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'$5'6 $6 $ 5(68/7 ,7 ,6 3266,%/( 7+$7 7+(5( 0$< %( 620( ',))(5(1&(6 %(7:((1 7+( +:6: 352'8&7 $1' 7+,6 ,1)250$7,21 352'8&7 ,QGXVWULDO Industrial IT enabled products from ABB are the building blocks for greater productivity, featuring all the tools necessary for lifecycle product support in consistent electronic form. 0DQXIDFWXUHU...
&RQWHQWV 1/1 of 19” case ................48 Modules ..................51 Location of the connectors on rear side of RET 521......53 Modules ..................54 Location of the connectors on rear side for RED 521 ......56 Modules ..................58 &KDSWHU (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV Making the electrical connections ............
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&RQWHQWV &KDSWHU 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV Requirements .................. 100 Degrees of protection ..............100 Environmental aspects ............... 101 Earthquake protection ..............102 Power losses ................102 Ambient temperature ..............104 Earth connection................110 Electro static discharge..............112 Examples of mounting in cubicles ........... 113 Examples of terminal blocks and cables..........
&KDSWHU About this chapter ,QWURGXFWLRQ &KDSWHU ,QWURGXFWLRQ $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter is an introduction to the Builder’s guide...
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&KDSWHU Introduction to the Builder´s guide ,QWURGXFWLRQ ,QWURGXFWLRQ WR WKH %XLOGHUV JXLGH ,QWHQGHG DXGLHQFH This guide is intended for system integrators. $FURQ\PV DQG DEEUHYLDWLRQV Global Positioning System Human Machine Interface is the front panel of a terminal. Human System Interface is the control system of a station. ,(&...
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&KDSWHU Terminal sizes 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 7HUPLQDO VL]HV Three different case sizes are available for the 500 series terminals. )LJXUH RI ´ 8 FDVH RI ´ 8 FDVH DQG RI ´ 8 FDVH...
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&KDSWHU Mounting alternatives 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 0RXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV The RE 500 cases can be mounted in several different ways, they can also be combined with, for example, RHGS cases in the same assembly. )OXVK PRXQWLQJ VLQJOH FDVH xx02000694.vsd...
&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 0RXQWLQJ PHWKRGV DQG PRXQWLQJ GHWDLOV 0RXQWLQJ WKH WHUPLQDO Most of the REx 5xx terminals can be rack, flush, semi-flush or wall mounted with the use of different mounting kits. An additional box of type RHGS can be mounted to one side of a 1/2 or 3/4 terminal.
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 7RU[ VFUHZ Generally, all the screws included in delivered mounting kits are of Torx type and a screwdriver of same type is needed (Tx10, Tx15, Tx20 and Tx25). )OXVK PRXQWLQJ All terminal sizes, 1/2, 3/4 and 1/1 of 19”...
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 7DEOH 5HVW RI GLPHQVLRQV VHH $ 1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 4-10 mm 16.5 mm 187.5 mm without protective cover and 228.6 mm with protective cover 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D IOXVK PRXQWLQJ NLW 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 1MRK 000 020-Y 7DEOH ...
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV xx02000666.vsd )LJXUH 6HPLIOXVK PRXQWLQJ GLPHQVLRQV 7DEOH 6HPLIOXVK PRXQWLQJ GLPHQVLRQV 1XPEHU 'LPHQVLRQV 106.5 mm 97.6 mm without protective cover and 138.6 mm with protective cover 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D VHPLIOXVK PRXQWLQJ NLW 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 1MRK 000 020-BS...
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV xx02000686.vsd )LJXUH 3DQHO PRXQWLQJ WKH IODQJHV DUH UHYHUVDEOH 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D PRXQWLQJ GHWDLO NLW ZKHQ RUGHULQJ D WHUPLQDO 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU &RQVLVW 1MRK 000 020-BR When ordering a terminal, the accurate size of parts; 1a and 1b are automaticly delivered.
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV :DOO PRXQWLQJ All terminal sizes, 1/2, 3/4 and 1/1 of 19”, can be wall mounted. It is possible to mount the terminal on a panel or in a cubicle. 0RXQWLQJ NLW GHWDLOV Consisting of: •...
