Note the following: WARNING Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storage, installation, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems.
......................63 show environmental temperature ................... 63 show ethernetip ........................64 show hardware ........................64 show interface mtu ........................65 show interfaces ........................66 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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........................ 101 negotiation ..........................101 no negotiation........................102 router-advertisement-block ....................102 no router-advertisement-block ..................... 103 shutdown ..........................104 no shutdown ......................... 104 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 5 no poe custom maxpwr active ....................136 poe type ..........................137 no poe type ........................... 138 poe prio ..........................138 no poe prio ..........................139 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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..........................160 NTP Client ..........................161 5.2.1 The "show" commands ......................161 show ntp info ........................161 5.2.2 Commands in the global configuration mode ..............162 ntp ............................162 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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........................190 no interface range ......................... 191 map protocol ......................... 192 no map protocol ........................193 protocol-vlan ......................... 194 no protocol-vlan ........................195 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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....................230 no port-channel load-balance ....................231 6.2.3 Commands in the interface configuration mode ..............232 channel-group ........................232 no channel-group ......................... 233 Spanning Tree........................234 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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....................271 no spanning-tree mst hello-time ................... 272 spanning-tree mst PseudoRootId ..................273 no spanning-tree mst PseudoRootId ..................274 6.3.6 Commands in the MSTP configuration mode ............... 275 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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..........................302 ip address dhcp ........................303 no ip address ........................304 dcp forwarding........................305 IPv6 protocol ........................306 7.2.1 clear ipv6 traffic ........................306 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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..............338 no ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum ..............339 ipv6 dhcp client option ......................340 no ipv6 dhcp client option ..................... 341 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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..................... 374 ip dhcp relay remote-id ......................374 no ip dhcp relay remote-id ....................375 DHCPv6 Relay Agent (IPv6) ....................376 7.7.1 The "show" commands ......................376 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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..........................409 no snmp user ........................410 snmp view ..........................410 no snmp view ........................412 SMTP Client .......................... 413 7.9.1 The "show" commands ......................413 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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............................434 no gvrp ..........................435 IGMP ............................ 436 8.2.1 The "show" commands ......................436 show ip igmp global-config ....................436 show ip igmp group-list ......................436 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Commands in the VLAN configuration mode ............... 466 ip igmp snooping static-group ....................467 no ip igmp snooping static-group ..................467 IGMP querier ......................... 468 8.4.1 Commands in the Global Configuration mode ..............468 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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MLD Snooping (IPv6) ......................497 8.8.1 The "show" commands ......................497 show ipv6 mld snooping ....................... 497 show ipv6 mld snooping forwarding-database ..............498 show ipv6 mld snooping groups................... 498 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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........................577 no ipv6 router ospf ....................... 578 9.3.3 Commands in the Router configuration mode ..............578 area ............................579 no area ..........................580 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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........................623 no track interface ........................625 track links ..........................626 no track links ......................... 627 vrrp virtual-ping ........................627 no vrrp virtual-ping ........................ 628 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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..........................702 no redistribute ........................703 9.7.4 Commands in the Interface configuration mode ..............704 ipv6 rip default-information originate ..................705 no ipv6 rip default-information ....................705 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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..........................744 no ip nat napt ........................744 ip nat pool ..........................745 no ip nat pool ........................746 ip nat service ........................746 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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......................... 780 no storm-control level......................780 10.2 Static MAC filtering ....................... 781 10.2.1 Commands in the global configuration mode ............... 781 mac-address-table block static multicast ................781 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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806 role ............................807 no role ..........................808 user-account ........................809 no user-account ........................811 user-account-ext ........................811 no user-account-ext ......................813 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Port Access Control List Locked Ports ................. 855 11.5.1 The "show" commands ......................855 show lock port ........................855 11.5.2 Commands in the Global configuration mode ..............856 clear-all-static-unicast ......................856 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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....................... 884 12.1.3 The "show" commands ......................885 show events config ......................885 show events severity ......................885 show events faults config ..................... 886 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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......................920 loopd reaction remote ......................920 no loopd reaction remote ...................... 921 12.4 Port Mirroring ........................922 12.4.1 The "show" commands ......................922 show monitor ......................... 922 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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....................944 12.6.2 Commands in the Events configuration mode ..............945 syslogserver ......................... 945 no syslogserver ........................946 Appendix A ............................947 Supported RFCs ........................947 Index ..............................949 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This Configuration Manual applies to the following software versions: ● SCALANCE XR-500 firmware as of version 6.0 ● SCALANCE XM-400 firmware as of version 6.0 Purpose of the Configuration Manual This Configuration Manual is intended to provide you with the information you require to install, commission and operate IE switches.
Page 30
Apart from this configuration manual, the products also have the following documentation: ● Configuration Manual: – SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Web Based Mangement This document is intended to provide you with the information you require to commission and configure IE switches using Web Based Management.
Page 31
You will find the SIMATIC NET glossary here: ● SIMATIC NET Manual Collection or product DVD The DVD ships with certain SIMATIC NET products. ● On the Internet under the following address: 50305045 ( SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Siemens recommends strongly that you regularly check for product updates. For the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, it is necessary to take suitable preventive action (e.g. cell protection concept) and integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial security concept.
Errors in the configuration can mean that no further operation is possible in the entire network. Note Command sets depend on the logged-on user. Changing configuration data is possible only with the "admin" role. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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2. Connect to the serial port of the device (baud rate 115200,data/parity/stop 8N1) 3. Enter your login and password. Note When you log in via a serial interface you can only log in with a local user account. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This grouping allows different levels of access rights for each individual group of commands. The following graphic is an overview of the available modes. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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From the Global configuration mode, you can change to other configuration modes for special tasks. These are either general configuration modes (for example line configuration, interface configuration) or protocol-specific configuration modes (SNTP, NTP). SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
VLANs whose data traffic can be mirrored to a monitor port RSPAN sessions Layer 3 IP interfaces Entries in the hardware routing table 4096 Static routes Possible routes to the same destination DHCP Relay Agent interfaces DHCP Relay Agent server SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Rules for port ACL MAC Ingress and egress rules for port ACL MAC (total) Rules for port ACL IP Ingress and egress rules for port ACL IP (total) Rules for VLAN ACL IP SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Per port, you can use 8 comparators for a transmission direction (ingress/egress). parameter requires 2 comparators the parameters each require one range comparator. The operator (equal) does not require any comparators. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Make sure, however, that names used by the operating system or other programs are correctly written. Blank To use blanks in a text, enter the text in quotes, for example "H e l l o" SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you use the keyword, you need to specify exactly one of the values "A", "B" or "C" keyword { [A] [B] [C] } After the keyword, enter one or more of the values "A", "B" or "C" SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You call port channels as follows: interface po 2 You call VLAN ports as follows: interface vlan 1 Available physical interfaces Available interface types SCALANCE XM-400 and SCALANCE XR-500 support the following interface types: interface-type Abbreviation/acronym gigabitethernet extreme-ethernet SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI)
Page 43
Available interface identifiers with SCALANCE XM-400 ● Interfaces of the basic device The interfaces of the basic device SCALANCE XM-400 are called module 1. ● Interfaces of extenders The port extenders are called module 2 and module 3 starting from the basic device. The number of port extenders depends on the number of ports of the basic device.
"Structure of an IPv4 address (Page 48)" Note With leading zeros, the numbers are interpreted as octal numbers, e.g.: → SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
• Available IP addresses 32-bit: 4, 29 * 10 128-bit: 3, 4 * 10 addresses dresses Address format Decimal: Hexadecimal: 2a00:ad80::0123 with port: with port: [2a00:ad80::0123]:20 Loopback SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 46
At least one per interface is generated by the client and re- mains unchanged when the DHCP client restarts Three methods of obtaining the DUID DUID-LLT • DUID-EN • DUID-LL • SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 47
The DHCPv6 server delegates the distribution of IPv6 prefix- es to the DHCPv6 client. The DHCPv6 client is also known as PD router. Resolution of IP addresses in ARP (Address Resolution NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) hardware addresses Protocol) SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Outside the local area network, the distinction between network ID and host ID is of no significance, in this case packets are delivered based on the entire IPv4 address. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Maximum permitted packet size on a path from a sender to a recipient. Path MTU discovery Mechanism for determining the maximum permitted packet size along the entire path from a sender to a recipient. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Example: MAC address = AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF OUI = AA:BB:CC NIC = DD:EE:FF EUI-64 = OUI + FFFE + NIC = AA:BB:CC:FF:FE:DD:EE:FF Scope Defines the range of the IPv6 address. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The ID is generated from the MAC ad- dress. The prefix for the link local address is always fe80:0000:0000:0000. The prefix is shortened and noted as follows: fe80:: SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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IPv6 address: 2001:0db8:1234::1111/48 Prefix: 2001:0db8:1234::/48 Interface ID: ::1111 Entry and appearance The entry of IPv6 addresses is possible in the notations described above. IPv6 addresses are always shown in the hexadecimal notation. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you exit the configuration mode and are then in the Privileged EXEC mode. Requirement You are in a configuration mode. Syntax Call the command without parameters: Result You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface configuration mode and you want to execute the write startup- command from the Privileged EXEC mode. config cli(config-if-$$)# do write startup-config Result The command from the Privileged EXEC mode will be executed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The mode-specific as well as the global commands are displayed. Note Incomplete command names If you have specified an incomplete command when calling help, a list of all commands that start with the term you have entered is created. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This can be repeated after entering further characters. Procedure Enter the first characters of the command. Press the tab key. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can page through the list of the commands most recently used using the arrow up and arrow down keys. If the command you are looking for is displayed, you can edit the command line as required and execute the command with the enter key. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
These commands are not included in the list of the Interface configuration mode. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameters: clear history Result The last commands to be input are deleted. You display a list of the last 14 commands entered with the command. show history SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 60
Description 2.7 General CLI commands SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Enter a valid interface. interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show coordinates SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show environmental temperature SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show hardware SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". If no parameters are specified, the settings for all interfaces are displayed. Result The settings for the MTU of the outgoing management frames are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the status and configuration of all available interfaces will be displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the entries are displayed for all available counters. Result The counters of the selected interfaces are displayed. show ip interface Description This command shows the configuration of one, several or all IPv4 interfaces. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the configuration of one, several or all IPv6 interfaces. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show multicast-block config [port <interface-type> <interface-id)>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameters: show pnio Result The current PROFINET configuration is displayed. show traceroute Description This command shows the route via which the packet comes to the requested IP address- SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show unicast-block config [port <interface-type> <interface-id)>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Display of the CPU usage and threshold values Display of the RAM usage and threshold values If you do not specify any parameters, the usage of CPU and RAM is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: clear counters [<interface-type><interface-id>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Parameter Description Range of values / note line-number Number of the connection that will be 2 ... 9 terminated terminates all connections forceful-clear closes a session that is not reacting SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you close the Privileged EXEC mode. You are then in the User EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameters: enable Result You are prompted to enter the administrator password. After logging in successfully, you are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you are connected to the device via telnet, the session is closed. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: logout SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Default: 3 timeout Response wait time If this time expires, the request is re- ported as "timed out". seconds Time to the timeout in seconds 1 … 100 Default: 1 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Only necessary when the IPv6 ad- dress of the destination is a link-local address. repeat Keyword for the number of packets to be requested count Number of packets 1 … 10 Default: 5 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: traceroute {ip <ip-address> | ipv6 <ip6-address>} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You have set, for example, 300 seconds for the automatic logout and 120 seconds for the "keepalive" function. In this case, a packet is sent every 120 seconds that keeps the connection up. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the automatic logout. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no cli-console-timeout SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
