeds.Failureto doso Thefour-position switchisusedto startandstopthe engine on electric-start may result in seriousdamageto yourtransmission.
  • Page 96 GearShift Lever SystemsindicatorMonitor/Bout Meter ©© BATTERY j Jr Use this leverto selectanyof fourforwardgroundspeeds, n eutral,or reverse. Forward 42.0] Fourforwardspeeds areavailable. P osition one(1)is the slowest a ndpositionfour HOURS 1/10 \\\ (4)isthe fastest. Reverse Toselectreverse, p ut the leverinthe Reverse ( R)position. Figure10 Lookbehind the mower beforeandduring reverse operation.
  • Page 97 GAS ANDOILFILL-UP Oil Fill Cap/Dipstick=_ IMPORTANT: Theengineisshipped without gasoline andwith motoroil in the engine.However, youMUST check the oil levelbefore operating.Be carefulnotto overfill.Running the enginewith insufficient o il cancause serious enginedamage andvoidthe enginewarranty. Oil Recommendations Beforestartingengine,check oil level,capacityis1700ml/57.5 fl. oz.Referto viscosity chartbelowforoil recommendations. Donot over-fill.Useasyntheticor non-synthetic 4-stroke, o r anequivalent h ighdetergent,premiumquality motor oil certifiedto meetorexceed U.S.
  • Page 98 Fuel m ustbefreshandclean.NEVER u sefuel left overfrom last Remove t he keyfromthe ignitionswitchto preventunintended starting. season o r storedforlong periods. Engaging the Drive NEVER m ixoil with fuel. DONOTusefuelcontainingMethanol(WoodAlcohol) NOTE: Beforerefueling, a llowengineto cooltwo minutes. Avoidsuddenstarts, excessive speedandsuddenstops. Clean aroundfuel fill before removingcapto fuel. Startthe engineasinstructed earlierinthissectionandmovethe throttle/choke Filltank until fuel reaches I /2inchbelowthe bottomofthe filler neck to controlinto the FAST _...
  • Page 99 Exercise extreme caution when changing direction slopes. Neverattemptto mulchif the lawnisdamp.Wetgrass tendsto stickto the underside ofthe cuttingdeckpreventing propermulchingof the clippings. Watch for holes,ruts,rocks,Nddenobjects, o r bumpswhichcancause you to slipor trip.Tallgrasscanhideobstacles. DoNOT attemptto mulchmorethan1/3 the total heightofthe grass. D oing sowill cause the clippingsto clumpupbeneaththedeckandnot bemulched Always be sureof yourfooting.Aslip andfallcancause serious personal effectively.
  • Page 100 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Followthe maintenance s chedule givenbelow.Thischartdescribes s ervice guidelines only.Use the Service Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance t asks.Tolocatethe nearest S ears Service C enter o r to schedule service, Beforeperforming any type of maintenance/service, d isengageall controls andstop the engine.Wait until all moving partshavecometo a complete simplycontactSears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME ®.
  • Page 101 Beforeperforming anymaintenanceor repairs,disengageblades,stop OilFil engine and removekeyto preventunintended starting. GeneralRecommendations Always observe safetyruleswhenperforminganymaintenance. Thewarrantyonthislawnmowerdoesnotcoveritemsthat havebeen subjected to operatorabuse or negligence. Toreceive full valuefrom warranty, o peratormustmaintainthe equipment a s instructed here. Changing of engine-governed s peed will voidengine warranty. All adjustments shouNbe checked a t leastonceeachseason. Periodkally check all fasteners andmakesurethesearetight.
  • Page 102 AddOil IMPORTANT: Besureunit isona {eve{ s urface with theenginestopped. Wipearounddipstickcapandtubewith adeanclothto remove anydebris. Referto Figure 13onprevious page. Electrode Remove d ipstkk andwipedeanwith acloth. Pouro1[ i nto thedJpstkktube. Donotoverfill Withan o1[ f ilter change the high levelamount o foi[ for thisengineis1700ml(5Z48N-oz.). Instal[dipstickandturn to [goRed p ositionbefore startingengine.
  • Page 103 Remove t he air filter.SeeFigure 17. Remove t he foampre-filterfromaroundthe paperair filter. SeeFigure 18.Replace p aperelement w hendirty ordamaged. C lean foamelement o r replace whendamaged. Tocleanfoamelement, w ashin amild liquiddetergent a ndwater.Squeeze or press the foamelement t o rinseout dirt andwater.Donot twist; this coulddamage or tearthe foamelement.
