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RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PROPER PROTECTION The Following Recommendations for the Location of Fire and Burglary Detection Devices Help Provide Proper Coverage for the Protected Premises. Recommendations for Smoke and Heat Detectors With regard to the number and placement of smoke/heat detectors, we subscribe to the recommendations contained in the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) Standard #72 noted below.
The LYNXR-Series controls are self-contained, rechargeable wireless control/communicators that feature easy installation and usage. A built-in speaker provides voice annunciation of system status along with voice descriptors of each zone (LYNXR-EN if programmed). The following illustration highlights the main features of this system. )($785(6 6<67(0 32:(5...
6QDS WKH IURQW DVVHPEO\ WR WKH EDFN SODWH VR LW LV VHFXUHG E\ WKH ORFNLQJ WDEV 01009-003-V0 'HVNWRS0RXQWLQJ If desired, an optional mounting base (model LYNX-DM, purchased separately) allows the LYNXR-Series controls to be used on a desktop. 6OLGH FRQWURO SDQHO...
Wiring Connections :LULQJ2YHUYLHZ The following summarizes the connections required. Refer to the Wiring Connections paragraph and the Summary of Connections diagram on the inside back cover when making connections. +$5':,5( =21( /21* 5$1*( 5$',2 6XSSRUWV (2/5 VXSHUYLVHG ]RQH XVLQJ HLWKHU FORVHG &RPSDWLEOH ZLWK WKH $/$501(7 &...
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AC Power and Backup Battery The system is powered by a 9VAC, 15VA Plug-in Transformer, ADEMCO 1332/1332X10 (1332CN in Canada). Refer to the wiring table below for wire gauge and length. 'LVWDQFH IURP 7UDQVIRUPHU :LUH *DXJH 8VH RQO\ WKH SURYLGHG $'(0&2 ; RU &1 7UDQVIRUPHU WR &RQWURO 8S WR IHHW...
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AC Power and Backup Battery $&3RZHUDQG5HFKDUJHDEOH%DFNXS%DWWHU\ The LYNXR Series is equipped with an integral, replaceable, rechargeable battery pack composed of six (6) rechargeable 1.2-volt nickel-metal hydride batteries. Select the appropriate battery pack, based on the installation’s requirement, and install the battery pack.
Installing Wireless Zones *HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ Zones: The control supports up to 24 wireless zones using 5800 Series transmitters, and up to 16 wireless buttons. Range: The built-in RF receiver can detect signals from wireless transmitters within a nominal range of 200 feet. Transmitters: 5800 Series transmitters have built-in serial numbers that must be entered into the system using the ✻56 or ✻83 interactive mode, or input to the control via the downloader.
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Installing Wireless Zones Transmitter Battery Life • Batteries in the wireless transmitters may last from 4–7 years, depending on the environment, usage, and the specific wireless device being used. Factors such as humidity, high or low temperatures, as well as large swings in temperature may all reduce the actual battery life in a given installation.
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Installing Wireless Zones 6HULHV7UDQVPLWWHU/RRS1XPEHUV 5HIHU WR WKLV LQIRUPDWLRQ ZKHQ SURJUDPPLQJ WUDQVPLWWHUV The following illustration shows the compatible transmitters, their associated input types and loop designations. LOOP 4 YOU MUST LOOP 3 LOOP 3 LOOP 2 ENROLL LOOP 4 THIS LOOP 4 LOOP 4 YOU MUST BUTTON...
Mechanics of Programming *HQHUDO3URJUDPPLQJ,QIRUPDWLRQ Programming options are stored in non-removable, electrically erasable, nonvolatile EEROM memory. The system can be programmed at any time, even at the installer's premises prior to the actual installation. Simply apply power temporarily to the Control and then program the unit as desired.
Zone Response Type Definitions *HQHUDO,QIRUPDWLRQ During programming, you must assign a zone type to each zone, which defines the way in which the system responds to faults in that zone. Zone types are defined below. Type 00 Zone type 00 is used to program a zone that is not used. Zone Not Used Zone type 01 is usually assigned to sensors or contacts on primary entry and exit Type 01...
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Zone Response Type Definitions Type 07 Zone type 07 is usually assigned to a zone containing an Emergency 24-hour button (audible emergency). Audible Zone Characteristics: Alarm • Sends a report to the central station, and provides alarm sounds externally and at the keypad. Zone type 08 is usually assigned to a zone containing a button for use Type 08 in personal emergencies or to a zone containing monitoring devices...