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV xx02000696.vsd )LJXUH 3URWHFWLRQ FRYHU +RZ WR UHDFK WKH FRQQHFWRUV RQ WKH UHDU VLGH RI WKH WHUPLQDO See figure 10 To access the rear side of the terminal, a free space of 80 mm is required on the side that opens.
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)LJXUH 6LGHE\VLGH UDFN PRXQWLQJ GHWDLOV $ VHULHV WHUPLQDO PRXQWHG ZLWK D 5+*6 FDVH A 500 series terminal 3/4 of 19” mounted with a RHGS 6 case, see figure 12. RHGS 6 case can be used for mounting a test switch of type RTXP 24. It also has enough space for a terminal base of RX 2 type for mounting a DC-switch or two trip relays of one seat size.
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D VLGHE\VLGH UDFN PRXQWLQJ GHWDLO NLW ZLWK D WHUPLQDO 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 1MRK 000 020-BR The correct size rack will be delivered. 6LGHE\VLGH IOXVK PRXQWLQJ Side-by-side mounted cases should not be installed as flush mounting.
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 'LPHQVLRQV xx02000651.vsd )LJXUH &DVH GLPHQVLRQV &DVH VL]H & 6U x 1/2 of 19” 214.0 259.3 240.4 190.5 34.4 13.2 diam. 6U x 3/4 of 19” 326.7 259.3 352.8 190.5 34.4...
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&KDSWHU Mounting methods and mounting details 7HUPLQDO GLPHQVLRQV DQG PRXQWLQJ DOWHUQDWLYHV 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D VHSDUDWH VLGHE\VLGH PRXQWLQJ GHWDLO NLW 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 1MRK 000 020-CA + Mounting brackets and side-by-side mounting kit (2 fixing plates, 8 fixing screws and an instruction sheet) 1MRK 000 020-Z...
&KDSWHU About this chapter 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH &KDSWHU 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes different test switch modules.
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7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH 7HVW VZLWFKHV When ordering a 500 series 19” rack mounted terminal of 1/2 and 3/4 size with a RTXP 24 test switch, the terminal will be delivered with a test switch module mounted side- by-side and wired to the terminal.
&KDSWHU Test switches 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH 1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ Mounting plate kit for RTXP 24, Ordering no: 1MRK 000 020-BT Terminal base RX 2 DC-switch RHGS 6 case 1RWH 2UGHULQJ LQIRUPDWLRQ 7KH RUGHULQJ QXPEHU LV YLVLEOH RQ WKH ULJKW KDOI RI WKH IURQW FRYHU RQ WKH 57;3 WHVW VZLWFK '&VZLWFK As an option a DC-switch can be selected for this module and occupy one seat of the...
&KDSWHU Test switch modules for REL-, REB-, and REC 5xx 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH 7HVW VZLWFK PRGXOHV IRU 5(/ 5(% DQG 5(& [[ REL, REB and REC provide you with a test switch module. There are two alternatives, which depend on the use of internal or external earthing.
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&KDSWHU Test switch modules for REL-, REB-, and REC 5xx 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D WHVW VZLWFK IRU 5(/ [[ 5(% [[ RU 5(& [[ 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 1MRK 000 371-CA Test switch module RTXP 24 in a RHGS case. The ordering system will generate the correct switch, according to your choice of internal- or external earthing.
&KDSWHU Test switch modules for RET 521 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH 7HVW VZLWFK PRGXOHV IRU 5(7 One test switch is required for each Analog input module (AIM). As the RET 521 is 3/ 4 of a 19” case, the first test switch is mounted alongside the terminal. The second test switch is delivered separately, with a set of leads and must be connected by the user in accordance with the circuit diagram of each terminal.
&KDSWHU Test switch modules for RED 521 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH 7HVW VZLWFK PRGXOHV IRU 5(' One test switch is required for each analog input module (AIM). As the RED 521 ter- minal case is 19” the test switch will always be delivered separately. The test switches for RED 521 have always an external earth (star point) connection of three-phase CT groups, see figure...