  • Page 104 [:uel [:liter Thefuelfilter cannotbecleaned andshouldbereplaced every100operatinghours; Fuel F ilter moreoftenif runwith oldgasoline. Remove a ll fuel fromtank byrunningengineuntil it stopsfrom lackof fuel. Usepliersto squeeze tabson the clamps, t henslidethe clamps awayfrom FuelLine the fuelfilter. SeeFigure 21. Twistandpullthe fuel linesoffof the fuelfilter. Replace w ith a newfuel filter.
  • Page 105 Cleaningthe Mower Anyfuel or oil spilledonthe machine shouldbewipedoff promptly.DoNOT allow debris to accumulate around the coolingfinsof the engine,the transmission's coolingfan or onanyotherpart ofthe machine, e specially the beltsandpulleys. Smart Jet Your m ower'sdeckisequippedwithawaterport on its surface aspartof its deck washsystem. Use the SmartJetto rinsegrassclippings fromthe deck'sunderside andprevent t he buildupof corrosive chemicals.
  • Page 106 Adjustments Shutthe engine off and removethe ignitionkeybefore making adjustments. Height Handle Theupperhandleissecured to two supportbarsthatcanbeadjusted to raiseor lowerthe handleheight.Adjustif necessary a sfollows: Remove t he upperstarknobandcarriage screwonthe rightsideof the handleandthe left sideof the handle.SeeFigure 24. Pivotthe handleforwardor rearwardto alignoneof the threeholeson each supportbarwith the holeson the handle.
  • Page 107 Position wood blocks at various places underthe deck's edge.These will temporarilysupportthedeckinthe process o f removing it. Lift Arm Use the deckheightleverto lowerthe deck,sothat it restson thewood blocks. Remove t he screwandflangenut whichsecures t he belt keeperrodto the left sideof the mower'sframe.SeeFigure 27. Remove t he belt keeperrodandremove the deckbeltfrom aroundthe mower'senginepulley.
  • Page 108 Place ablockof woodbetweenthe center d eckhousing baffleandthe cuttingbladeto actasastabilizer. S eeFigure 30. Remove t he hexflangenut thatsecures t he bladeto the spindleassembly. Toproperlysharpen the cutting blades, r emove equalamounts of metal from bothendsofthe blades alongthe cuttingedges, p arallelto the trailing edge,ata 25 °- to 30 °...
  • Page 109 Changing The DeckEngagementBelt Shutthe engine offand removeignitionkey beforeremovingthe cutting blade(s)for sharpeningor replacement.Protectyour handsby using heavy gloves when grasping bladesand pulleys. DeckIdler TheV-beltsfound on yourmower arespecially designedto engageand disengagesafely. Asubstitute(non-OEM) V -belt canbe dangerousby not disengagingcompletely.Fora properworking machine,useidentical replacement b elts aslisted in parts list of this operator'smanual. All beltson yourmoweraresubjectto wearandshouldbereplaced if anysigns of weararepresent.Tochange or replace the deckengagement belt onyourmower, proceed asfollows:...
  • Page 110 Neverstore lawn mowerwith fuel in tank indoors or in poorlyventilated areaswhere fuel fumes mayreachan openflame, spark,or pilot light ason afurnace,water heater,clothesdryer, or gasappliance. PreparingThe Engine PreparingThelawn mower Clean a nd lubricate m ower t horoughly asdescribed in thelubrication Forengines storedover30 days: instructions.
  • Page 111 Disconnect the sparkplugwireand groundit againstthe engineto prevent unintendedstarting. Beforeperforming anytypeof maintenance/service, disengage all controls andstopthe engine.Waituntil aHmovingparts havecome to acomplete stop.Alwayswearsafetyglasses duringoperation or while performing any adjustments or repairs. This section addresses minor service i ssues. Tolocate the nearest Sears Service Center or to schedule service, simply contact S ears at 1-800-4-MY-HOME 1.
  • Page 112 Craftsman 33-inch Wide CutMower -- Model No. 247.374880...
  • Page 113 Craftsman33-in(h Wide CutMower -- Model No.247.374880 741-0660A 687-02427 Lever Assembly - LH Flange Bearing, .760 x .941 x 1.0 787-01496-0691 687-02426 Height Adjustment Bracket Lever Assembly - RH 710-0572 787-01510-0637 Link Pivot Bracket Screw, Carriage, 5/16-18 x 2.25 710-0599 787-01521-0637 Lever Pivot Bracket Screw, 1/4-20 x 0.500 710-0604A...