To use spaces in the entry, enter the height coordinate in quotes: coordinates height "123 456" Result The height coordinate is created. coordinates latitude Description With this command, you enter a latitude coordinate. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enter a longitude coordinate. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: coordinates longitude <longitude> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The switchover from EtherNet/IP and PROFINET has no start. effect on DCP. If a PROFINET connection is established; in other words • the PROFINET AR status is "Online", you cannot enable EtherNet/IP. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Enter a valid interface. interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete a logical interface. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no interface{vlan<vlan-id(1-4094)>|port-channel<port-channel-id(1-8)>} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the setting for PROFINET after the next restart of the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: pnio {off|on} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note contact info Input box for contact information max. 255 characters Result The contact information is created in the system. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command, you enter a name for the system. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: system name <system name> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
: The password must meet the • high following conditions: – Password length: at least 8 char- acters – at least 1 uppercase letter – at least 1 special character – at least 1 number SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you assign a name to an interface. The name only provides information and has no effect on the configuration. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no alias Result The name of the interface is removed. Further notes You configure the name of the interface with the command. alias SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the blocking of broadcast frames on an interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no broadcast-block SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The Interface will be operated in full Default: full duplex mode. half The Interface will be operated in half duplex mode Result The duplex mode of the interface is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the sending and receipt of LLDP packets on the interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the sending or receipt of LLDP packets on the interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no lldp{transmit|receive} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you attempt to configure a different port with this command, an error message will be displayed. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: media-type {auto|rj45|sfp} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the mode of a combo port with the command and the parameter show interface description Description With this command, you configure the size of the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for an interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the blocking of multicast frames on an interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: multicast-block SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable autonegotiation of connection parameters on an interface. Autonegotiation must be set for every interface of connected interfaces. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The automatic negotiation of connection parameters on an interface is deactivated. Further notes You enable the autonegotiation of connection parameters with the command. negotiation router-advertisement-block Description With this command, you prevent Router Advertisements (RA) being received at a port. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no router-advertisement-block Result The port receives RAs. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no shutdown Description With this command, you shut down an interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Transmission speed 10 Mbps Transmission speed 100 Mbps 1000 Transmission speed 1000 Mbps Result The transmission speed of the interface is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure the interface as a router port. This disables all switching and layer 2 functions. The router port is also called an IP interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the blocking of unknown unicast frames on an interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: unicast-block SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The blocking of unicast frames is disabled. Further notes You enable the blocking of unicast frames with the command. unicast-block You display the status of this function with show unicast-block config SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
ZIP file consisting of the Config, Users and LSYS fle. Debug This file contains information for Siemens Support. It is encrypted and can be sent by e-mail to Siemens Support without any se- curity risk. Electronic Data Sheet (EDS) Electronic data sheets for describing devices in the EtherNet/IP mode Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted.
Call the command without parameters: show loadsave files Result The current Load&Save file information is displayed. show loadsave tftp Description This command shows the current configuration of the TFTP server for Load&Save. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The current configuration of the TFTP server for Load&Save is displayed. 3.2.2 load tftp Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only firmware created by Siemens can be downloaded to the device. Description With this command, you load the files from a TFTP server.
The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: save filetype <filetype> tftp {ipv4 <ucast_addr> | fqdn-name <FQDN> | ipv6 <ip6_addr>} [port <tcpport (1-65535)>] file <filename> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. loadsave Description With this command, you change to the LOADSAVE configuration mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on the file types , refer to this list (Page 109). delete Description With this command, you call up the possible files or delete a specific file. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you activate and configure the password for a file. Requirement You are in the LOADSAVE configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-loadsave)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: password {showfiles|filetype<filetype>[pw<password>]} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Shows the available files filetype Shows that the file type follows that will be loaded filetype Name of the file type max. 100 characters Result The password for the file is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The file types are displayed or the file type is assigned a name. Further notes With the " " command, you can display the file types. show loadsave files SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... tftp load Firmware The firmware is signed and encrypted. This ensures that only firmware created by Siemens can be downloaded to the device. Description With this command, you load a file from a TFTP server into the file system of the device. The TFTP protocol is used for the transfer. tftp server Description With this command, you configure the access to a TFTP server. Requirement You are in the LOADSAVE configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-loadsave)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● Device restart with the default settings of the PROFINET IO profile. ● Device restart with the default settings of the EtherNet/IP profile. ● Device restart with the default settings of the Industrial Ethernet profile. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 121
With the appropriate attachment, a previously correctly config- • ured device can cause circulating frames and therefore the failure of the data traffic. Result The device is restarted with the selected settings. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the auto save function or disable the Trial mode with the command. auto-save You disable the auto save function or enable the Trial mode with the no auto-save command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol shows the configuration settings of QoS (Quality of Service) Shows the configuration settings of the Spanning Tree protocol Shows the configuration settings of the Link Aggregation function SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Shows the configuration settings of the Network Time Protocol auto-save Shows the configuration settings of the auto save function panel-button Shows the configuration settings of the Panel Button function SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The selected configuration settings of the device are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You save changes to the configuration in the Trial mode with the write startup-config command. You disable the function with the command. no auto-save You can display the status of this function and other information with the show device command. information SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show device command. information You save changes to the configuration in the Trial mode with the write startupconfig command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you use the command without setting parameters, information about all PoE interfaces is displayed. For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The information for the selected PoE interface is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
MaximumPower Description With this command you can set a value for the parameter "Maximum Power". This sets the maximum power that a PSE provides to supply PoE devices. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the value for the parameter "Maximum Power" with the no poe pse MaximumPower command. no poe pse MaximumPower Description With this command, you delete the value for the "Maximum Power" parameter. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
"show logbook (Page 888)". Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note integer Number of the PSE 1 … 4 Result The parameter "Usage Threshold" is reset to the default value. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface Configuration mode of a PoE interface. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: poe active Result PoE is activated for the corresponding interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface Configuration mode of a PoE interface. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameter: poe custom maxpwr <integer(0-30)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface Configuration mode of a PoE interface. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no poe custom maxpwr Result The user-defined maximum power is deleted. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable the use of the user-defined maximum power with the no poe custom maxpwr command. active no poe custom maxpwr active Description With this command, you disable use of the user-defined maximum power for the interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: poe type <string> The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note string Description of a connected device max. 255 characters SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface configuration mode of a PoE interface. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: poe prio {low|high|critical} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface configuration mode of a PoE interface. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no poe prio Result The priority of the corresponding interface has been set to "low". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
3.6.1 The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. Note You will find further information on NFC in the operating instructions "SCALANCE XM-400". show nfc active status Description This command shows whether or not the NFC function (Near Field Communication) is activated or deactivated.
With this command, you deactivate NFC. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no nfc active SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Further notes You activate NFC with the command. nfc active You display the status, i.e. whether the NFC function is activated or deactivated with the command show nfc active status SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show plug Result The current information of the PLUG is diplayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameters: plug Result You are now in the Plug Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-plug)# Further notes You exit the Plug Configuration mode with the command. exit SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you format the PLUG and copy the current device configuration to it. Requirement ● The PLUG is formatted. ● You are in the Plug Configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-plug)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show web-session-timeout Result The timeout setting for the WBM is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The time is configured and automatic logout is enabled. Further notes You disable automatic logoff with the command. no web-session-timeout You display the current timeout setting with the command. show web-session-timeout SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● When display mode A "port status" is displayed, and the button is pressed for more than 12 seconds, there is a restart with the factory settings. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Default: enabled mask disable disables the function for setting the fault mask Result The function of the "SELECT/SET" button for setting the fault mask is enabled or disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... signaling-contact status Description With this command, you close or open the signaling contact. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Signaling contact is opened. close Signaling contact is closed. Result The signaling contact is opened or closed. Further notes You display the setting with the command. show signaling contact SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 154
Functions specific to SCALANCE 4.4 Signaling contact SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The settings for the system clock are displayed. show dst info Description This command shows all the entries for daylight saving time stored on the device. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure the way in which the system time is obtained. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... time set Description With this command, you set the system clock. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure the start and end of daylight saving time. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the start and end of daylight saving time with a generic description. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you do not specify a name as the parameter, all entries are deleted. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show ntp info SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameters: Result You are now in the NTP configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ntp)# Further notes You exit the NTP configuration mode with the command. exit SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Value for the time in seconds 64 … 1024 For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Addresses and interface identifiers". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the connection to a server with the command. ntp server ntp time diff Description With this command, you configure the time difference between the device and the NTP server. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
5.3.1 The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. show sntp status Description This command shows the settings of the Simple Network Time Protocol. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The current SNTP broadcast configuration is displayed. show sntp unicast-mode status Description This command shows the current configuration of the unicast mode of SNTP. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you change to the SNTP configuration mode. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: sntp SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The SNTP client is activated. ● You are in the SNTP Configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-sntp)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: sntp client addressing-mode{unicast|broadcast} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Time zones to the west of the SNTP server time zone Time zones to the east of the SNTP server time zone SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note ipv4 Keyword for an IP address ucast_addr Value for an IPv4 unicast address Enter a valid IPv4 unicast ad- dress. fqdn-name Keyword for a domain name SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-sntp)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no sntp unicast-server {ipv4 <ucast_addr> | fqdn-name <Fully Qualified Domain Name(100)> | ipv6 <ip6_addr>} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. show ptp info Description This command shows the current settings for the Precision Time Protocol (PTP). SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Privileged EXEC mode again. Description With this command, you enable the Precision Time Protocol for the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you set the time zone for the Precision Time Protocol. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ptp transparent-clock configuration Result You are in the PTP Transparent Clock configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ptp-tc)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
> 100 ns can oc- cur in the offset. peer-to-peer The device operates as a peer-to-peer trans- parent clock. Result The correction mechanism for the Precision Time Protocol is specified. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<domain-id(0-255)>} The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note domain-id The identifier of the primary domain. 0 ... 255 Result The primary domain is specified. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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System time 5.4 PTP Client SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This section describes commands for configuring and managing virtual networks (VLANs). Commands for configuring and managing private VLANs are also described. With a private VLAN (PVLAN) you can divide up the layer 2 broadcast domains of a VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show mac-address-table [vlan<vlan-range>][address<aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [interface <interface-type><interface-id>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show mac-address-table dynamic multicast[vlan<vlan-range>] [address<aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [{interface<interface-type><interface-id>}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
[address<aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>][{interface<interface-type> <interface-id>}] The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note vlan Keyword for a VLAN connection vlan-range Number of the addressed VLAN 1 ... 4094 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