&KDSWHU Test switch modules for RED 521 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH 6HFRQGDU\ WHVWLQJ In many cases more than three CT circuits are connected to one RED 521. In these cases more than one test switch type RTXP 24 shall be used. This imposes some requirements on the overall circuit design in order to allow secure secondary testing of the bus differ- ential relay under through-load conditions.
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&KDSWHU Test switch modules for RED 521 7HUPLQDOV ZLWK D WHVW VZLWFK PRGXOH $Q H[DPSOH RI 5(' FXELFOH DSSOLFDWLRQ 3 RED 521 with the following functions. Two single-phase differential zones (i.e. ZA & ZB), ZA/ ZB bus interconnection, open CT detection, service values reading and event list. xx02000752.vsd )LJXUH 57;3 WHVW VZLWFKHV...
&KDSWHU About this chapter 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV &KDSWHU 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes how to connect the terminal to a computer.
&KDSWHU Connectors on the terminal 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV &RQQHFWRUV RQ WKH WHUPLQDO There are communication ports on the front and rear sides of the terminal. On the front of the terminal on the HMI module, an optical/electrical connector to the PC COM-port is available, see figure 25.
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&KDSWHU Connectors on the terminal 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV xx03000027.vsd )LJXUH 2SWR SROH FDEOH 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D RSWR FDEOH 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 1MKC 950 001-2 Opto/9pole D-sub cable xx02000704.vsd )LJXUH $ WHUPLQDO FRQQHFWHG WR D 3&...
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV /RFDWLRQ RI WKH FRQQHFWRUV RQ UHDU VLGH IRU 5(/ 5(% 5(& [[ RI ´ FDVH The quantity and designation of connectors depends on the type and size of the terminal. The rear cover-plates are prepared with space for the maximum number of HW options for each case size and a factory mounted cover plate covers the unused cutouts.
&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV REAR VIEW TRM for With TRM No TRM* REL 551*** en02000709.vsd TRM =Transformer module No voltage transformers 7DEOH 'HVLJQDWLRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR FDVLQJ RI ´ FDVLQJ 0RGXOH )URQW 5HDU...
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 2SWLRQV TRM and ADM BIM, BOM, IOM and/or MIM BIM, BOM, IOM, MIM or DCM RI ´ FDVH The quantity and designation of connectors depends on the type and size of the terminal. The rear cover-plates have space for the maximum number of HW options for each case size and a factory mounted cover plate for unused cutouts.
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV REAR VIEW TRM for No TRM* With TRM REL 551*** en02000712.vsd TRM = Transformer module No voltage transformers 7DEOH 'HVLJQDWLRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR FDVLQJ RI ´ FDVH 0RGXOH )URQW 5HDU...
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 0RGXOH )URQW 5HDU X24, X25 X26, X27 X28, X29 X30, X31 X32, X33 X34, X35 2SWLRQV TRM and ADM BIM, BOM, IOM and/or MIM BIM, BOM, IOM, MIM or DCM RI ´...
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV REAR VIEW No TRM* With TRM en02000714.vsd...
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV TRM = Transformer module 7DEOH 'HVLJQDWLRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR FDVLQJ RI ´ FDVH 0RGXOH )URQW 5HDU Transformer Module (1) TRM X11, X12 Analog/Digital conversion Module, (1) ADM Main Processing Module, MPM X13, X15 X16, X17...
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 0RGXOHV 7DEOH %DVLF PRGXOHV DOZD\V LQFOXGHG 0RGXOH 'HVFULSWLRQ Backplane module Carries all internal signals between modules in a terminal. The size of the module depends on the size of the case.
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for REL-, REB-, REC 5xx 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 0RGXOH 'HVFULSWLRQ Data communication modules (DCMs) Modules used for digital communication to remote terminal. Transformer input module (TRM) Used for galvanic separation of voltage and/or current process signals and the internal cir- cuitry.
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side of RET 521 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV /RFDWLRQ RI WKH FRQQHFWRUV RQ UHDU VLGH RI 5(7 FRONT VIEW P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P8:1 xx03000043.vsd...