  • Page 114 Craftsman 33-inchWide CutMower -- Model No. 247.374880 .... 13__...
  • Page 115 Craftsman 33-inch Wide CutMower-- Model No. 247.374880 726-04009 Push Cap 631-04252 Mulch Plug 918-04639 Transmission 4-Speed 987-02420 Idler Arm Assembly 710-0176 Screw, HH Cap, 5/16-18 x 2.75" 687-02476-0691 Deck Assembly, 33-inch 710-0376 Screw, HH Cap, 5/16-18 x 1.00" 710-0451 Bolt, Carriage, 5/16-18 x .75"...
  • Page 116 Craftsman 33-inchWide CutMower-- Model No. 247.374880 632_ MODEL and SERIAL NUMBERS HERE...
  • Page 117 Craftsman33-in(h Wide CutMower -- Model No.247.374880 TC-790075 Brake Disk TC-772147 Transaxle Cover TC-790007 Brake Pad Plate TC-780086A Needle Bearing TC-770128A Transaxle Case TC-799021A Brake Pad (pkg. of 2) TC-776395 Countershaft TC-786026 Dowel Pin .3125" x .750" 736-3078 Washer .312" ID .059" TC-776409 Output Shaft...
  • Page 118 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Air intake _124 127_.L_ o--128 130 __ 951-12255 Air Filter Cover Assembly 712-04219 Air Filter Lock Nut 951-12255 Air Filter Cover 951-12256 Sponge Filter 951-12260 Air Filter Assembly Nut M6 712-04212 951-12328...
  • Page 119 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Engine Shroud (_-_ 951-12311 Cover 712-04290 750-05320 Engine Shroud Spacer 710-05304 Starter/Shroud Stud M6xlO0 951-11622 Flexible Clamp 710-05305 Hook Bolt 951-12206 Air Shield...
  • Page 120 Craftsman EngineModel No.4PgOMUA ForCraftsmanMowerModel No. 247.374880 Crankcase _Z_I-49 _-so 196-Gasket Kit- Complete 197-Gasket Kit- External _--s3 198-CornpJete Engine 18S_...
  • Page 121 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo.4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 951-11499 750-05530 Component Bracket Spacer Upper Crankshaft Seal 710-04916 Bolt M6x14 951-12235 Breather Hose Assembly 751-12770 Breather Cover Plate 951-12236 Breather Hose Clamp 951-12226 Breather Gasket 751-12200A Short Block Assembly 951-12685 Umbrella Valve (I ncl.37,47-53,55-58,73-77,84,86-89,...
  • Page 122 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Starter Assembly 11--_ _--11 12--_.._ =-12 ,=--12 2S@ I 25---o 24--! _--_= 710-05306 Bolt M8x40 951-12528 Starter Housing Assembly 951-12207 951-12217 Screw Starter Assembly 736-04554 Lock Washer 710-05307 Screw MSx25 951-12529 736-04554...
  • Page 123 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Muffler A ssembly 190 -- 710-04916 Bolt M6x14 712-04219 NutM8 951-12270 MuFfler Assembly 951-12271 Exhaust Pipe Gasket 951-12272 Muff Stud M8x47 951-12196 Muffler Stud Assembly 951-12278 Wire Mesh Shield 710-05051 Bolt M6x12...
  • Page 124 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Carburetor Assembly --133 o _ __ 199- Carburetor Kit- Major...
  • Page 125 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 951-12823 LockWasher Carburetor Assembly 951-11731 Nylon/Plastic O-Ring Fuel Hose Clamp 951-11336 Fuel Line Kit Fiber O-Ring 723-04071 Plastic Support Clamp Idle Speed Adjusting Screw Idle Mixture Screw 951-12261 Carburetor Gasket 951-12262 Carburetor...
  • Page 126 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Crankshaft & Crankcase Cover 76--_ --7S 0--86 84--6 117_i...
  • Page 127 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 951-12248 951-11622 Oil Pump Assembly Flexible Clamp 951-12247 951-12238 O-Ring 10x2.65 Crankshaft Assembly 951-11969 951-12249 Filter Main Bearing 951-12250 951-10307 Woodruff Filter Spring 951-12251 951-12239 Dipstick Assembly O-Ring 35.5x2.65 951-12241 951-12252 Filter Cover...