MAC address interface Keyword for a an interface description interface-type Type or speed of the interface Enter a valid interface interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the entries are displayed for all available interfaces. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the entries of a subnet VLAN table. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: show vlan[brief|id<vlan-range>|summary] The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note brief Shows brief information about all VLANs Keyword for a VLAN or VLAN range SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the parameters for the automatic learning of addresses for selected or all VLANs (active and inactive VLANs). Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the entries of all available interfaces are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The information for the selected private VLAN type is displayed. Further notes You define a private VLAN type command. private-vlan show vlan protocols-group Description This command displays the table with the protocol group entries. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: interface range {<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>} {vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - <vlan-id(2-4094)>} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no interface range vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - <vlan-id(2-4094)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note HEX 08:00 Internet Protocol v4 novell HEX 81:38 Novell Netware protocol netbios HEX f0:f0 Netbios via TCP/IP SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no map protocol {ip | novell | netbios | appletalk | other <aa:aa>} enet-v2 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the protocol-based classification on all interfaces. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: protocol-vlan SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show vlan device command. info subnet-vlan Description With this command, you enable IPv4 subnet-based VLAN on all interfaces. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable IPv4 subnet-based VLAN on all interfaces. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no subnet-vlan Result The setting is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# Further notes You delete the VLAN with the command. no vlan You can display information about the VLAN with the command. show vlan SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you can select several VLANs and configure them together. The configurations are valid for all selected VLANs. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. map subnet Description With this command, you configure IPv4 subnet-based VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show subnet-vlan command. mapping no map subnet Description With this command, you remove an IPv4 subnet from a VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you specify from which secondary PVLANs the IP interface of the primary PVLAN will be reachable. Requirement ● The interface is configured as an IP interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is configured as an IP interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no private-vlan mapping SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can reset the setting to the default with the no switchport acceptable-frame-type command. You can display the status of this function and other information with the show vlan port command. config SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you assign an VLAN to an interface and configure the port VLAN identifier (PVID) for it. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no switchport access vlan Result The setting is reset to the default value. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You delete the setting with the command. no switchport map protocols-group You can display the status of this function and other information with the show vlan command. protocols-group SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show vlan command. protocols-group switchport mode Description With this command, you specify the operating mode for the switch port. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the interface as a switch port with the command. switchport no switchport mode Description With this command, you reset the operating mode for the switch port to the default. The default value is Hybrid. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is configured as a switch port. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: switchport mode private-vlan {promiscuous | host} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: switchport priority default <(0-7)> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note Value for the priority default 0 ... 7 Default: 0 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The setting is reset to the default value. Further notes You configure the priority default with the command. switchport priority default You display this setting and other information with the command. show vlan port config SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display this setting and other information with the commands show vlan port config show vlan show vlan private-vlan You configure the interface as a host port with the command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface becomes an untagged member of the primary PVLAN and all secondary PVLANs. ● With incoming untagged frames, the port VLAN-ID of the primary VLAN is set. ● Ingress filtering is enabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the interface as a promiscuous port with the command. switchport mode no switchport private-vlan mapping Description With this command, you delete the configuration of a promiscuous port. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: switchport pvid <vlan-id(1-4094)> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note vlan-id Number of the addressed VLAN 1 ... 4094 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the VLAN ID with the command. switchport access vlan You can display the status of this function and other information with the show vlan port command. config SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the VLAN Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Global exit Configuration mode. ● If you exit the VLAN Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no name Description With this command, you delete the name assignment for a VLAN. Requirement You are in the VLAN configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The "tagged port" and "untagged port" you specify with this command are used for outgoing data traffic. Requirement You are in the VLAN configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The existing VLAN configuration is replaced. To add individual interfaces, you need to recreate the full list. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no ports [<interface-type><0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type><0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel<a,b,c-d>] [all] untagged<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...> [<interface-type><0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [all] forbidden<interface-type><0/a-b,0/c,...> [<interface-type><0/a-b,0/c,...>] [portchannel<a,b,c-d>] [all] [name<vlan-name>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you define a VLAN as a private VLAN and specify the PVLAN type. Requirement You are in the VLAN Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the configuration as a private VLAN. Requirement You are in the VLAN Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no private-vlan SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the link between secondary PVLANs and a primary PVLAN with the command private-vlan association You display this setting with the command. show interfaces You configure a an interface as a primary PVLAN with the command. private-vlan SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● Frames tagged with VLAN ID "0" and that are received at these ports are forwarded to all other transparent ports once again tagged with VLAN ID "0" as long as they are not forwarded to a standard VLAN by a protocol or subnet rule. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you return a VLAN from the transparent mode to the mode conforming with the standard. Requirement You are in the VLAN configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the settings of the Etherchannel. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note interface-type Type or speed of the interface Enter a valid interface. interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Shows the values of the counters neighbor Displays information on neighbor ports detail Displays detailed information on neigh- bor ports If you do not select a port channel, information for all available interfaces is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
MAC addresses of the sources and destinations. port-channel-index Number of the port channel 1 ... 8 If you do not enter a value for , the setting is used for all port channels. port-channel-index SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can change the setting for the load balancing policy with the port-channel load-balance command. You can display the status of this function and other settings with the show etherchannel command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This corresponds to manual bundling. gregation. If you take the port out of the link aggregation, the set- tings of the port are reset to the factory settings. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no channel-group Result The interface is deleted from the Etherchannel. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description summary Shows a summary blockedports Shows the blocked ports pathcost method Shows whether 16-bit (short) or 32 bit (long) values are used in the calcula- tion SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
[detail] The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description detail Shows settings in detail Result The settings for the active ports of the spanning tree function are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the detailed settings of the spanning tree function. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Shows the costs of the path to the root bridge. restricted-role Shows whether spanning-tree re- is enabled. stricted-role restricted-tcn Shows whether spanning-tree re- is enabled. stricted-tcn state Shows the status of the interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Module no. and port no. of the interface For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The settings for Layer 2 Gateway Port (L2GP) are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the general settings for the Spanning Tree Protocol with the show spanning-tree command. show spanning-tree mst configuration Description This command shows various settings for an instance of the Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with one of the following parameter assignments: show spanning-tree mst [<instance-id(1-64|4094)>] interface <interface-type><interface-id> [{stats|hello-time|detail}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows whether or not the "Enhanced Passive Listening Compatibility" function is enabled or disabled. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show spanning-tree root [{address|cost|forward-time|id|max-age|port|priority|detail}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Enter a valid interface. interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no spanning-tree Description With this command, you disable the spanning tree function. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The version is compatible with the Spanning Tree protocol The version is compatible with the Default: enabled Rapic Spanning Tree protocol The version is compatible with the Multiple Spanning Tree protocol SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The compatibility version is reset to the default value. Further notes You configure the setting with the command. spanning-tree compatibility You can display the status of this function and other information with the show spanning tree command. detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the maximum number of nodes (hops) that a path can run through in an MST. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no spanning-tree mst max-hops Result The setting for the maximum number of nodes is reset to the default value. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable the root bridge with the command. no spanning-tree mst instance-id root You display this setting and other information with the commands that start with show spanning tree ... SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you enable the "Enhanced Passive Listening Compatibility" function, the IE switch sends topology change frames via the (R)STP edge port that caused the topology change. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The "Enhanced Passive Listening Compatibility" function is disabled. Further notes You enable the function with the command. spanning-tree passive-listening-compatibility You can display the status of this function with the show spanning-tree passive-listening- command. compatibility SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display this setting and other information with the commands that start with show spanning-tree ... no spanning-tree priority Description With this command, you reset the priority of the device back to the default value. The default value is 32768. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(BPDUs). ● With the option, you configure the time after which the information of the BPDUs max-age becomes invalid. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 255
If you specify the time settings for spanning tree, you need to keep to the following two rules: • 2 * ( - 1) ≥ forward-time max-age ≥ 2 * ( + 1) • max-age hello-time Result The selected setting for the time is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Time after which a port changes its spanning tree status from "Blocking" to "Forwarding" hello-time Time after which the bridge sends its configuration frames (BPDUs) max-age Time after which the information of the BPDUs becomes invalid SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Forwarding mode. ● With the option, you configure the priority of the interface for negotiating a port-priority spanning tree configuration. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 258
Default: 128 Note Configure multiple properties With each call of the command, you can configure precisely one property. If you want to configure several properties, call the command several times. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no spanning-tree {cost|disable|link-type|portfast|port-priority} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● With the option, you disable the interface for the Multiple Spanning Tree function. disable Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display these settings and other information with the commands that start with show spanning tree ... no spanning-tree mst Description With this command, you reset the various properties of the Multiple Spanning Tree function to the default value. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 262
The selected setting is reset to the default value. Further notes You configure the setting with the command (properties). spanning-tree mst You display these settings and other information with the commands that start with show spanning tree ... SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable automatic discovery of a bridge connected to the interface. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no spanning-tree auto-edge SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The BPDU transmit status has switched over. Further notes You can display the status of this function and other information with the show spanning-tree command with the option. interface detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure the BPDU transmit status for a port. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the configuration of a port as a layer 2 gateway port with the command spanning-tree layer2-gateway-port You can display other information with the command with the show spanning-tree interface option. detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the function. Requirement ● Spanning tree is enabled. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no spanning-tree loop-guard Result The "Spanning Tree Loop Guard" function is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show spanning-tree command. detail no spanning-tree restricted-role Description With this command, you release the port for the role as root port. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: spanning-tree restricted-tcn Result The port is prevented from using the TCN function. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(BPDUs). A change to this value applies to all MST instances active on this interface. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no spanning-tree mst hello-time Result The setting for the hello time is reset to the default value. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Default: MAC address of the device You can only change the value for the priority in the steps of 4096. Result The pseudoroot MAC address and the priority are configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The pseudoroot MAC address and the priority are rest to the defaults. Further notes You configure the settings with the command. spanning-tree mst pseudoRootId You display this setting and other information with the commands that start with show spanning tree ... SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of VLANs assigned to an in- enter the range limts with a hy- stance phen or blank Result The range of VLANs is assigned to the MST instance. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The assignment of a VLAN to an MST instance is canceled or the MST instance is deleted. Further notes You assign a VLAN to an MST instance with the command. instance You display this setting and other information with the show spanning-tree mst command. configuration SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you reset the name for the MST region to the default value. The default value is: ● The MAC address of the device is configured as name. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: revision <revision-no(0-65535)> The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note revision-no Value of the revision number 0 ... 65535 Default: 0 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You assign a revision number to the MST region with the command. revision You display this setting and other information with the show spanning tree mst command. configuration SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you enable the flooding of BPDUs to all available ports of the device regardless of the configured VLANs. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The "passive listening" function is enabled. Further notes You disable "passive listening" with the command. no passive-listening You display the status of "passive listening" with the command. show passive-listening SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The "passive listening" function is disabled. Further notes You enable "passive listening" with the command. passive-listening You display the status of "passive listening" with the command. show passive-listening SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Defines an address range using the /8, /16 or /24 subnet mask. connected Shows the network routes with a direct connection. ospf Shows the OSPF entries in the routing table. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the default gateway configured for the device. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If the DCP function is enabled, the read and write permissions are displayed. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Module no. and port no. of the interface For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The overview of the DCP forwarding behavior is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show ip dns cache Result The content of the DNS cache is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show ip dns statistics Result Information about the communication with the DNS server is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The read and write permissions for the DPC server are configured. The DCP server is enabled. Further notes You disable the DCP server with the command. no dcp server SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you enable the network node to react to ping queries. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: ip echo-reply SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... ip domain used server Description This command specifies which DNS server the device uses. Note Only resource records of type A (IPv4 address of a host) are supported. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command enables the DNS client of the device. To be able to use the function, a DNS server must be reachable. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: ip domain lookup SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