&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side of RET 521 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 7DEOH 'HVLJQDWLRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR RI ´ FDVLQJ 0RGXOH /RFDWLRQ 5HDU Analog input module 1, AIM1 Analog input module 2, AIM2 Numerical module X81 - X84 Optical communication module P8:1 X91, X92...
&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side of RET 521 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 7DEOH $SSOLFDWLRQ VSHFLILF PRGXOHV 0RGXOH 'HVFULSWLRQ Analog input module (AIM) Used for analog to digital conversion of ana- log processing signals galvanically separated from the internal circuits. Serial channel and LON channel module Used for analog to digital conversion of ana- (SLM)
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for RED 521 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV /RFDWLRQ RI WKH FRQQHFWRUV RQ UHDU VLGH IRU 5(' FRONT VIEW P9 P10 P11 P8:1 LCD-HMI xx03000042.vsd REAR VIEW X141 X121 X111 X101 X122 X112 X102 xx03000041.vsd...
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&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for RED 521 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 7DEOH &RQQHFWRUV DQG DVVRFLDWHG SULQWHG ERDUG DVVHPEOLHV IRU WKUHHSKDVH 5(' WHUPLQDO 0RGXOH /RFDWLRQ 5HDU Analog input module 1 (CT1 to CT3) Analog input module 2 (CT4 to CT6)* Optical communication module X81-X84 Binary input module (general inputs and...
&KDSWHU Location of the connectors on rear side for RED 521 7HUPLQDO FRQQHFWRUV 0RGXOHV 7DEOH %DVLF PRGXOHV DOZD\V LQFOXGHG 0RGXOH 'HVFULSWLRQ Backplane module Carries all internal signals between modules in a terminal. Analog input module (AIM) Used for analog to digital conversion of ana- log processing signals galvanically separated from the internal circuits.
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&KDSWHU About this chapter (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV &KDSWHU (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the electrical connections...
&KDSWHU Making the electrical connections (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV 0DNLQJ WKH HOHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV &RQQHFWLRQ WR SURWHFWLYH HDUWK When, for example, a terminal is mounted in a cubicle, it shall be connected to protec- tive earth with a green/yellow conductor with a cross section area of at least 2.5 mm (AWG 12).
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&KDSWHU Making the electrical connections (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV xx03000047.vsd )LJXUH SROH FRQQHFWRU DQG WKH HDUWKLQJ VFUHZ 1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ Weidmuller 12-pole connector, DFK 6/12 Earthing screw &RQQHFWRUV IRU YROWDJH ELQDU\ LQSXW DQG RXWSXW VLJQDOV The connectors are of Phoenix COMBICON type. The 18-pole male connectors are soldered to the module circuit boards, see figure 29.
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30. xx02000742.vsd )LJXUH SROH IHPDOH 3KRHQL[ 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ D SROH IHPDOH 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 1MKC 860 001-2 ABB Part number for Phoenix 18-pole female...
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&KDSWHU Making the electrical connections (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV If two conductors of cross section 1.5 mm are connected to the same terminal additional ferrules must be used. We recommend use of Phoenix ferrules Al-Twin2, 1.5-8 BK. Bridge connectors are used for jump terminal points in a femal connector. We recom- mend use of the Phoenix crimping tool ZA3, for crimping.
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3KRHQL[ FULPSLQJ WRRO 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ IHUUXOHV 1XPEHU 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 1MKC 840 003-4 ABB part number for Phoenix ferrules 7DEOH 2UGHULQJ EULGJH FRQQHFWRUV 1XPEHU 2UGHULQJ QXPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ 1MKC 840 002-1 2 terminals, 8 mm division 1MKC 840 002-4 3 terminals, 5.8 mm division...
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&KDSWHU Making the electrical connections (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV ,GHQWLILFDWLRQ RI WKH ODEHOV RQ WKH UHOD\V DQG UHOD\ DVVHPEOLHV Connection point for protective earth Indicates that a wrist ESD-bracelet shall be used when touching the terminal and when modules are to be exchanged or inserted Informs that the equipment must be connected to protective earth before being energized Warning label placed on all apparatuses/products, which are used on...