  • Page 128 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 Cylinder Head _ 153 _--'_'_(_) 192--_) OPTIONAL _--14o...
  • Page 129 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4PgOMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 710-05315 Bolt M5xlO 751-12778 Cylinder Head Asm 951-12265 Cowl (Incl.137-139,144,146-157, 160,161,163-172) 710-05316 Valve Cover Bolt 951-12202 Cylinder Head Kit 951-12266 Valve Cover (Inc1.144,154,163,164,166) 951-12267 Valve Cover Ring Air Valve Core 951-11981 751-12774...
  • Page 130 Craftsman E ngine ModelNo. 4P9OMUA ForCraftsman Mower ModelNo.247.374880 & Electrical ignition Bolt M6x28 710-04920 951-12220 Ignition Coil Assembly 712-04220 Flywheel Nut M16x1.5 Plate 951-12221 751-12222A Cooling 951-12223 Flywheel 951-12224 Coil Assy.Charge 710-04940 Bolt M6xl0 951-12279 Cowl...
  • Page 131 CraftsmanMower Labek -- Model No. 247.374880 777S30145 777D15546 777122793 777D18493 777122808 777S30117 777D16808 777122759 777D18515 777122760 777122814 777122815 777X43688 777122809...
  • Page 132 FEDERAL and/or CALIFORNIA EMISSION CONTROL W ARRANTY S TATEMENT YOUR WARRANTY RIGHTS ANDOBLIGATIONS MTD Consumer Group Inc, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and, for those products certified for sale in the state of California, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) are pleased to explain the emission (evaporative and/or exhaust) control...
  • Page 133 10. Add-on o rmodified parts t hatare not e xempted bythe AirResources Board m ay not b eused. The use ofany non-exempted add-on o r modified parts b ytheultimate purchaser willbegrounds fordisallowing awarranty claims. MTD Consumer Group I nc willnotbeliable t o warrant failures ofwarranted parts c aused bytheuse ofanon-exempted add-on o rmodified part.
  • Page 134 Congratulations onmakingasmartpurchase. YournewCraftsman ®productisdesigned andmanufactured f or yearsof dependable operation. B utlikeall products, i t mayrequire repairfromtime to time.That'swhenhaving a Repair P rotection Agreement c ansave youmoneyandaggravation. Here'swhat the Repair ProtectionAgreement _ includes: 10,000 [] Expertservice byour professional repairspecialists [] Unlimitedservice and nocharge for partsandlaboronallcovered repairs [] Productreplacementupto $1500 if yourcovered productcan'tbefixed [] Discount o f 25%from regular priceof service andrelatedinstalled p artsnot covered bythe agreement;...
  • Page 135 Esta garantiaesv_lidas61o porunaEoa partirdela fecha decompra sieste equipo ecuestre sehautilizado alguna vez,mientras quela prestaci6n d e servicios c omerciales o sisealquilaa otrapersona. Para obtenerinformaci6n s obre el alcance dela garantia y solicitar l a reparaci6n o el reemplazo, visiteel sitioWeb: w ww.craftsman.com. Esta garantiacubre ONICAMENTE losdefectos e nlosmateriales y en lamanodeobra.Esta garantia NO cubre:...
  • Page 136 Lapresendade este simboloindica quesetrata de instrucdones Estam_quinafue construida parasetoperadadeacuerdoconlasreglas importantes de seguridadquesedebenrespetarparaevitar poneren de seguddadcontenidaseneste manual.AI igual queconcualquiertipo peligro suseguddadpersonaly/o materialy lade otras personas.Leay siga de equipo motodzado,un descuidoo error pot parte del operadorpuede todaslasinstrucciones de este manualantesde poner enfundonamiento produdr lesionesgraves.Estam_quinaescapazde amputar manosy pies esta m_quina.Sino respetaestasinstrucdonespodriaprovocarlesiones y de arrojar objetoscon gran fuerza.Deno respetarlasinstrucdonesde...
  • Page 137 Nunca operelapodadora enc_sped humedo. S iempre est_seguro de su No haga Io siguiente: equilibdo.Sitropiezay caepuedelesionarse gravemente. Si s ienteque Nocorteelc_sped cerca de pozos, h undimientos, b ancos, p odr[a perderel pierdeelequilibrio,suelteinmediatamente l amanijadecontrol d e la equlllbrlo. cuchilla y lacuchilla dejar_degiraren tressegundos. Nopodependientes mayores d e 15grados comoIoindicael medidor d e Corteelc_sped solamente conluzded[ao conunabuenaluzartificial.