1 will be overwritten. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for IPv4 ucast_addr IP address of the DNS server Enter a valid IPv4 address. ipv6 Keyword for IPv6 ip6_addr IPv6 address of the DNS server Enter a valid IPv6 address. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
1 ... 255 tance. For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The entry in the IP routing table is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The entry is deleted. Further notes You configure an entry from the IP routing table with the command. ip route You display the IP routing table with the command. show ip route SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you disable IPv4 routing function on the device. Note IPv6 routing If IPv6 routing is enabled on the device, this is also disabled with this function. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the Telnet server. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: telnet-server As default the function is "enabled". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This section describes commands that you can call up in the interface configuration mode. Depending on the Interface selected, various command sets are available. In the Global configuration mode, enter the command to change to this mode. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
0 ... 32 a number of "1" bits secondary Further subnet for this interface For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The DHCP assigns the IPv4 address to the interface. Further notes You delete the settings with the command. no ip address You display this setting and other information with the command. show ip interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If a static IPv4 address was specified explicitly, this address is deleted from this interface. Note Effectiveness of the command The command is effective immediately. If you configure the interface via which you access the device, you can lose the connection! SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description Range of values / note block DCP frames are discarded forward DCP frames are forwarded Default: forward Result The forwarding behavior of the interface for DCP frames is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the statistics with the command. show ipv6 traffic 7.2.2 The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. show ipv6 neighbors Description This command shows IPv6 neighbors table. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ipv6 pmtu Result The settings are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ipv6 route summary SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the statistics are displayed for all available IP interfaces. Result The statistics are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. ipv6 neighbor Description With this command, you configure a static entry in the IPv6 neighbors table. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the IPv6 neighbor table with the command. show ipv6 neighbors no ipv6 neighbor Description With this command, you delete an entry from the IPv6 neighbor table. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the IPv6 neighbor table with the command. show ipv6 neighbors ipv6 path mtu Description With this command, you configure maximum packet size (MTU). The setting is only effective if PMTU Discovery is enabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you disable the use of the maximum packet size. In other words, the setting is no longer used with the PMTU Discovery function. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The PMTU Discovery function is enabled. Further notes You disable the PMTU Discovery function with the command no ipv6 path mtu discover You display the settings with the command. show ipv6 pmtu SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure a static entry in the IPv6 routing table. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the IPv6 routing table with the command. show ipv6 route no ipv6 route Description With this command, you delete a static entry from the IPv6 routing table. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 317
The entry is deleted. Further notes You configure a static entry in the IPv6 routing table with the command. ipv6 route You display the IPv6 routing table with the command. show ipv6 route SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you disable IPv6 routing function on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With prefix delegation, the IP interface becomes a DHCPv6 PD sub-client. This forms its IPv6 address from the prefix name, the prefix and the prefix length. Requirement ● IPv6 is activated ● The interface is an IP interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 320
You delete the IPv6 address with the command. no ipv6 address You enable IPv6 with the command. ipv6 enable You display this setting and other information with the command. show ipv6 interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Interface ID according to the EUI-64 method For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The IPv6 address has been deleted. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Reduces the procedure of 4 DHCPv6 mes- sages (SOLICIT, ADVERTISE , REQUEST, REPLY) to 2 DHCPv6 messages (SOLICIT, REPLY). This is only possible when the DHCPv6 server supports this. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You show the setting with the command. show ipv6 dhcp interface You can display the statistics of the DHCPv6 client with the show ipv6 dhcp client command. statistics SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the statistics of the DHCPv6 client with the show ipv6 dhcp client command. statistics ipv6 address link-local Description With this command, you assign a link local address to the interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the link local address. Requirement ● IPv6 is activated ● The interface is an IP interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: ipv6 interface-identifier <prefix> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note prefix Interface ID Enter an interface ID. Maximum 64 bits SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The interface ID has been deleted. Further notes You configure the interface ID with the command. ipv6 interface-identifier You display this setting and other information with the command. show running-config SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display this setting and other information with the command. show ipv6 interface ipv6 nd suppress-ra Description With this command, you disable the distribution of IPv6 router advertisement packets. As default, the router advertisements are disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IP interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ipv6 nd suppress-ra SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show ip dhcp client stats Result The counters are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the DHCP config file request option. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameters: no ip dhcp config-file-request Result The DHCP config file request option is disabled. Further notes You enable the DHCP config file request option with the ip dhcp config-file-request command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The client logs in with the PROFINET station name. The name is assigned with the PST tool. Result The registration mode of the DHCP client is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the DHCPv6 configuration and the DHCPv6 information that was received from the DHCPv6 server. Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ipv6 dhcp pd sub-client interfaces Result The information is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Enter a name. word for the HMAC algorithm MD5 is stored 1 ... 128 Keyword for the password string Password for the HMAC algorithm MD5 Enter a valid password. 1 ... 64 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<seconds value(600-4294967295)> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameters Description Range of values / note seconds value Length of the interval in seconds 600 ... 4294967295 Default: 4294967295 (24 hours) SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the interface as a router port with the command. no switchport You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 dhcp You configure the interval with the command. ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimu SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Name of the vendor-specific configuration Enter the required name. 1 ... 128 characters Result The setting is configured. Further notes You disable the setting with the command. no ipv6 dhcp client option SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If the option "DHCP reconfig-accept" is set, the DHCPv6 client accepts the reconfiguration message. This is assuming that it contains the correct reconfiguration key. Via this key, the DHCP client identifies the DHCPv6 server SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IP interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no ipv6 dhcp client reconfig-accept SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
IPv6 address of the SNTP server address option Keyword for the option code code Number of the DHCPV6 option Enter the required number. 1 ... 200 Result The setting is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Specify the required ID of the DHCPv6 option. 1 ... 100 Result The required configuration parameter is removed. Further notes You configure the request with the command. ipv6 dhcp client request SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 dhcp interface ipv6 dhcp client-id interface Description With this command, you specify which IP interface uses a DUID of the type SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The connected devices are configured so that they obtain the IPv4 address from a DHCP server. 7.5.1 The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description Range of values / note pool-id ID of the addressed IPv4 address 1 ... 24 band If no parameters are specified, the settings for all address bands are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ip dhcp-server Result The DHCP server is enabled. Further notes You disable the DHCP server with the command. no ip dhcp-server SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
DHCP server can assign the IPv4 address. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ip dhcp-server icmp-probe SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
2. If you call the command with the parameter ip dhcp-server pool vlan interface- , an IPv4 address band with the next free pool ID is created and the type/interface-id SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 351
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-dhcp-pool-<ID>)# Further notes You exit the DHCPPOOL configuration mode with the command. exit You delete the entry with the command. no ip dhcp-server pool SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the DHCPPOOL Configuration mode with the command, you return to the exit Global Configuration mode. ● If you exit the DHCPPOOL Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the setting with the command. show ip dhcp-server pools network Description With this command you configure the IPv4 address band from which the DHCP client receives any IPv4 address. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 354
You configure the DHCP option 67 with the command. option value-string You configure the DHCP options 3, 6 and 66 with the command. option You delete the DHCP option with the command. no option SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the setting with the command. show ip dhcp-server pools You disable the IPv4 address band with the command. no pool-enable You delete the DHCP option with the command. no option SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the DHCP option with the command. no option You configure the DHCP options 3 and 6 with the (IP address) command. option You disable the IPv4 address band with the command. no pool-enable SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command you specify that this IPv4 address band will be used. Requirement You are in the DHCPPOOL configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-dhcp-pool-<ID>)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you specify that this IPv4 address band will not be used. Requirement You are in the DHCPPOOL configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-dhcp-pool-<ID>)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no pool-enable Result The setting is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Auto- Hotspot". Result The selected ports will be enabled. Before the IPv4 address band can be used, it still needs to be activated. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You enable the ports with the command. ports You display the setting with the command. show ip dhcp-server pools You enable the IPv4 address band with the command. pool-enable SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Devices with a certain remote ID and circuit ID are assigned the IPv4 addresses from a specific address band. Before the IPv4 address band can be used, it still needs to be activated. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
IPv4 addresses from a specific address band. You display the setting with the command. show ip dhcp relay information You enable the IPv4 address band with the command. pool-enable SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The interface is assigned. Before the IPv4 address band can be used, it still needs to be activated. Further notes You display the setting with the command. show ip dhcp-server pools You enable the IPv4 address band with the command. pool-enable SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the setting with the command. show ip dhcp dhcp-server bindings You disable the IPv4 address band with the command. no pool-enable You delete the assignment with the command. no static-lease SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for a DHCP client ID string Freely definable Enter the required designation. DHCP client ID Result The assignment is deleted. Further notes You configure the assignment with the command. static-lease SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
" command, you specify the IP addresses. ip dhcp server show ip dhcp relay information Description This command displays the DHCP relay agent settings for all or for a selected VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you specify the IP addresses of the DHCP servers to which the DHCP relay agent forwards the frames. You can specify up to four IP addresses for the DHCP relay agent. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you delete the IP address of the DHCP server. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ip dhcp relay circuit-id option [router-index] [vlanid] [recv-port] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode or in the Interface configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ip dhcp relay information option Result The option is enabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you enable the DHCP relay agent on the device. The DHCP relay agent forwards DHCP queries to DHCP servers located in a different subnet. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no service dhcp-relay Result The DHCP Relay Agent is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: ip dhcp relay circuit-id <circuit-id> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note circuit-id Circuit ID 1 ... 188 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the settings with the command. show ip dhcp relay information ip dhcp relay remote-id Description With this command, you specify the device ID. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv4 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ip dhcp relay remote-id SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
[interface {vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>} ] The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note interface Shows that an interface description follows vlan Keyword for a VLAN connection SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Number of the addressed VLAN 1 ... 4094 interface- Type or speed of the interface Enter a valid interface. type interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id {enable | disable} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ipv6 dhcp relay [destination <prefix> [interface {vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the DHCPv6 relay agent. You can also remove the DHCPv6 servers. Requirement ● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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You configure the interface as a router port with the command. no switchport You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 dhcp interface You display the statistics with the command. show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the DHCPv6 relay agent with the command. ipv6 address dhcp You enable the remote ID with the command. ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id. You configure the interface as a router port with the command. no switchport SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the interface as a router port with the command. no switchport You configure the remote ID type with the command. ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the interface as a router port with the command. no switchport You configure the remote ID type with the command. ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the details of the configured of SNMP communities. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description This command shows the configured SNMP filters. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the rights of the configured SNMP groups. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you display the configured SNMP notification types. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the configured SNMP target parameters. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the settings for the SNMP user. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the SNMP agent function. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no snmpagent SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Default: all Result The setting is configured. snmp access Description With this command, you configure the access to an SNMP group. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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The settings are retained after a restart The keywords need to be specified. If optional parameters are not specified when configuring a group, the default value will be used. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Selects the version of the protocol • used • • Authentication Selects the authentication method: • auth • noauth • priv Result The access to an SNMP group is deleted. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The settings are lost after a restart (non-volatile): • nonvolatile The settings are retained after a restart If optional parameters are not specified when configuring a community, the default values apply. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You show the details of an SNMP community with the command. show snmp community You show the status information of the SNMP communication with the command. show snmp SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you load the configuration of the device on another device, all configured SNMPv3 users are deleted. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Name of the group max. 32 characters user Keyword for the user name UserName Name of the user max. 32 characters security-model specifies which security settings will be • used • • SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<GroupName> user <UserName> security-model {v1|v2c|v3} The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note GroupName Name of the group max. 32 characters user Keyword for the user name SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Parameter Description Range of values / note NotifyName Name of the SNMP notification max. 32 characters Keyword for a target key TagName Name of the target key max. 32 characters SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the details of the SNMP notifications. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no snmp notify <NotifyName> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Name of the target address Maximum of 32 characters param Keyword for the parameter name ParamName Name of the parameter Maximum of 32 characters ipv4 Keyword for an IPv4 address SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 404