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&KDSWHU Making the electrical connections (OHFWULFDO FRQQHFWLRQV...
&KDSWHU About this chapter ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV &KDSWHU ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the installation of the optical cables in terminals and cubicle and how to configure modems and transceivers.
&KDSWHU Installing the optical fibres ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV ,QVWDOOLQJ WKH RSWLFDO ILEUHV Connectors are generally color coded; connect blue or dark grey cable connectors to blue or dark grey (receive) back-side connectors. Connect black or grey cable connec- tors to black or grey (transmit) back-side connectors.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV &RQILJXULQJ WKH NELW GDWD FRPPXQLFDWLRQ PRGXOHV &RQILJXULQJ WKH ILEUH RSWLFDO PRGHP Two different levels of optical output power can be set on the HMI under: &RQILJXUDWLRQ7HUPLQDO&RP5HP7HUP&RP2SWR3RZHU For the optical module, the optical output power has to be set according to the attenua- tion of the fibre optic link.
&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV &DOFXODWLRQ RI RSWLFDO SRZHU EXGJHW Refer to table 34 table 35 for maximum distance in a back-to-back application 7DEOH ,QSXW GDWD IRU FDOFXODWLRQ RI RSWLFDO SRZHU EXGJHW *HQHUDO GDWD $WWHQXDWLRQ Type of optical Tx/Rx-module...
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV 7HUPLQDO HTXLSPHQW ([DPSOH ([DPSOH Av. cable length between 3.0 km splices Average number of splices 0.33 splice/km 0.027 dB/km 0.027 dB/km Number of repair splices 0.10 splice/km 0.008 dB/km...
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV Switch 3 and 4 are used to set the source of timing. The function is according to the set- ting of timing signal, table 36.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV The other jumper is S3 and must be in the position indicated in figure 36. If it is in the top position the communication will not work. (In top position the transmit clock is sup- posed to be created in the CPU on the MPM module which is not possible).
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV The jumpers are accessible after the modem has been pulled out. This is done by first removing all green 18-pin connectors at the back, then remove all screws holding the back plate.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV &RQILJXULQJ WKH VKRUW UDQJH JDOYDQLF PRGHP No setting is available for the short range galvanic modem on the HMI. There are how- ever some settings that can be made on the DIP-switch located behind the cover around the line connector at the back of the terminal as shown in figure...
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV 7DEOH ,QGLFDWLRQV ([SODQDWLRQ Detection of carrier signal Transmitted data Received data &RQILJXUH WKH LQWHUIDFH PRGXOHV IRU 9 ; DQG 56 The connector for X.21 is a 15 pin DSUB according to the X.21 standard. For RS530 the connector is a 25 pin DSUB according to the RS530 standard.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV 7DEOH '68% FRQQHFWRU H[SODQDWLRQ 'HVLJQDWLRQ ([SODQDWLRQ Designations of terminals according to ITU (CCITT), EIA etc. Designations of terminals according to ITU (CCITT), EIA etc. Data communication equipment (= multiplexer, etc.) Data terminal equipment (= protection) DTE READY Data terminal ready (follows auxiliary voltage)
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV Only switch 1 is used on the DIP-switch. In the ON position, transmission timing is gen- erated internally in the modem. In the OFF position, transmission timing is generated by the received G.703 signal.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV &KHFN WKDW WKH RSWLFDO EXGJHW LV FRUUHFW &20)$,/ RFFXUV IRU WKH IROORZLQJ UHDVRQV The COMFAIL signal will be triggered when there is a problem in the communication link between the two terminals, depending on type of 56/64 modem.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV 7DEOH 6XPPDU\ 1R &20)$,/ WULJJHULQJ &20)$,/ WULJ 5HPDUN JHULQJ WLPH 'URSRXW GHOD\ PV ≥ 50 ms Transmit error Messages can not be sent ≥...
