Installation/Connection Manual
°"√µ' ¥ µ— È ß /§Ÿ Ë ¡ ◊ Õ °"√µ' ¥ µ— È ß
[A, U, UT]
This receiver is designed to operate on 12 V DC, NEGATIVE
ground electrical systems. If your vehicle does not have this
system, a voltage inverter is required, which can be purchased
at JVC car audio dealers.
• DO NOT install any receiver in locations where;
– it may obstruct the steering wheel and gearshift lever
operations, as this may result in a traffic accident.
– it may obstruct the operation of safety devices such as air
bags, as this may result in a fatal accident.
– it may obstruct visibility.
• DO NOT operate any receiver while manipulating the
steering wheel, as this may result in a traffic accident.
• The driver must not watch the monitor while driving.
If the driver watches the monitor while driving, it may lead
to carelessness and cause an accident.
• The driver must not put on the headphones while driving.
It is dangerous to shut off the outside sounds while driving.
• If you need to operate the receiver while driving, be sure
to look ahead carefully or you may be involved in a traffic
• If the parking brake is not engaged, "ParkingBrake" flashs
on the monitor, and no playback picture will be shown.
– This warning appears only when the parking brake wire is
connected to the parking brake system built in the car.
Parts list for installation and connection
The following parts are provided for this receiver.
After checking them, please set them correctly.
A / B
Hard case/Control panel
≈— ß ∫√√®ÿ / ÀπÈ " ª— ¥
Crimp connectors
¢— È « µË Õ "À√— ∫ Àπ' ∫
Rubber cushion
¬"ß°— π °√–·∑°
§— π ∫— ß §— ∫
• The fuse blows.
* Are the red and black leads connected correctly?
• Power cannot be turned on.
* Is the yellow lead connected?
• No sound from the speakers.
* Is the speaker output lead short-circuited?
• Sound is distorted.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the "–" terminals of L and R speakers grounded in
• Noise interfere with sounds.
* Is the rear ground terminal connected to the car's chassis
using shorter and thicker cords?
• Receiver becomes hot.
* Is the speaker output lead grounded?
* Are the "–" terminals of L and R speakers grounded in
• This receiver does not work at all.
* Have you reset your receiver?
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Washer (ø5)
ª√–‡°Á π «ß·À«π
Remote controller
√' ‚ ¡µ§Õπ‚∑√≈
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Trim plate
·ºË π ‚≈À–¢Õ∫·µË ß
Lock nut (M5)
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Power cord
"¬‡§‡∫' ≈ °"≈— ß
Mounting bolt—M5 x 20 mm
≈— ° µ' ¥ —
¡' ≈ ≈' ‡ ¡µ√
— M5 x 20
Reverse gear signal
extension cord
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