You display the SNMP target address with the command. show snmp targetaddr You configure the SNMP target parameters with the command. snmp targetparams You display the SNMP target parameters with the command. show snmp targetparam SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... snmp targetparams Description With this command, you configure the SNMP target parameters. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 406
The settings are retained after a restart Keywords need to be specified. If optional parameters are not specified when configuring, the default values apply. Result The SNMP target parameters are configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display settings of this function with the command. show targetparam snmp v1-v2 readonly Description With this command, you block write access for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 PDUs. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result Write access for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 PDUs is enabled. Further notes You block write access for SNMPv1 and SNMPv2 PDUs with the snmp v1-v2 readonly command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The saved settings are used after a restart If optional parameters are not specified when configuring an SNMP user, the default values apply. Result The details of the SNMP user are configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You change the settings with the command. snmp user You display the configured users with the command. show snmp user snmp view Description With this command, you configure an SNMP view. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 411
You display the SNMP group access rights with the command. show snmp group access You configure the SNMP group access rights with the command. snmp access SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Path information of the MIB tree Result The SNMP view is deleted. Further notes You configure a view with the command. snmp view You display the configured view trees with the command. show snmp viewtree SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the configured e-mail sender address. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the EVENTS configuration mode with the command, you return to the exit Global configuration mode. ● If you exit the EVENTS configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Addresses and interface names (Page 42)". Result An entry for the SMTP server is configured. Further notes You delete an SMTP server entry with the command. no smtp-server SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The SMTP server entry is deleted. Further notes You configure an SMTP server entry with the command. smtp-server sender mail-address Description With this command, you configure the e-mail name of the sender. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you reset the e-mail name of the sender. Requirement You are in the EVENTS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-events)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no sender mail-address SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... smtp-port Description With this command, you configure an SMTP port. Requirement You are in the EVENTS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-events)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The SMTP port is reset to the default value. Further notes You configure the setting with the command. smtp-port You display the setting with the command. show smtp-port SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable HTTP on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no ip http SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show ip http secure server status Result The status, cipher suite and version of the HTTPS server are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you display the IP ARP table. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. Description With this command, you generate a static entry in the ARP cache. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ip arp command. You configure the router port with the command. no switchport no arp Description With this command, you delete an entry from the ARP cache. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure the timeout setting of the ARP cache. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no arp timeout Result The timeout setting for the ARP cache is reset to the default value. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the SSH protocol on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no ssh-server SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Network protocols 7.13 SSH server Result The SSH protocol is disabled on the device. Further notes You enable the SSH protocol with the command. ssh-server SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show forward-all Result The entries of the GMRP forward all table are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Privileged EXEC mode again. gmrp Description With this command, you enable the GMRP function for all or individual interfaces on the device. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the GMRP function for all or individual interfaces on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# cli (config-if-$$$) # SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameters: gvrp Result In the Global configuration mode: The GVRP function is enabled on the device. In the Interface configuration mode: The GVRP function is enabled for this interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you want to enable the function for a specific interface on the device, use the gvrp command. You can display the status of this function and other information with the show vlan device command. info SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you display the list of configured multicast groups. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable IGMP globally on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ip igmp SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The multicast group has been created. Further notes You delete a multicast group with the command. no ip igmp group-list You display the configured multicast groups with the command. show ip igmp group-list SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you define the maximum number of multicast groups that can be learned using IGMP on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You define the maximum number of multicast groups that can be learned using IGMP with command. ip igmp limit You display the configured multicast groups with the command. show ip igmp global-config SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
IGMP is enabled on the interface. Further notes You disable IGMP on an interface with the command. no ip igmp You display the setting and other information with the show ip igmp global-config command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You use IGMP version 3. ● You are in the Interface Configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ip igmp explicit-tracking SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface Configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ip igmp immediate-leave Result Die "Immediate Leave" function is enabled on the interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command you specify the period of time in which the multicast router searches for further clients that want to receive a multicast after the last Leave message. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Leave message to the default value. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ip igmp last-member-query-interval SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
1 ... 1000 except Keyword for an exception Group-List id ID of the multicast group excluded by the Specify a valid ID. limit Result The maximum number and exceptions are defined. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the setting and other information with the show ip igmp global-config command. ip igmp query-interval Description With this command, you define the interval but which the multicast router sends IGMP queries. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ip igmp query-interval SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You can reset the time to the default with the no ip igmp query-max-response-time command. You display the setting and other information with the show ip igmp global-config command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you take into account the packet loss rate of a network.. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ip igmp robustness Result The setting for the packet loss rate of a network is reset. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You delete the assignment of a client with the command. no ip igmp static-group You display the list of configured multicast groups with the show ip igmp group-list command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command specifies which version of IGMP will be used on an interface.. Requirement You are in the Interface Configuration mode of VLAN. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The version is reset. Further notes You configure the IGMP version with the command. ip igmp version You display the setting and other information with the show ip igmp global-config command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Number of the addressed VLAN 1 ... 4094 For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The information about IGMP snooping is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ip igmp snooping globals SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The information about IGMP snooping is displayed. show ip igmp snooping mrouter Description This command shows the ports at which IGMP queriers are connected for all or a selected VLAN.. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for a VLAN connection vlan id Number of the addressed VLAN 1 ... 4094 For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... ip igmp vlan-snooping Description With this command, you enable IGMP snooping for all VLANs. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable IGMP snooping with the command. ip igmp vlan-snooping ip igmp snooping clear counters Description With this command, you delete the counters for all or a selected VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the IP address of the source for IGMP snooping. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ip igmp snooping switch-ip<switch-ipaddr> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can reset the setting to the default with the no ip igmp snooping port-purge-interval command. You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ip igmp command. snooping globals SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the VLAN Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Global exit Configuration mode. ● If you exit the VLAN Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you delete a static IGMP entry. Requirement You are in the VLAN Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure the IGMP snooping switch as querier. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You configure the setting with the command. ip igmp snooping querier You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ip igmp command. snooping SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
8.5.1 clear hrp counters Description With this command, you reset the HRP counters. Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you reset the counters of the standby function. Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show hrp counters Result The counters are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show ring-redundancy manager counters SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result You are now in the Redundancy Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-red)# Further notes You exit the Redundancy Configuration mode with the command. exit SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The observer is enabled or restarted. Further notes You disable the observer with the command. no ring-redundancy hrpobserver You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ring- command. redundancy SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ring-redundancy mode {ard | mrpauto | mrpclient | hrpclient | hrpmanager} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no ring-redundancy Result The ring redundancy function is disabled. Further notes You enable the ring redundancy function with the command. ring-redundancy mode SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the standby function. Requirement ● HRP is enabled ● You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no ring-redundancy standby SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
– If there is a disruption, the two parts of the ring operate via both ports. ● Redundancy client – The client forwards all frames. Requirement You are in the Redundancy configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-red)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: standby connection-name <string(32)> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note <string(32)> Name of the connection max. 32 characters SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the standby force-master function. Requirement ● HRPis enabed ● You are in the Redundancy configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-red)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: standby force-master SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ring- command. redundancy standby port Description With this command, you configure and enable the port for a standby connection on a device. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, disable the port for a standby connection on a device. Requirement You are in the Redundancy configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-red)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no standby port [<interface-type><interface-id>} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Redundancy configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-red)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: standby wait-for-partner Result The "Wait for standby partner" function is enabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Redundancy configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-red)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no standby wait-for-partner Result The "Wait for standby partner" function is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Enter a valid interface interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface For information on names of interfaces and addresses, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the entries are displayed for all available interfaces. Result The dynamic unicast MAC addresses are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The entry in the forwarding database is generated. Further notes With the command, you display the list of show mac-address-table static unicast configured entries. With the command, you delete an entry. no mac-address-table static unicast SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the default value is used. Result The "static unicast" function is disabled. Further notes You activate the setting with the command. no mac-address-table static unicast SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If no parameters are specified, the settings for all ports are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the entries are displayed for all available interfaces. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the entries are displayed for all available interfaces. Result The static multicast MAC addresses are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the default value is used. Result The settings for static multicast blocking are configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the default value is used. Result The settings for "static multicast" are configured. Further notes You disable the setting with the command. no mac-address static multicast SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the default value is used. Result The "static multicast" function is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you specify VLAN, the configuration of all VLANs is displayed. Result The information about MLD snooping is displayed. Further notes You enable MLD snooping with the command. ipv6 mld snooping SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable MLD snooping with the command. ipv6 mld snooping show ipv6 mld snooping groups Description This command shows the information about the MLD snooping groups for all or a selected VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows general information on MLD snooping for the device. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Specifies that detailed information is displayed. Result A list of the active ports is displayed. show ipv6 mld snooping statistics Description This command shows the MLD snooping statistics for all or a selected VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Privileged EXEC mode again. ipv6 mld join ratelimit Description With this command, you define the maximum number of Join messages on the device. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the limit for Join messages on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ipv6 mld join ratelimit SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable MLD snooping with the command. no ipv6 mld snooping You display the setting and other information with the show ipv6 mld snooping show ipv6 commands. mld snooping globals SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ipv6 mld snooping clear counters [Vlan <vlanid (1-4094)>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can reset the setting to the default with the ipv6 mld snooping port-purge-interval command. You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ipv6 mld command. snooping globals SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the VLAN Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Global exit Configuration mode. ● If you exit the VLAN Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no ipv6 mld snooping Description With this command, you disable MLD snooping on the device or on the required VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the VLAN configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-vlan-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: ipv6 mld snooping querier Result MLD snooping is configured as querier. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