  • Page 138 Nunca recargue eltanquede combustible. L leneeltanquenom_sde I Nocambielaconflgurad6n delregulador delmotorniacelere demadado el pulgadapordebajode labase del cuellodellenadoparadejarespadoparala mismo. E lregulador controlalaveloddadm_ximasegura deoperad6ndel motor. expansi6n delcombustible. Vuelva acolocar latapadelagasollna y ajfistelablen. Verifiquefrecuentemente lalineade combustible, eltanque,eltapbn,y los accesorios buscando rajaduras o pdrdidas. R eemplace desernecesario. Limplelagasollna derramada sobre el motory elequipo.Traslade l a m_quina aotrazona.Espere 5 mlnutosantesde encender e lmotor.
  • Page 139 S|MBOLOSDESEGURIDAD Esta p_gina representa y describe la seguridad los simbolosque pueden parecer en este producto. Lea, comprenda, y siga todas instruccionesen la m_quina antes procurar para reunir y operar. LEA EL MANUAL(S) DEL OPERADOR Lea, comprenda, y siga todas instrucciones en el manual (manuales) antes procurar para reunir y operar.
  • Page 140 15 ° Pendiente 15° Pendiente (DEMASIADO ESCARPADO) (ACEPTAR) _- _. Figura1 Figura 2 " " "- 15°/fneadisco t. USO BE ESTE PENBiENTE BE CALIBREPARA BETERrvIINAR SiUNA PENDIENTE ES DEMASIADO ESCARPADO PARA UNA OPERACION SEGURA! Para comprobar la pendiente, haga Io siguiente: Borrar esta p_gina y doble a Io largo de la linea discontinua.
  • Page 141 IMPORTANTE: Estaunidadseenviasinaceiteenelmotor.Despu_s d elmontaje, consulte la p_gina 61 paralosdetallesdelcombustible y elaceite. Laplataforma de la cortadorade c_spedpuedearrojar objetos. Encaso /MPORTANTE: Lasreferendas a losladosderecho o izquierdo de lacortadora de de operar lacortadorade c_sped sin colocarla cubiertade descargaen la c_sped sehacen observando l am&quina desde laposid6ndeoperad6n. posici6nde funcionamientoadecuada,podrian produdrse graveslesiones personales y/o daffosmateriales.
  • Page 142 Despliegue de la manija Extraiga l asperillasenestrellay lostornillosdel carrodelamanijainferior. VealaFigura 3. Figura 5 Extraiga eltorni[[oy [atuercarestantes de [aplatade[apa[anc decambios inferior. V ea[a Figura 5. Coloque [ apa[anca decambios superior e n posid6nvertical a [ineando los orificiosde lapalanca conlosde laplatade cambios. V ealaFigura 6. Figura 3 Girelamanijasuperior a laposici6n defuncionamiento.
  • Page 143 Palancade control del regnlador/Cebador lasCnchillas Tap6nDeCombustible Interrnptor deencendido _Palanca dealtura de laplataforma Monitor indicador d e sistemas/medidor horario Control dela Transmisi6n Palanca decambio de velocidades Fignra Controlesdel motor Bujia de encendido Consulte lasecci6n deMantenimiento paraobtenerinstrucciones sobreel Consulte la Figura 8 paraverla ubicaci6n deloscontroles del motor. reemplazo debujias.
  • Page 144 Control de la transmisi6n Palancade altura de la plataforma Use estapalanca paraajustarlaalturadecorte.Para utilizarla,muevalapalanca El c ontroldelatransmisi6n seusaparaengranar hadalaizquierda, l uegocol6quela enlamuesca quemejorseadaptea laaplicaci6n y desengranar latransmisi6n delasruedas. P ara deseada. enganchar e stecontrol,aprieteelcontroldela transmisi6n contralaempufiadura de labarrade control.Para detenerlatransmisi6n, suelteelcontrol de latransmisi6n.
  • Page 145 MonitorIndicadorde Sistemas/MedidorFlorario Interruptorde Encendiclo Nunca dejelam_quina enfuncionamiento sinvigilancia. Siempre BATTERY desenganche lascuchillas, apague elmotor y retire laIlave, para evitar e l encendido accidental delmotor. Elinterruptordecautroposiciones s eusaparaencender y apagar e l motorde losmodelos conarranque eldctrico.Para encender e lmotor,insertela Ilave en elinterruptordeencendido y girelaenelsentidodelasagujasdelreloj hadala posid6nENCENDIDO.