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV ([SODQDWLRQ RI FRQWHQWV LQ FROXPQ RI WDEOH 1. Transmit errors are due to that the terminal cannot send messages via the telecom- munication channel (PCM).
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Here follow some recommendations on settings and connections when operating to- gether with protection systems from ABB. In the following the transceiver is regarded as a DTE (although it is actually designed as a DCE) and is supposed to be connected to communication equipment that acts as a DCE.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV 7DEOH &RQQHFWLRQV 7UDQVFHLYHU Pin No. V.35 V.36 Comm. eq. Signal No Signal No Direction Comm. eq. -> Transceiver Transceiver -> Comm. eq. Comm.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV 7DEOH 6HWWLQJV 6ZLWFK MXPSHU 6HWWLQJ *LYHV Middle position V.35 Bottom position V.36 64 kbit/s Middle position External clock Has no influence on operation &RQWUDGLUHFWLRQDO RSHUDWLRQ Connected according to...
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV Tranceiver Communication equipment TD(A) RD(A) TD(B) RD(B) RD(A) TD(A) RD(B) TD(B) TTC(A) RC(A) TTC(B) RC(B) TC(A) TC(B) en01000191.vsd where: is the selection between either RC or TC )LJXUH &RQQHFWLRQ EHWZHHQ WUDQVFHLYHU DQG FRPPXQLFDWLRQ HTXLSPHQW Setting of transceiver is done according to table...
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WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV Here follow some recommendations on settings and connections when using protection systems from ABB. In the following, the transceiver is regarded as a DTE and is sup- posed to be connected to communication equipment that acts as a DCE.
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV 7DEOH 6HWWLQJV 6ZLWFK MXPSHU 6HWWLQJ *LYHV S2, S3, S4, S15, S16 Jumpers downwards Second position from bottom X.21 64 kbit/s Jumper at middle position External clock Has no influence on operation ...
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&KDSWHU Configuring the 56/64 kbit data communication modules ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI WKH RSWLFDO FDEOHV LQ WHUPLQDOV DQG FXELFOHV Set transceiver according to table 7DEOH 6HWWLQJV 6ZLWFK MXPSHU 6HWWLQJ G.703 co - con, balanced Nx64 kbps Co-directional Has no influence on operation Has no influence on operation Has no influence on operation 9 (64 kbit/s)
&KDSWHU About this chapter 0DNLQJ WKH VFUHHQ FRQQHFWLRQ &KDSWHU 0DNLQJ WKH VFUHHQ FRQQHFWLRQ $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes how to connect the screen cables.
&KDSWHU Screen connections 0DNLQJ WKH VFUHHQ FRQQHFWLRQ 6FUHHQ FRQQHFWLRQV ,QVWDOOLQJ When using screened cable, always make sure that the screens are earthed and connect- ed according to established engineering methods. en03000089.vsd )LJXUH &RPPXQLFDWLRQ FDEOH LQVWDOODWLRQ 1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ Relay terminal Use insulation tape for the inner shield to prevent contact with the protective earth External equipment Protective earth screw...
&KDSWHU About this chapter ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI RSWLFDO FDEOHV &KDSWHU ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI RSWLFDO FDEOHV $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the connection of optical cables.
&KDSWHU SPA/IEC ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI RSWLFDO FDEOHV 63$,(& The serial communication module for SPA/IEC is placed in a slot at the rear of the main processing module. One of the following conection options is available for serial com- munication: • two plastic fibre cables;...
&KDSWHU ,QVWDOODWLRQ RI RSWLFDO FDEOHV The serial communication module for LON is placed in a slot at the rear of the Main processing module. One of the following options is available for serial communication: • two plastic fibre cables; (Rx, Tx) or •...
&KDSWHU About this chapter 'DWD FRPPXQLFDWLRQ PRGXOHV &KDSWHU 'DWD FRPPXQLFDWLRQ PRGXOHV $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the data communication modules.
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15-20 km for multi-mode fibre, and even further with high quality fibre. This interface can also be used for direct connection with com- munication equipment of type FOX 512/515 from ABB. The short-range fibre optical module DCM-SFOM can only be used with multi-mode fibre.The communication distance is normally 3 to 5 km.