Data Field Descriptions Defaults (where applicable) are Indicated in Text. The following pages list all data fields in this Control (in numerical order). Use the blank programming form to record the data for this installation. Note that both keypad LEDs flash while in Programming mode. Note: Entering a number other than the one specified will give unpredictable results.
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Data Field Descriptions ✼ The system will wait the time entered before sounding alarm upon entering Entry Delay 01 if system is not disarmed. UL installations: must be set for a maximum of HQWU\ GHOD\ WLPH LQ VHFRQGV 45 seconds ✼...
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24 digits are entered, exit by pressing [✻]. To clear entries from the field press ✻46✻. The telephone message can be terminated (acknowledged) by pressing any key on the telephone keypad. Pressing any key on the local LYNXR keypad will terminate (acknowledge) both the follow me and the local reminder announcements.
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Data Field Descriptions ✼ 15-Second Dialer Delay (Burglary) If enabled, provides communication delay to the central station and allows the subscriber time to avoid a false alarm transmission. Delay does not QR GLDOHU GHOD\ apply to zone type 6, 7, 8, and 9 alarms, which are always sent as soon as SURYLGH VHFRQG GHOD\ RI EXUJODU\ DODUP UHSRUW they occur.
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Data Field Descriptions ✻ ✻ SYSTEM STATUS REPORT CODES ( 59– ✼ If the system is armed and an entry/exit or interior zone is still open Exit Error Report Code after the exit delay time has expired, an alarm will sound at the 6HH QRWHV DERYH keypad and external sounder.
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Data Field Descriptions ✻ ✻ RESTORE REPORT CODES ( 70– 76) Continued ✼ Sent when a transmitter that previously sent in a “low battery” message RF Transmitter Low Batt. Restore Code has sent a message indicating it no longer has a low battery condition. 6HH QRWHV DERYH ✼...
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GLIIHU EHWZHHQ /<1;5 PRGHOV (QVXUH \RX XVH WKH FRUUHFW RSWLRQ IRU WKH PRGHO \RX DUH LQVWDOOLQJ ✼ For LYNXR/LYNXR24, this option is used to enable the Long Range LYNXR/LYNXR24 Radio, Alarm Audio Verification and/or Remote Phone Control options. Long Range Radio/Alarm Audio...
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Data Field Descriptions Other Programming Commands ✻ 55 ENABLING THE WIRELESS DIALER Interactive menu mode used for enabling the 5842 Wireless Dialer. Refer to the ✻ 55 Enabling the Wireless Dialer Mode section for procedure. ✻ 56 ENHANCED ZONE PROGRAMMING MODE Interactive menu mode used for programming zone attributes and report codes.
✻ 55 Enabling the 5842 Wireless Dialer This is an interactive menu mode that is used to enable and program the 5842 Wireless Dialer. When enabled, the 5842 will serve as the primary dialer. The 5842 Wireless Dialer combines the functions of a Central Station dialer and an RF transceiver.
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✻ 55 Enabling the 5842 Wireless Dialer While in Program mode, press ✻ 55 to enter Wireless Dialer Programming Feature . The following explains the ✻ 55 prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries for each.
✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode This is an interactive menu mode that is used to program zone numbers, zone types, alarm and report codes, and to identify the type of loop input device. This mode can also be used for entering 5800 Series transmitter serial numbers.
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✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode While in Program mode, press ✻ 56 to enter Zone Programming Menu Mode. ✻ Refer to the zone assignment table for 56 on the separate programming form. ✻ The following explains the 56 prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries for each.
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✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode RF Learning - Two (2) transmissions (2 key depressions) at least 5 seconds apart will be required for BR type devices (device type 5). Two beeps will sound after the second transmission, confirming that the loop number and serial number have been learned.
✻ 56 Enhanced Zone Programming Mode Manual entry Enter "1" to advance to Serial number prompt (1b). Copy the previous serial number Enter “2” to copy the previous serial number entered. Return to Prompt (E) Enter “#” to return to Loop Number prompt (E). Enter transmitter later ✻...
✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode Powerline Carrier devices (eg., X-10 brand devices) are programmable switches that can be used to perform many different functions. They can be used to turn lights on and off, control sounders, or for status indications.
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✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode The "STOP" programming determines when and under what conditions the device will be de- STOP activated. The following options are available: Upon Restore of a Zone List Restore Zone List: If a "ZONE LIST" is used as the “Stop” event, the device will de-activate when all the zones in that list restore from a previous fault, trouble, or alarm condition.
