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Wand'and Ca tr/ing _ not shown • cautlon; Thismanualcontains information for the s=fety of persons and property. Read it carefully before assemblyand operation of the equipmP.ntJ III I II II Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL60179 U.S.A. www.sears, com/craftsman...
RULES FOR SAFE OPERATION__ .'agrochemica]s. e.Know-€ontrcle and how to stop equipmentquickly.READ THE OWNER'S MANUAL. • Alwayswear overal!slsafety vest, boots,hat, gloves, respirator, and goggles. • Do not allowchildrento operate _he vehicle. Do nOtallow adultsto operatewithout properinstructionor without • Wash overalls at the end of each havingread the Owner'sManual, •...
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SPRAYER PARTS LISTING SPRAYER PARTS REFERENCE 01Y. REF. NO. PART NO. DESCRIPI'IQN UeT?6 ChUnk:J _ 6 C-._L U442.4 ,_raih_ U4270 C homical tank lid K6216 O-Ping K5_13 Vary, Kl139 Sb'apII_ c111mp KI S4S • G_'_€ K1on9 Pactc_g 1(5949 Tank ecrew K3203 Relen_n ring K1100...
MOUNTING BRACKET PARTS REFERENCE MOUNTING BRACKET PARTS LISTING REF. NO, PART NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. B-,6273 FrontStrap B=6274 Back Plate B-6275 Side Strap B-6276 BottomPlate 8-6277 Gusset B-6278 Top Plate • 7 11M1016P 5116"x I" Cardage Bolt 1 2M1216P 3/8" x 1"Hex Bolt •...
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MOUNTING BRACKET ASSEMBLY Right 41,Fittabs nTop PJate(6)intoBack Plate(2) as shown. 5. Fit tabsin Gusset(5)to holesin Top Plate(6) untilyoura_embly lookslike Figure2. NOTE: Assemble Top Platowiththe largo openingtothe rightas shown. Figure4,_ 6. Usingthe Pliers,bend Lowertab on each Gueset(5)towardscenterof etand u shown. 7. Bend Uppertabs on each Gusset(5)towards the centerofthe stand as shown.
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MOUNTING BRACKET AS6EMBLY _---_'__ 11' Bendt°P and b°tt°m tabst°wards back °f unit _"_'_ _"_"" ""_ 12. One at e time, place Side Strap(3) intothe BaCk Plate(2)as shown. 13. Bendtabstowardsmiddle of uniL NOTE: Side Straps will seem very looseonce €onnected, w avingfrom side to side. This allowsthe bracketto connectto different varietiesofCraftsmanFront EngineTractors.
SPRAYER ASSEMBLY Refer to page A ;,L, s tra.on for sprayerassembleand opera.on 1. Remove all loosepart_m insidethe tank. 4. It may be necessaryduringsprayingto periodically pump a.(Wand & Tip assembly- 35,36_37,3g) the unitin orderto maintain pressure.DOnot over-pressudze the pumpas it may cause damageto the unit, b.(Strainer - 2) c.!Hardwam Bag for MountingBracket) 5.