{v1 | v2} The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description MLDv1 MLDv2 Default Result The version of MLD used by the device in this VLAN is specified. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show ip ospf Result The configuration for routing with OSPF is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show ip ospf [area-id] database database-summary|self-originate|adv-router <ip-address> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show ip ospf [area-id] database asbr-summary|external|network| nssa-external|router|summary [link-state-id] adv-router <ip-address>|self-originate SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the routes to the area border routers and to the AS boundary routers. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the information is displayed for all available interfaces. Result The information of the OSPF interface is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
OSPF information on the neighbor For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The information on the neighboring routers is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the request list is displayed for all neighbors. Result The request list displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you do not select any parameter from the parameter list, the list is displayed for all neighbors. Result The list is displayed. show ip ospf virtual-links Description This command shows an overview of the virtual connections. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The address range is created with the "area-range" command. summary-address Grouped address range for OSPF. The address range is created with the "summary-address" command. Result The grouped address ranges are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli (config-ospf)# Further notes You disable routing with OSPF with the command. no router ospf You enable IPv4 routing with the command. ip routing SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the Router configuration mode with the command, you return to the Global exit configuration mode. ● If you exit the Router configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable the autonomous system boundary router with the command. no ASBR Router You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ip ospf command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you assign an area ID an address range. The address range is used to group the routes within OSPF. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 525
You delete the address range with the command. no area range You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ip ospf - command. area-range / summary-address SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If the Area ID is, the router generates an LSA message of Type 5. If the Area ID is not, the router generates an LSA message of Type 7 in an NSSA. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: area <AreaId> range <Network> <Mask> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: area <area-id> nssa no-summary | default-information-originate SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: area <area-id> stub [ no-summary ] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no area <area-id> { stub | nssa } SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: area <area-id> virtual-link <router-id> [authentication simple |messagedigest| null [hello-interval <value (1-65535)>] [retransmit-interval <value(0-3600)>] [transmit-delay <value (0-3600)>] [dead-interval <value>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 532
Keyword for the unencrypted password - Password enter the password. Maximum length: characters message-digest-key Keyword for the ID of the password key-id ID of the password. specify the ID 0 ... 255 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no area <area-id> virtual-link <router-id> [authentication] [hello-interval] [retransmit-interval] [transmit-delay] [dead-interval authentication-key | message-digest-key <Key-id (0-255)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 534
The virtual link is removed. Further notes You create virtual links with the command. area virtual link You display information about the virtual link with the command. show ip ospf virtual SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ip command. ospf no compatible rfc1583 Description With this command, you disable compatibility with RFC 1583. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: default-information originate [( [always] [metric <metric-value (0-0xffffff)>] [metric-type <type (1-2)>])] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
OSPF routing domain. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
OSPF routing domain. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
OSPF routing domain. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you specify an OSPF interface and the Area ID connected to the OSPF interface. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you remove the OSPF interface and the Area ID connected to the OSPF interface. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the information for the route. The routes are further distributed with this information. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You distribute the routes with the command. restribute no redist-config Description With this command, you delete the information for the new external routes. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The router is an ASBR router. ● You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The router is an ASBR router. You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<name(1-20)> in The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note name Name of the routing table. Maximum of 20 characters. Incoming routing information is filtered. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Incoming routing information is filtered. Result The filtering is disabled. router id Description With this command, you specify the ID of the router. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The router is an area border router (ABR) ● You are in the OSPF Router configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-ospf)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 549
LSA message is translated disabled P bit = 0. LSA message is not translated For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
ID. x.x.x.x x = 255 = backbone area For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● Authentication using MD5: A password and a key ID are created. ● Authentication using an unencrypted password: A password is created. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv4 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ip ospf authentication SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note Password Password Enter a password. Maximum length: 8 characters Result The password is specified. Further notes You delete the password with the command. no ip ospf authentication-key SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the password with the command. ip ospf authentication-key ip ospf cost Description With this command, you specify the costs for the OSPF interface. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The interface is an IPv4 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: ip ospf dead-interval <seconds (0-0x7fffffff)> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note seconds 0 ... 0x7fffffff Interval in seconds SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You specify the interval with the command. ip ospf dead-interval You show the configuration of the OSPF interface with the show ip ospf interface command. You configure the router port with the command. no switchport SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The interval is specified. Further notes You delete the interval with the command. no ip ospf hello-interval You show the configuration of the OSPF interface with the show ip ospf interface command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... ip ospf message-digest-key Description With this command, you specify the password and the ID for authentication with MD5. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The interface is an IPv4 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call up the command with the following parameters: ip ospf retransmit-interval <seconds (0 - 3600)> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note seconds 0 - 3600 Interval in seconds SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The interval is deleted. Further notes You configure the interval with the command. ip ospf retransmit-interval You configure the router port with the command. no switchport SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the interval with the command. no ip ospf transmit-delay no ip ospf transmit-delay Description With this command, you delete the interval. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv4 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ip ospf priority <value (0 - 255)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The value for the priority is reset to the default. Further notes You configure the priority with the command. ip ospf priority You display the router ID and other information with the command. show ip ospf interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
LSAs – Router LSA – Network LSA – Inter-area prefix LSA – Inter area router LSA – Intra area prefix LSA ● AS scope LSDB Contains the AS external LSA SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show ipv6 ospf [area <AreaID>] database router|network|as-external|inter-prefix|inter-router|intra- prefix|link|nssa detail|HEX SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The OSPFv3 routers are shown. show ipv6 ospf host Description This command shows the SMS host table Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show ipv6 ospf interface vlan<vlan-id(1-4094)>|<interface-type><interface-id> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Router ID of the neighbor Specify the ID 0 ... 64 If you do not enter a router ID, information on all neighbor routers that can be reached via the link is shown. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The routes are displayed. show ipv6 ospf virtual-links Description This command shows an overview of the virtual connections of OSPFv3. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Values area-range Grouped area range. The address range is created with the "area-range" command. summary-prefix Grouped address range for OSPFv3 The address range is created with the "summary- address" command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Specify the ID in the IPv4 address RouterID format x.x.x.x x = 0 ... 255 If you do not specify a router ID, the list for all neighbors is shown. Result The list is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli (config-ospfv3)# Further notes You disable routing with OSPFv3 with the command. no ipv6 router ospf You enable IPv6 routing with the command. ipv6 unicast-routing SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the Router Configuration mode with the command, you return to the exit Global Configuration mode. ● If you exit the Router Configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
NSSA / stub areas doe not receive only with area border routers any inter-area prefix LSAs (summary LSA) Result The area of the type NSSA or stub is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Specify the ID in the IPv4 address format x.x.x.x = 0 ... 255 The area ID is reserved for the backbone area and cannot be deleted. stub Stub area nssa NSSA SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The router is an area border router ● You are in the OSPFv3 router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospfv3)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 582
You configure the area with the command. area You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ipv6 ospf command. area-range SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If the Area ID is, the router generates an LSA message of Type 3. If the Area ID is not, the router generates an LSA message of type 7 in an NSSA. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the address range. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPFv3 router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospfv3)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 585
You configure the area with the command. area You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ipv6 ospf command. area-range SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Type 7 also generated for this address range in the connected NSSAs. denyAll No LSA is of type 5 or type 7 is generated for the only with backbone area address range. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you configure a virtual point-to-point link from a backbone router to a router of a remote area. The transit areas are the areas that are bridged. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 588
Default: 20 transmit-delay Keyword for the time that a link state update packet requires for transmission over the virtual link. seconds Length of the interval 0 ... 3600 s Default: 1 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the OSPFv3 router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospfv3)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: ASBR Router SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You enable the autonomous system boundary router with the command. ASBR Router You can display the status of this function and other information with the show ipv6 ospf command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You disable the filtering with the command. no distribute-list You enable OSPFv3 routing with the command. ipv6 router ospf You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 ospf SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You enable the filtering with the command. distribute-list You enable OSPFv3 routing with the command. ipv6 router ospf You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 ospf SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... = backbone area For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The entry is configured in the host table. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". Result The entry has been removed Further notes You create an entry with the command. host You display the host table with the command. show ipv6 ospf host SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no passive-interface Description With this command, you specify that the OSPFv3 interfaces are active, that are configured afterwards. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The router is an ASBR router. ● You are in the OSPFv3 router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ospfv3)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 597
You enable the distribution of the routes with the command. redistribute You delete the information with the command. no redist-config You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 ospf SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You enable the ASBR router with the command. ASBR Router You create the information with the command. redist-config You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 ospf SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable the distribution of the routes with the command. no redistribute You create the information for the routes with the command. redist-config You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 ospf SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the ASBR router with the command. ASBR Router You enable the distribution of the routes with the command. redistribute You display the setting with the command. show ipv6 ospf SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This section describes commands that you can call up in the interface configuration mode. Depending on the Interface selected, various command sets are available. In the Global configuration mode, enter the command to change to this mode. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
IPv4 address of the interface with which the specify the IP address in the OSPFv3 protocol instance is connected. IPv4 address format. x.x.x.x Result The interface is assigned to an area. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the router ID with the command. router-id You enable OSPFv3 with the command. ipv6 ospf area You show the configuration of the OSPFv3 interface with the show ipv6 ospf interface command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable OSPFv3 routing with the command. ipv6 router ospf You can reset the interval to the default with the command. no ipv6 ospf dead-interval SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... ipv6 ospf hello-interval Description With his command, you specify the interval between two Hello packets. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no ipv6 ospf hello-interval Description With this command, you reset the interval to the default value. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ipv6 ospf metric <metric> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ipv6 ospf metric Result The metric is reset. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable OSPFv3 routing with the command. ipv6 router ospf You enable the interface with the no ipv6 ospf passive-interface command. You display the configuration with the command. show ipv6 ospf interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you specify the router priority. The designated router is identified based on the priority. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no ipv6 ospf priority Description With this command, you reset the router priority back to the default value. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ipv6 ospf retransmit-interval SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Requirement ● Layer 3 interface ● The router ID is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement ● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 616
You enable OSPFv3 routing with the command. ipv6 router ospf You configure the interval with the command. ipv6 ospf transmit-delay You enable OSPFv3 routing with the command. ipv6 router ospf SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show vrrp [interface vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> <VrId(1-255)>] [{brief|detail|statistics}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
VRRP. statistics shows the statistics of the VRRP pro- tocol For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable routing with VRRP with the command. no router vrrp no router vrrp Description With this command, you disable routing with VRRP. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
There you can edit the settings for a VRRP interface. You select the VRRP interface with the parameters of this command. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the status and the configuration of the VRRP interfaces with the show vrrp command. show vrrp interface no interface Description With this command, you delete a VRRP interface. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
VRRP interface is reduced. When the link of the interface changes back from "down" to "up", the original priority of the VRRP interface is restored. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 624