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✻ 80 Device Programming Menu Mode The following explains these prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the available entries. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries. Note: Entering a number other than one specified will give unpredictable results. Entering “1”...
✻ 81 Zone List Menu Mode While in Program mode, press ✻ 81 to enter Zone List Menu Mode. This mode is used to program zone ✻ lists for output devices (programmed in 80 menu mode) or Chime-by-Zone in Zone List 3. NOTES: •...
✻ 83 Enhanced Sequential Mode By using this mode, you can add, delete, or change the serial number of a transmitter in a zone, but retain all other existing data that has been programmed for that zone. Note that the ✻83 Enhanced Sequential mode requires that all zone information must first be entered using the ✻56 Enhanced Zone Programming mode for all zones below zone number 26 (4 button key area).
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✻ 83 Enhanced Sequential Mode Enroll mode Note: If “L” is displayed, the serial number for this transmitter has -% DGYDQFH WR QH[W ]RQH WR EH HQUROOHG already been entered, however, it may still be confirmed, HQWHU QRZ DQG SURFHHG WR 6(5,$/ 180%(5 viewed or deleted.
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✻ 83 Enhanced Sequential Mode This prompt can be used to enroll the transmitter serial number via Serial number -E RF transmission or manually. If using the RF Learning Mode there (QWHU WUDQVPLWWHU·V GLJLW VHULDO QXPEHU YLD 5) is no need to manually enter a serial number.
✻ 84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptors Use this mode to assign voice descriptors for each zone. These are the descriptors that are announced when the system announces any event involving a zone number. Each descriptor can consist of up to 3 words. Press ✻84 while in Programming mode.
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✻ 84 Assign Zone Voice Descriptor 92,&(92&$%8/$5<,1'(; ½ second pause SYSTEM WORDS GARAGE 61 PATIO ZERO AC LOSS 49 GUEST ROOM 62 POLICE ZONES ARMED ALARM 18 POOL AWAY ATTIC BYPASSED CHIME 63 REAR DISARMED HALL 19 ROOM BABY DISARM SYSTEM Custom Word #1 BACK Custom Word #2...
✻ 85 Record Custom Voice Descriptors Use this mode to record up to 5 custom voice descriptors. Press ✻ 85 while in Programming mode. Note: Entering a number other than one specified will give unpredictable results. Entering “1” advances to the next prompt below. Assign custom voice descriptors H[LW PRGH Entering “0”...
Used to repeat a voice prompt. (This function cannot be used while entering phone or account numbers.) Notes: (1) Keying in any new command will terminate the active voice prompt. (2) If an irrelevant command is entered LYNXR will generate a long rejection beep and repeat the previous voice prompt. ´$'' $:$< µ...
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Program each option as shown below. Use the program the LYNXR. The LYNXR will enroll a sensor once the transmitter has been activated two times. The system will confirm the enrollment following each subsequent activation of the same transmitter. 7R$GGD'RRU6HQVRU...
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Voice Prompt Programming 7R'HOHWH6HQVRUV Select Select Sensor to "Delete Sensors" be Deleted Press Press [SELECT] [DELETE] 7R$GGDQ(PHUJHQF\3HQGDQW Select Activate System announces Select pendant type transmitter descriptors for the "Emergency" 5AA # twice programmed pendant Press Press Press [SELECT] [ADD] [SELECT] (5) Pendant Type Medical Fire...
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2QFH \RX KDYH HQWHUHG WKH ([SHUW 3URJUDPPLQJ 0RGH WKH >(6&$3(@ NH\ FDQ EH XVHG WR UHWXUQ WR WKH 9RLFH 3URPSW 3URJUDPPLQJ PRGH Select "Expert programming System switches to Expert mode" Programming Mode (Refer to the LYNXR Series Installation and Press Setup Guide or the [SELECT] LYNXR Series Programming Guide for additional programming instructions) –44–...
Plus FAX96, or an Ademco CIA Modem. • Compass Downloader for Windows (at revision level supporting LYNXR, LYNXR24 or LYNXR-EN). Initial Download: Enter Installer Code + # + 5. This sets field ✻ 95 to 4 rings, and system to “no call- back”...
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Remote Programming/Control (Downloading) • Command the system to upload a copy of its resident program to the office. • Set the time • View/Modify • X-10/ Scheduling • Read: arming status, AC power status, lists of faulted zones, bypassed zones, zones currently in alarm, zones currently in trouble, and RF sensors with low battery conditions;...