  • Page 146 Llenadode Gasolina y Aceite Tap6n de aceite/varUla IMPORTANTE: Elmotorseenviasingasolina y conaceiteenelmotor.Sinembargo, medici6n deJ nivel -=_ usteddebecomprobar e lniveldeaceiteantesdeoperar. T enga cuidadodenollenar de aceite en exceso. Hacer f uncionar e lmotorsinsuficiente aceitepuede causarle graves daffos y anulalagarantiadelmotor. Recomendadonessobre el Aceite Superior Antesde poneren marcha el motor,vefificarel niveldeaceite, l acapaddad esde 1700 ml/57.5onzas.
  • Page 147 Carga deGasolina Mueva elcontrol delregulador/cebador a laposid6n F ast (veloddad r_pida, representada porunaliebre). NO@: N unca d eje elcontrol delregulador/cebador enlaposid6n C HOKE (cebador) mientras opera lacortadora. SiIohace, segenerar_ una mezcla Onadulto debe decombustiblede este motor. NONCA permita que "rica" decombustibles, Iocual h ar_ que elmotor pierda potenda.
  • Page 148 Usode la Palanca de Altura de la Plataforma Para subirobajarla plataforma de corte,muevalapalanca dealturade la Nodeje la posici6ndel operadorsinantessoltar elcontrol de lascuchillas. plataformahadala izquierda y col6quela en lamuesca quemejorseadapteala Si deja lacortadora sinvigilancia, debeapagarel motory retirarla llavede aplicaci6n deseada. encendido. Corte de C sped Enganche de iasCuchUlas Laslgulente lnformad6nle resultar_i t_tilparaoperarlacortadora.
  • Page 149 Abono Instaiaci6n/ Extracci6n de iaToivade Abono Las cortadoras dec#sped anchas Sears vJenen equJpadas conun kit paraabonoque incorpora cucM[as espeda[es, quevienende serieensucortadora, p araredrcular Antesde instalaro extraer la ciavijade abono,desenganche lascuchillas, losrecortes dec#sped repetidas veces pordebajo de [aplataforma detorte. Los apagueel motor y retirela[lave, paraevitar quealguien endenda recortes muyfinos[uegosondespedidos h adaatr_sparaquesedepositen en acddentalmenteel motor.
  • Page 150 PROGRAMA D EMANTENIMIENTO Sigaelcronograma d e mantenimiento quesepresenta acontinuaci6n. Esta tabla s61o describe pautasdeservicio. U tilicelacolumnaRegistro deServicio parahacer e l Antesde realizar cualquiertipo demantenimiento o servicio, desenganche seguimiento delastareas de mantenimiento completadas. Para ubicarelCentro de todos loscontrolesy detengael motor.Espere aquesedetengan Servicio Sears m_scercano o paraprogramar u nservicio, s implemente comuniquese conSears alteBfono1-800-4-MY-HOME ®.
  • Page 151 NOTA: Asegtirese d ecomprobar e laceitesobreunasuperfidenivelada y conel motorapagado. Tapd Retireeltap6ndellenado deaceite/la varillademedkidny limpielavarilla Ile_ demedki6ndeaceite. InsertelavarillaenelcuellodeIlenadodeaceite. G irelavarillade1/4 vueltaenlaposici6n de bloqueoensutotalidadasiento. Saque lavarillaparacomprobar e lniveldeaceite. Sielnivelest_bajo,agregue aceitelentamentehastael I[mitesuperior d ela varfllade medid6n. Vuelva a insertar latirareactiva e nlaposici6n debloqueo a ntes d earrancar elmotor.
  • Page 152 Controlde la Bujia de Encendido " NOpruebelachispasino est_la bujia de encendido.NOde arranqueal Electrodo motorsi no est_ la bujia de encendido. Para asegurarse d equeelmotorfuncionebien,labujiadebe tenerunaseparaci6n correcta y debeestarlibrededep6sitos. Retirelafundadebujiay utiliceunaIlaveparabujiasparaextraerlabujia. Si el motor haestado funcionando,el silenciadorestar_muy caliente. 0,024-0,031 pulg. Tengacuidadode no tocarel silenciador. Inspecdone visualmente l a bujia.Elimine labujias[presenta mucho desgaste, osiel aislante est_agdetadooastillado.