With the command you configure how many of the monitored interfaces need to track links change their status before the priority of the assigned VRRP interface is changed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". Result Interface tracking is deleted. Further notes You configure an interface tracking with the command. track interface You display the configured interface tracking with the command. show vrrp track SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the configuration with the command. no track links You configure the tracking of interfaces with the command. track interface You display the configured number of tracked interfaces with the command. show vrrp track SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the configured number of tracked interfaces with the command. show vrrp track vrrp virtual-ping Description With this command, you enable pings to virtual addresses. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the VRRP Router configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-vrrp)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no vrrp virtual-ping Result The function for pings to virtual addresses is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable VRID tracking with the command. no vrrp vrid-track You display configured VRID trackings with the command show vrrp interface show vrrp with the parameter interface - vrid detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● Enable routing to use VRRP. ● You can only use VRRP in conjunction with VLAN interfaces. ● VRRP only supports IPv4. If you want to use IPv4 and IPv6, use VRRPv3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
1 ... 255 ip_addr Value for an IPv4 address Enter a valid IPv4 address. For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Enter a valid IPv4 address. For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The IPv4 address is removed from the virtual router. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
All IPv4 addresses of the group are removed. Further notes You configure a VRRP interface with the command. interface You display the IPv4 addresses with the command. show vrrp interface - vrid SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable the function with the command. no vrrp preempt You can display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp interface - vrid command. show vrrp interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the function with the command. vrrp preempt You can display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp interface - vrid command. show vrrp interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You remove the primary IPv4 address with the command. no vrrp pirmary-ip You show the configuration of the virtual router with the show vrrp interface - vrid command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure a VRRP interface with the command. interface You assign IPv4 addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You display the IPv4 addresses with the command. show vrrp interface - vrid SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You reset the priority to the default with the command. no vrrp priority You assign IPv4 addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You display the priority with the command. show vrrp interface - vrid SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create the priority with the command. vrrp priority You assign IPv4 addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You display the priority with the command. show vrrp interface - vrid SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure a VRRP interface with the command. interface You disable the authentication with the command. no vrrp text-authentication You assign IPv4 addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure a VRRP interface with the command. interface You enable the authentication with the command. vrrp text-authentication You assign IPv4 addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You reset the time interval to the default with the command. no vrrp timer You assign IP addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You show the interval with the command. show vrrp interface - vrid SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the interval with the command. vrrp timer You assign IPv4 addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp ipv4 You show the interval with the command. show vrrp interface - vrid SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the assignment and value of the priority with the command show vrrp interface with the parameter show vrrp interface - vrid detail You configure the tracking of interfaces with the command. track interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the assignment and value of the priority with the command show vrrp interface with the parameter show vrrp interface - vrid detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: clear vrrp3 statistics Result The counters are reset. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
VRRP pro- tocol For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The settings of the virtual router are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you display the configured interface tracking. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement ● IPv6 routing is enabled. ● You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: router vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no router vrrp3 Result Routing with VRRPv3 is disabled. Further notes You enable routing with VRRPv3 with the command. router vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for a VLAN connection vlan-id Number of the addressed VLAN 1 … 4094 For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for a VLAN connection vlan-id Number of the addressed VLAN 1 … 4094 For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Specify a valid interface. interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<group-index> interface { vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id> } The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note group-index ID of the interface tracking vlan Keyword for a VLAN connection SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<group-index> links <links-to-track(1-255)> The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note group-index ID of the interface tracking links-to-track Number of interfaces 1 ... 255 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The number of tracked interfaces is deleted. Further notes You configure the number of tracked interfaces with the command. track links You display the configured number of tracked interfaces with the command. show vrrp track SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable pings to virtual IPv4 addresses. Requirement You are in the VRRP3 Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli (config-vrrp-v3)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no vrrp virtual-ping SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
VRID tracking is enabled. Further notes You disable VRID tracking with the command. no vrrp vrid-track You display configured VRID trackings with the command show vrrp3 show vrrp3 with the parameter interface detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The commands are only available with layer 3 and only in conjunction with VLAN interfaces. Router ports are not supported. In the VRRP3 Router configuration mode, enter the command to change to this interface mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You assign IP addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You can display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp3 show vrrp3 command. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the ping function for virtual IPv6 addresses with the command. vrrp accept-mode You can display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp3 show vrrp3 command. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure a VRRP3 interface with the command. interface You remove an IP address with the command. no vrrp associated-ip You display the IP addresses with the command. show vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The IP address is removed from the virtual router. Further notes You configure a VRRP3 interface with the command. interface You display the IP addresses with the command. show vrrp SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable the compatibility with the command. no vrrp compatible-mode You can display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp3 show vrrp3 command. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the compatibility with the command. vrrp compatible-mode You can display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp3 show vrrp3 command. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You disable the function with the command. no vrrp preempt You can display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp3 show vrrp3 command. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the function with the command. vrrp preempt You display the status of the function with the or with the show vrrp3 show vrrp3 interface command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure a VRRP3 interface with the command. interface You remove the primary IP address with the command. no vrrp pirmary-ip You show the configuration of the virtual router with the command. show vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure a VRRP3 interface with the command. interface You assign a primary IP address to a virtual router with the command. vrrp primary-ip You display the IP addresses with the command. show vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You reset the priority to the default with the command. no vrrp priority You assign IP addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You display the priority with the command. show vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create the priority with the command. vrrp priority You assign IP addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You display the priority with the command. show vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You reset the time interval to the default with the command. no vrrp timer You assign IP addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You show the interval with the command. show vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure the interval with the command. vrrp timer You assign IP addresses to a virtual router with the command. vrrp associated-ip You show the interval with the command. show vrrp3 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the assignment and value of the priority with the command show vrrp show with the parameter vrrp interface detail You configure the tracking of interfaces with the command. track interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the assignment and value of the priority with the command show vrrp show with the parameter vrrp interface detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The database or statistical information is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Routing with RIP is enabled. You are now in the Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli (config-rip)# Further notes You disable the RIP protocol with the command. no router rip SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Global configuration mode. ● If you exit the RIPv2 Router configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. Note These commands are available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the RIPv2 Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rip)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no auto-summary Result Subnets are not summarized according to classes. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The value for the administrative distance is set. Further notes You reset the administrative distance to the default with the command. no distance no distance Description This command resets the administrative distance to the default (120). SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the RIPv2 Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rip)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: distribute-list route-map <name(20)> {in | out} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Name of the routing table. Maximum of 20 characters. The filtering for incoming routing infor- mation is disabled. The filtering for outgoing routing infor- mation is disabled. Result The filtering is disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no network Description This command disables the RIP protocol for an IP interface. Requirement You are in the RIPv2 Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rip)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Routes learned by OSPF are distribut- static Static routes are distributed. route-map Keyword for a route map. name Name of the route map. Maximum of 20 characters SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result In certain cases, forwarding of routing information is disabled. version Description With this command, you specify which version the RIP protocol uses to send and receive routing information. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The updating of route information is according to RIPv1 or RIPv2 (default for this parameter) Requirement You are in the RIPv2 Router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rip)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no version SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the exit Global configuration mode. ● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Value for the metric information. 1 ... 15 Result The default route is forwarded. no ip rip default route originate Description This command disables the distribution of the default routes. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note Only RIPv1 updates are received. Only updates to RIPv2 are received. Updates that correspond to RIPv1 or RIPv2 are received. none No RIP updates are received. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command specifies the RIP version for outgoing routing information. Requirement ● The interface is an IPv4 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no ip rip send version Result All RIP updates are sent. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note database The information of the RIP database is displayed. Result The information of the RIP database is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ipv6 rip peer-table-status SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ipv6 rip stats SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Call the command without parameter assignment: ipv6 router rip Result Routing with RIPng is enabled. You are now in the RIPng router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli (config-ripng)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This section describes commands that you can call up in the Router Configuration mode. In the global configuration mode, enter the command to change to this ipv6 router rip mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the RIPng router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ripng)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: distance dist<1-255> [route-map <name(20)>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note route-map Keyword for a route map name Name of the route map Maximum of 20 characters. Result The value for the administrative distance is reset. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Outgoing routing information is filtered. Result Filtering is enabled. Further notes You disable filtering with the command. no distribute prefix You display the configured filters with the command. show ipv6 rip filter SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The filtering for outgoing routing information is disabled. Result Filtering is disabled. Further notes You enable filtering with the command. distribute prefix You display the configured filters with the command. show ipv6 rip filter SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command disables the filtering of the routing information according to a route map for incoming or outgoing routing information. Requirement You are in the RIPng router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ripng)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note default Default routes are distributed. connected Route information of local subnets (IP interfaces) is distributed for which RIP is not configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the RIPng router configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-ripng)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no redistribute {default | connected | ospf | static} [route-map <name(20)>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Global configuration mode. ● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. Note These commands are available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you disable the function that a standard route is generated in the IPv6 routing table for routes from the local RIP database. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The interface is an IPv6 interface. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: ipv6 rip Result RIPng routing is enabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
As default. the metric increases by 1 (metric offset) with incoming RIPng routes. With this command, you can specify a different offset. The RIPng route is further distributed with the new metric. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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<integer (1-15)> The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note integer Metric offset 1 ... 15 Default: 1 Result The metric offset is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note name Name of the route map 1 ... 20 If no parameters are specified, all configured route maps are displayed. Result The route maps are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note name Name of the route map 0 … 20 permit The routing information is further processed according to the settings you make for the commands set metric SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: route-map <name(1-20)> [ <seqnum(1-10)> ] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
IPv4 address. Note This command is available only with layer 3 (IPv4). Requirement You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the filter for the destination IPv4 address. Note This command is available only with layer 3 (IPv4). Requirement You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
