Input/output variables
Addressing basic unit masters or stand-alone basic units with central extensions
Addressing the CS31 bus enables the user to program the utilization of the inputs/outputs in a
manner that is completely transparent to the user.
The inputs/outputs of a AC31 remote unit are defined by:
- their type (input or output, digital or analog),
- the unit address,
- the channel number on the unit.
They are recognized in the following manner by the program: Exx, yy
E : binary input
A: binary output
EW: analog input
AW: analog output
Utilization of the s tand-alone, master or slave mode of the basic unit is defined via the
constant KW 00,00 with the programming software 907 PC 331 (as of 50 series ).
A maximum of 6 digital or analog extensions may be connected to a basic unit in any order.
40 series
50 series
xx yy
Address (xx)
Maximum of 6 extensions
4 – 18
Channel number (yy)
Advant Controller AC 31 / Issued: 08.99