System Operation 6HFXULW\&RGHV Installer Code The installer programs the 4-digit Installer Code initially as part of the programming procedure. The ✻ factory default Installer Code is 4-1-1-2, but may be changed in field The Installer Code is the only code that can enter Programming mode and also, in normal operation mode, is used to enter the Master Code, which allows access to the normal functions of the system.
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System Operation .H\SDG)XQFWLRQV The keypad allows the user to arm and disarm the system, and perform other system functions, such as bypassing zones. Zone and system conditions (alarm, trouble, bypass) are displayed in the display window. When an alarm occurs, keypad sounding and external sounding will occur, and the zone(s) in alarm will be displayed on the keypad.
System Operation 127( Speaker Phone Operation (LYNXR-EN Only) >@ To place a call or answer a call using the speaker phone: 7KH $50(' DQG 5($'< /('V EOLQN DOWHUQDWHO\ ZKHQ WKH 6SHDNHU 3KRQH LV DFWLYH To flash (switch between two calls using call waiting): To hang up and exit speaker phone mode: >@ ...
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45 seconds. Pressing any touch-tone key on the answering phone will acknowledge the message ending the session and preventing the system from redialing the programmed number. Delivery of a reminder message on the local LYNXR keypad will continue. If the message has timed out the system –50–...
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Pressing any key on the LYNXR keypad will terminate (acknowledge) both the follow me reminder and the local reminder announcements. (1) This feature is only supported if programmed in field ✻49.
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System Operation • “LOW BAT” with no zone number indicates that the system’s backup battery is weak. • “LOW BAT” with a zone number and a once-per-45 seconds “beeping” at the keypad indicates that a low battery condition exists in the wireless sensor displayed (zone “00” indicates a wireless button/keypad). If the battery is not replaced within 30 days, a “FAULT”...
Testing the System 7HVW0RGH After installation is completed, the security system should be carefully tested, as follows. 1. With the system in the disarmed state, check that all zones are intact. If the READY LED is not lit, press the [ ✻...
System Communication This section provides an explanation of formats this system accommodates for reporting alarms and other system conditions to the central station. The process of a successful transmission consists of both the method of communication between the control panel and the central station receiver, and the actual way the information is sent and displayed at the central station.
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System Communication Report 3+1/4+1 Standard 3+1/4+1 Expanded Alarm SSS(S) A SSS(S) A SSSS AZ AAA(A) Z Trouble SSS(S) T SSS(S) T SSSS Tt TTT(T) t Bypass SSS(S) B SSS(S) B SSSS Bb BBB(B) b AC Loss SSS(S) E SSS(S) E SSSS EA C EEE(E) A C Low Battery...
Troubleshooting Guide S Y S T E M ( i n c l u d i n g W i r e l e s s ) SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY 1a. Transmitter not properly powered. Check or change transmitter's battery. Transmitter signal not received at 1b.
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Troubleshooting Guide C O N T R O L SYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSE REMEDY The word “AC” is not 1a. Interrupted AC power supply. 1a. Check transformer connection and displayed. powerline circuit breaker. Digital communicator 2a. System in Test mode. 2a. Remove from Test mode. message not being 2b.
Contacting Technical Support PLEASE, before you call Technical Support, be sure you: • READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! • Check all wiring connections. • Determine that the power supply and/or backup battery are supplying proper voltages. • Verify your programming information where applicable. •...
Specifications LYNXR-Series 1. Physical: 10-3/8” W x 7-1/8” H x 1-3/4” D Security Controls 2. Electrical: VOLTAGE INPUT: 9VAC from plug-in 15VA transformer. RECHARGEABLE BACKUP BATTERY: Six 1.2-volt/cell nickel-metal hydride rated at 1100 mA. ALARM SOUNDER: Piezo = 6-14VDC, 30mA max/ Bell = 6-14VDC, 120mA max (e.g., ADEMCO’s WAVE2EX).
WARNING THE LIMITATIONS OF THIS ALARM SYSTEM While this System is an advanced design security system, it does not offer guaranteed protection against burglary, fire or other emergency. Any alarm system, whether commercial or residential, is subject to compromise or failure to warn for a variety of reasons.
ADEMCO LIMITED WARRANTY Honeywell International Inc. acting through its Security & Custom Electronics business ("Seller"), 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791, warrants its products to be in conformance with its own plans and specifications and to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for 24...