&KDSWHU Data communication modules 'DWD FRPPXQLFDWLRQ PRGXOHV 7HFKQLFDO GDWD 7DEOH '&0 *DOYDQLF GDWD FRPPXQLFDWLRQ PRGXOH ,QWHUIDFH W\SH $FFRUGLQJ WR VWDQGDUG &RQQHFWRU W\SH V.36/V11 Co-directional (on request) ITU (CCITT) D-sub 25 pins V.36/V11 Contra-directional ITU (CCITT) D-sub 25 pins X.21/X27 ITU (CCITT) D-sub 15 pins...
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21 dB 16 dB Transmission distance typical 15-20 km typical 40-60 km Optical connector Type FC-PC Type FC-PC Protocol ABB specific ABB specific Data transmission Synchronous, full duplex Synchronous, full duplex Transmission rate 64 kbit/s 64 kbit/s Clock source Internal or derived from...
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&KDSWHU About this chapter 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV &KDSWHU 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV $ERXW WKLV FKDSWHU This chapter describes the mounting of units in cubicles.
&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV 5HTXLUHPHQWV The cubicle’s design shall take into account all the electrical and environmental de- mands arising from the location of the cubicle. The cubicle should be designed according to the international standard publication IEC 439-1 and to other IEC publications referring to this standard. The degree of ingression protection provided by the cubicle should correspond to those in IEC 60 529.
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&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV Using the IP code according IEC 60 529, the degrees of protection of the equipment are IP21, IP41, IP43 or IP54. The IP code components are described in table 7DEOH ,3 FRGH DQG LWV PHDQLQJ IRU WKH SURWHFWLRQ RI WKH HTXLSPHQW &RPSRQHQW )LJXUHV 'HVFULSWLRQ...
&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV (DUWKTXDNH SURWHFWLRQ The standard IEEE 693 draft 5 states recommended practice for seismic design of sub- stations. The cubicle should be able to sustain a maximum ground acceleration (ZPA) equivalent to 0.5g in areas with a high risk for seismic shocks. 3RZHU ORVVHV The temperature rises in a cabinet due to the power losses from the equipment housed in it.
&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV $PELHQW WHPSHUDWXUH 0D[LPXP SHUPLVVLEOH DPELHQW WHPSHUDWXUH The relays are designed for a maximum ambient temperature of 55 ° C at rated voltage. The permissible ambient temperature stated for a relay refers to the average temperature surrounding the relay itself and not the temperature in the control room, where the re- lay’s cubicle or panel is located.
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&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV The second situation concerns auxiliary relays. There is a limitation to the numbers of continuously energized auxiliary relays that may be included in a RHGS or RHGX case or equipment frame and still stay within the 15°C rise limit. For example in an applica- tion of FRQWLQXRXVO\ HQHUJL]HG interposing relays.
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&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV is the total power loss of the relay in the case is the thermal resistance of the cubicle (for the cubicles according to table is the total power loss in the cubicle 7DEOH 3HUPLVVLEOH SRZHU ORVVHV IRU & WHPSHUDWXUH LQFUHDVH LQ 5+*6 DQG 5*+;...
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&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV Also applicable to equipment frames mounted close to each other if every alternate equipment frame has a low continuous power loss (approximately 5 W). It is desirable to mount the equipment frames in the cubicles with maximum possible space between them, to ensure the best possible heat dissipation.
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&KDSWHU Requirements 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV Table 60 is applicable for convection in sealed or self-ventilated cubicles with a design according to figure 52. When the power losses are approximately evenly distributed in the equipment frames, the temperature increase should not exceed 15°C. Sources of maximum heat loss, such as power supplies for static relays and continuous- ly energized auxiliary relays, should preferably not be located too close to each other.
&KDSWHU Earth connection 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV (DUWK FRQQHFWLRQ All units in the cubicle shall be earthed through the cubicle framework. All units must be well fixed and the screws tightened correctly. Equipment with a connector (possibly a screw) for protected earth shall be connected to the earthing bar in the cubicle with a green/yellow cable.