  • Page 153 Retiredelfiltro deaire.Veala Figura 17. Ouitarlaespuma pre-filtrodealrede todoel papel d e filtro.VealaFlgura 18. Sustituya elelementodepapelcuando sucio o dafiado. L impiaelelemento deespuma o sustituya cuandodafiado. Para limpiarelelemento deespuma, I _vese endetergente liquidoy agua. Squeeze o presione elelemento deespumaparalimpiarlasuciedad y el agua.Noretuerza, I oquepodriadafiaroromperel elemento deespuma. Permitasecar a rondoantesdelautilizaci6n.Nohagaelpetr61eo elelemento deespuma.
  • Page 154 Servido c on Filtrode Combustible Elfiltro decombustible no puede serIlmpiadoy debesersustituido cada100horas Filtrode deoperaciones; m_sa menudo desetdirigidoconviejagasolina. Combustible Quitetodoelcombustible deltanquedlrlgiendo elmotorhastaqueestose Pesta_a pareafalta delcombustible. linea de Usepinzas paraagarrarlaspestaffas d elasabrazaderas, acontinuacl6n, aleje combustible lasabrazaderas delfiltro decombustible. V erlaFlgura 21. Glrey tire delaslineasdecombustible fueradelfiltro decombustible. Reemplace conun nuevo filtro decombustible.
  • Page 155 Verifiqueperiodicamente l apresi6ndeambos neum_ticos traseros delacortadora. Silapresi6n de losneum_tkos no esuniforme,laplataforma cortar_elc_sped en formadespareja y sepuededesviar a[zquierda o derecha durantelaoperad6n. Recommended operatingtire pressure isapproximately 20p.sJ.Check the sidewall of tire formaximum p.sJ.. Limpieza de ia Cortadora Sisederrama combustible oaceitesobrelam_quina, d ebelimpiarse deinmediato. NOpermltaqueseacumulen desechos a irededor delasaietasde refrigerad6n del motor,elventilador de refrlgerad6n delatransmlsi6nn[en nlngunaotrapartede lam_quina, e spedalmente lascorreas y poleas.
  • Page 156 Ruedas Traseras Lasruedas traseras sedebensacardelosejesunavezportemporada. L ubfique bien losejesy lasIlantascongrasamultiusoantesde volverainstalarlos. Ajustes Apague e[ motor y retire [a Have deencendidoantesde reaiizarajustes. Altura de [a manija Lamanijasuperior e st_sujetaa dosbarras deapoyoquesepueden ajustarpara subirobajar[aaiturade [amanija.Desernecesafio, reake unajustede [asiguiente manera: Extraiga laperillaen estrella superior y eltornillodel carroqueest_ndel ladoderecho y del ladoizquierdo dela manija.VealaFigura 24.
  • Page 157 Extracci6n de ia Plataforma de Corte Antesde realizar cualquiermantenimiento o reparaci6n, desconecte lascuchillas,apague el motor y retirela llaveparaevitar e[ encendido accidentaldel motor. Para extraerlaplataforma de corte,proceda de lasiguientemanera: Para sacarlacubiertade lacorrea saquelostrestornillosy arandelas quela sujetan al bastidor. Y eala Figura 25. Nohagafuncionar [a unidadsin tenerla cubiertade la correainstalada.
  • Page 158 CuchUlasde Corte Apagueel motor y extraiga la Ilavede contactoantesde retirar[ascuchillas decorteparaafilarlas o reemplazarlas. Prote]a susmanosutilizando guantes reforzados c uandosujete[ascuchillas. Inspeccione peri6dicamentelacuchillay/o el husillo en buscade rajaduras o dafios, e specialmentedespu_sde goipearun objeto extraffo. Noopere[a m_quinahastadespu_s de haberreemplazado loscomponentesdaffados. Para retirarlascuchillas, h agaIosiguiente. Saque laplataforma dedebajodelacortadora, ( consulte laExtracci6n d ela plataforma deestasecci6n);...
  • Page 159 Escudo Posterior Nuncaopere[acortadorasi el escudoposterior no est_ colocado y funcionando. De[ocontrario podrianproducirse[esionespersonales. Para cambiarelescudo posteriorproceda delasiguientemanera: Extraiga eltornilloquefijaelescudo al ladoderecho de lacortadora. V eala Figura 32. Combe elescudo hadaadentroacadaladoparasoltarlodelbastidordela cortadora. Coloque el nuevo e scudo posterior siguiendo lospasos a nteriores enorden inverso.