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&KDSWHU Earth connection 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV )LJXUH +RUL]RQWDO HDUWKLQJ EDU )LJXUH 9HUWLFDO HDUWKLQJ EDU When two or more cubicles are mounted side-by side, the earthing bars shall be joined together with joining pieces, see figure 57. The earthing bar is then connected to an earth grid, or equivalent, in the plant.
&KDSWHU Electro static discharge 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV (OHFWUR VWDWLF GLVFKDUJH When working in a cubicle, a wrist ESD bracelet connected to protective earth shall al- ways be used in order to minimize the risk of ESD damage to the equipment. The end-user of the cubicle has to be aware that the cubicle contains ESD sensitive equipment.
([DPSOHV RI PRXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV xx03000044.vsd )LJXUH 0RXQWLQJ LQWR FXELFOH 1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ A star-coupler, RER xxx, with 19” mounting A 1/2 of 19” 500 series terminal joined together with a REF 5xx terminal from ABB Finland A 3/4 of 19” 500 series terminal...
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&KDSWHU Examples of mounting in cubicles 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV 1XPEHU 'HVFULSWLRQ The earth cable, to earthed frame, should be as short as possible fl xx02000750.vsd )LJXUH 7KH ZLULQJ WR FXELFOH WHUPLQDOV...
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&KDSWHU Examples of terminal blocks and cables 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV ([DPSOHV RI WHUPLQDO EORFNV DQG FDEOHV 7HUPLQDO EORFNV The terminal blocks in table 61 are manufactured by Phoenix. Refer to the manufactur- er’s recommendations regarding mounting. The different types of terminal blocks are: •...
&KDSWHU Examples of terminal blocks and cables 0RXQWLQJ LQ FXELFOHV Temperature index 70°C Material Cu, tinned, multi-stranded flexible conductor, according to IEC 228 class 5, with PVC Type TI 1 insulation Color Grey (GY) or Green/Yellow (GNYE) for protective earth conductors...
&KDSWHU Example 1 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115 kV Line bay cubicle (diameter 1) for xxx substation: 2 Protection & Control terminals, REx 5xx for feeders 1 and 2 with the following functions: •...
&KDSWHU Example 2 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115 kV Line bay cubicle (diameter 2) for xxx substation: 1 Protection & Control terminal, REx 5xx for feeder 1 and 2 with the following functions: •...
&KDSWHU Example 3 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115/22 kV Line bay cubicle (diameter 3) for xxx substation: 3 Control terminals, REx 5xx including breaker failure protection for breakers 1, 2 and 3 MODULE POSITION (S=44,5mm)
&KDSWHU Example 4 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies for a 115 kV Line bay cubicle (diameter 4) for xxx substation: 2 Protection & Control terminals, REx 5xx for feeder 1 and 2 with the following functions: •...
&KDSWHU Example 5 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115 kV Busbar cubicle for xxx substation: 2 Bus differential relay, RED 521, up to 18 bays MODULE POSITION (S=44,5mm) 8 RXMS 1 Tripping relays 4 sets of Micro Circuit Breakers RED 521 Bus diff.
&KDSWHU Example 6 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115 kV Line bay cubicle with 1 feeder for xxx substation: 1 Protection & Control terminal, REx 5xx for feeder 1 with the following functions: •...
&KDSWHU Example 7 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115 kV Line bay cubicle for 2 feeders for xxx substation: 2 Protection & Control terminal, REx 5xx for feeder 1 and 2 with the following functions: •...
&KDSWHU Example 8 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115/22 kV Transformer bay cubicle or cu- bicles for xxx substation: 1 Control terminal, REC 561 for feeder includ- ing breaker failure protection: MODULE POSITION 1 Transformer differential protection, (S=44,5mm)
&KDSWHU Example 9 &XELFOH OD\RXWV ([DPSOH The following scope of supply applies to a 115 kV Bus coupler and Busbar cubicle for xxx substation: 1 Control terminal, REx 5xx 1 Bus differential relay, using auxiliary sum- MODULE POSITION mation CT’s, REB 101, max.