  • Page 160 Nuncaalmacene[acortadorade c_spedconcombustibleen eltanque en un espaciocerradooen _reasconpocaventilaci6n, dondelosgases del combustiblepuedanalcanzarelfuego,chispaso unaluz piloto comolaque tienen algunos homos,calentadoresde agua,secadores de ropao algun otro dispositivoa gas. Preparaci6ndei Motor Preparaci6n de ia Cortadora de C_sped Yaquelosmotores almacenaron m _is de 30dias: Limpiey lubriquelacortadora comosedescribe enlasinstrucciones lubricad6n.
  • Page 162 Antesde realizarcualquiertipo del mantenimiento/servicio,suelte todos losmandosy pare el motor. Espere h astaquetodaslaspartesde movimiento hayan venido a unaparadacompleta.Desconecte el alambre de bujia y b_selocontrael motor paraprevenir elcomienzoinvoluntario. Siemprellevepuestoscfistalesinastillables d urante laoperad6n o realizando cualquierajusteo reparadones. Estasecd6nseocupa de cuestiones de menor importanda del servkio.Para localizar el m_s cercano Centro de Servkio Sears,o para programar un servido,simplemente p6ngaseen contacto conSearsal 1-800-4-MY-HOME o El m otor n oarranca Nosehaactivado elcebador ( Motor f fio).
  • Page 163 El m otorvacila aaltasrevoluciones 1. Laseparaci6n d eloselectrodos de labujfaesmuypoca. 1. Retire labujfay reajuste laseparaci6n. El m otorfunciona malenmarcha 1. Labujiadeencendido e st_sucia 1. Reajuste l aseparaci6n o reemplace l abujfa. lenta 2. El f iltro deaireest_sudo 2. Consulte l asecci6n M antenimiento d elmanual. Demasiadavibrad6n I.
  • Page 164 DECLARACION FEDERAL y/o DE CALIFORNIA SOBRE GARANTJAS EN EL CONTROL DE EIVIISIONES SUS DERECHOS Y OBLIGACIONES EN CUANTO A LA GARANTJA MTDConsumerGroupInc, laAgencia de Protecci6nMedioambiental d e los EstadosUnidos(EPA),y para aquellosproductoscertificadosparasu ventaen el es- tadode California,el Departamento de los Recursosdel Aire de California(CARB)secomplacenen explicarla garanfiaque cubre al sistemade control (ECS)de emisiones(evaporativasy/o de escape)de su equipoy motor(motor de equipos de exteriores)de encendidopot chispa paratodo terreno,peque_o,de exteriores del a_o2006 y a_osposterioresEn California,losnuevosmotoresde equipos de exterioresdebenestar dise_ados,construidosy equipadospara cumplircon las estrictasnormasantipoluci6ndel Estado(en otrosestados,losequipos del a_o 1997y modelosposterioresdebenser estar dise_ados,construidosy equipados...
  • Page 165 8. Durante latotalidad del periodo de garantia del motor yequipo para todo t erreno arriba mencionado, MTD C onsumer Group Inc mantendr_ un suministro de piezas bajo g arantia suficiente para satisfacer lademanda esperada de tales piezas. 9. Cualquier pieza de reemplazo se podr_ usar para e lcumplimiento del m antenimiento olas reparaciones...
  • Page 166 Felicitaciones por haberrealizadouna adquisicidn inteligente.EI productoCraftsman ® que haadquiridoestddise#adoy fabricado para brindarmuchosa#os de funcionamientoconfiable. P erocomotodoslosproductosa vecespuederequerirde reparaciones. E s en esemomento cuandoeldisponerde un Acuerdodeproteccidn para reparaciones l epuede ahorrardineroy problemas. Acontinuad6nse detailan lospuntosinduidosen el Acuerdo: [] Servido experto prestado por nuestros 10,000 espedalistas e nreparadones p rofesionales [] Servido Uimitado sincargo paralaspiezas y la manodeobraentodaslasreparadones c ubiertas [] Reemplazodel producto hasta1500d6lares sinoesposiblereparar el productocubierto [] Descuento de 25%del predonormaldelservkioy delaspiezas reladonadas c onel mismoquenoest_ncubiertas por...
  • Page 167 Esta pgtginase march6 intencionadamenteen blanco.
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