IPv6 address. Note This command is available only with layer 3 (IPv6). Requirement You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the filter for the destination IPv6 address. Note This command is available only with layer 3 (IPv6). Requirement You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no match interface {Vlan < vlan-id(1-4094)> | <interface-type> < interface-id> } SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: match metric <value(0-0xffffff)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note value Value of the metric 0 ... 0xffffff You can enter the value in decimal or hexadecimal. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Routes whose path costs (metric) are made up from the external path costs and the patch costs to the ASBR type-2-external Routes with only external path costs (metric) Result The filter for the type of the metric is created. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create a filter for the type of the metric with the command. match metric-type You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create a filter for the next router (IPv6) with the command. match next-hop ipv6 You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create a filter for the next router (IPv6) with the command. match next-hop ipv6 You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create a filter for the next router (IPv4) with the command. match next-hop ip You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create a filter for the next router (IPv4) with the command. match next-hop ip You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the filter for the type of the route with the command. no match route-type You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create a filter for the type of the route with the command. match route-type You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the filter for a tag with the command. no match tag You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You create the filter for a tag with the command. match tag You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You delete the setting that the metric of the routing information is changed with the no set command. metric You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... set tag Description With this command, you specify whether the routing information is forwarded with a changed tag. Note This command is available only with layer 3. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete the setting that the tag of the routing information is changed. Note This command is available only with layer 3. Requirement You are now in the Route maps configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-rmap-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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You define the setting that the tag of the routing information is changed with the set tag command. You change to the Route maps configuration mode with the command route-map You display the setting and other information with the command. show route-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With Network Address Translation (NAT), the IP address in a data packet is replaced by another. NAT is normally used on a gateway between an internal network and an external network. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description This command shows the global NAT/NAPT configuration. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The information is displayed. Further notes You configure static port translations for an interface with the command. ip nat service You delete a configuration with the command. no ip nat service SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ip nat summary SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Shows the configuration of the dynamic address translations. static Shows the configuration of the static 1:1 address translations. translations Displays the active NAT connections. Result The configured address translations or active connections are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
NAT/NAPT is enabled globally for the entire device. The device operates as a NAT router. Further notes You disable NAT/NAPT for the entire device with the command. no ip nat You display the current configuration with the command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you define periods of time after which existing connections are deleted if there is no data exchange. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you reset periods of time after which existing connections are deleted back to the default value. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. ip nat Description With this command, you enable NAT for the IP interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
NAT is deactivated for the selected IP interface. Further notes You enable NAT for the selected IP interface with the command. ip nat You display the current configuration with the command. show ip nat summary SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable NAPT for the selected IP interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ip nat napt SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
A pool is defined. Further notes You delete a dynamic address translation with the command. no ip nat pool You display the current configuration with the command. show ip nat SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command you configure static port translations (NAPT) for an interface with a service. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Description for the port translation - Result The static port translation with a service is configured. Further notes You delete a configuration with the command. no ip nat service SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure static port translations for an interface with a port range with the ip nat command. service portrange You display the current configuration with the command. show ip nat service SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure static port translations with a service for an interface with the ip nat service command. You display the current configuration with the command. show ip nat service portrange SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You configure static port translations with a service for an interface with the ip nat service command. You display the current configuration with the command. show ip nat service portrange SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the current configuration with the command. show ip nat no ip nat static Description With this command, you delete static 1:1 address translations. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The designated router (DR) of the network sends this request to the RP. The RP therefore has the unicast address of the sender and a unicast address for the recipient, that of the DR. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. show ip pim rp-hash Description With this command, you display the rendezvous point (RP) of a multicast group. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you display detailed settings for PIM. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
[ vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)>] The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note vlan Keyword for a VLAN connection vlan-id Number of the addressed VLAN 1 ... 4094 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You specify the interface candidates for rendezvous points with the rp-candidate rp-address command. show ip pim rp-set Description With this command, you display all rendezvous points of the network. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: show ip pim bsr SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you display the threshold information for PIM. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note source-address Source IP address of the multicast Enter a valid IPv4 multicast ad- packet dress. Result The RPF settings are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command, you reset the counters of an interface. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... ip pim routing Description With this command, you enable PIM globally on the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
PIM is disabled on all interfaces of the device. Further notes You enable PIM globally on the device with the command. ip pim routing You display detailed settings for PIM with the command. show ip pim interface detail SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the device as a static rendezvous point. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: ip pim static-rp SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You specify the interfaces for static rendezvous points with the rp-static rp-address command. You display the static rendezvous points with the command. show ip pim rp-static SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the PIM configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(router-pim)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: rp-candidate rp-address <Group Address> <Group Mask> <IP address> [Priority <0-255>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the PIM configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(router-pim)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no rp-candidate rp-address <Group Address> <Group Mask> <RP address> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the PIM configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(router-pim)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: rp-static rp-address <Group Address> <Group Mask> <IP address> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<Group Address> <Group Mask> The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note Group Address Address of the multicast group Group Mask Subnet mask that restricts the multicast band SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
A BSR coordinates the rendezvous points in a PIM network. Requirement ● The interface is not a router port. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no ip pim bsr-candidate Result The interface is a candidate for the bootstrap router. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The interface is assigned to PIM. Further notes You delete the assignment with the command. no ip pim no ip pim Description With this command, you delete the assignment of an interface to PIM. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● The DR is also the IGMP querier. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: ip pim dr-priority <priority(1-4294967295)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The interface is not a candidate for the designated router. Further notes You define interface candidates for the designated router with the ip pim dr-priority command. You display with the command. show ip pim interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note interface Keyword for a an interface description interface-type Type or speed of the interface Enter a valid interface. interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: rate-limit output <rate-value> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The limitation of the outgoing data stream of the interface with the data rate is disabled. Further notes You enable the function with the command. rate-limit output SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The default value for the storm control level is 0 Kbps. The incoming data stream is not limited. To have the incoming data stream limited, configure the threshold value with the storm- command. control level Result The storm control function is enabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The storm control function is disabled. Further notes You enable the function with the command. storm-control SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you reset the value for the storm control function to the default value. The default value for the storm control level is 0 Kbps. The incoming data stream is not limited. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you configure a static multicast MAC address without outgoing ports. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you generate a static multicast MAC address entry in the forwarding database. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete a static multicast MAC address entry from the forwarding database. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you generate a static unicast MAC address entry in the forwarding database. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete a static unicast MAC address entry from the forwarding database. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With incoming packets, the ingress filter checks whether the port on which the packet was received belongs to the sending VLAN. If this is not the case, the packet is not processed. With this command, you enable the ingress filter. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no switchport ingress-filter Result The ingress filter is deactivated. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show mac-address-table aging-time Result The time is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the aging of a dynamically learned entry in the MAC address list. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no mac-address-table aging-time Result The value of the aging of a dynamically learned entry is reset to the default value. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no mac-address-table aging Description With this command, you disable the "Aging" function. Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show flow-control [interface <interface-type><interface-id>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure the flow control function for an interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show qos cos-map SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows port by port the method according to which packets to be forwarded are prioritized. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: Result You are now in the QOS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-qos)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the QOS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-qos)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: cos-map <cos(0-7)> queue <queue(1-8)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With queues 7 - 8 only frames with a high priority are processed as long as there are frames with high priority in the queue. Requirement You are in the QOS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-qos)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the QOS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-qos)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: qos-trust-mode interface <interface-type> <interface-id > {untrust|cos|dscp|cos-dscp} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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VLAN tag it is forwarded with the prioritization of the receiving port. For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The prioritization for forwarding packets is configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show password-policy Result The currently valid password policy is displayed. Further notes You configure the password policy with the command. password policy SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the created users. Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show user-accounts [external] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the links between groups and roles. Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show user-groups Result The links are shown. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are logged into the device with a local user account ● You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the user name of the logged in user. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Password length: at least 6 characters high Password policy: High Password length: at least 8 characters at least 1 uppercase letter at least 1 special character at least 1 number SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Select the function rights of the role. value • Users with this role can read device parameters but cannot change them. • Users with this role can both read and change device parameters. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can only delete a role when the role is not linked to a user. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: user-account <user-name> password <user-password> role <user-role> [description <user-description>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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You configure the password policy with the command. password policy You show the created users with the command. show user-accounts You display the currently valid password policy with the command. show password-policy SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
"External User Accounts". If an entry exists, the user is logged in with the rights of the SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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After creating a user, the user name can no longer be modified. If a user name needs to be changed, the user must be deleted and a new user created. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You show the links in the table "External User Accounts" with the show user-accounts command. external user-group Description With this command you link a group with a role. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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Result The group is linked to a role. Further notes You delete a link with the command. no user-group You show the created links with the command. show user-groups SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you change the password of the factory set default user " ". admin Requirement You are in the Global Configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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You show the created users with the command. show user-accounts You can also change the passwords with the command. user-account You display the currently valid password policy with the command. show password-policy SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The connection statistics are displayed. show radius server Description This command shows the RADIUS server configuration. Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: login authentication {radius | local-and-radius | radius-fallback-local} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable authentication via a RADIUS server. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: no login authentication SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
"External User Accounts". Result The assignment of rights during the login authentication is defined. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Default: 3 (retries, this means 4 The initial connection attempt is re- connection attempts) peated the number of times specified here before another configured RADIUS server is queried or the login counts as having failed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you delete a RADIUS server entry on the RADIUS client. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
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You show the configuration of a RADIUS server on the client with the show radius server command. You show the statistical information of this function with the show radius statistics command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the configuration of all access control lists will be displayed. Result The configuration of the access control lists is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the configuration of the access control list with the command. show access-lists no mac access-list extended Description With this command, you delete a MAC access control list. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. mac access-group Description With this command, you enable the access control of the packets of an interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you disable the access control of the packets of an interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Privileged EXEC mode. permit Description With this command, you configure a MAC address control list that describes the MAC addresses for which incoming and/or outgoing data traffic is permitted. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 830
(Page 42)". Note MAC address input Use "any", if the rule is to apply to all src and/or dest MAC addresses. This corresponds to the MAC address "00:00:00:00:00:00". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Range of values / note Keyword for "all" host Keyword for the MAC address of an incoming connection that is locked src-mac-address MAC address of the locked incoming Specify a valid MAC address. connection SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 832
You delete the MAC access control list with the command. no mac access-list extended You display the configuration of the access control list with the command. show access-lists SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Number of the access control list 1 … 128 If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the configuration of all access control lists will be displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Commands relating to other topics that can be called in the Global configuration mode can be found in the relevant sections. You exit the Global configuration mode with the command and are then in the exit Privileged EXEC mode again. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the configuration of the access control list with the command. show access-lists no ip access-list Description With this command, you delete an IP access control list. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the exit Global configuration mode. ● If you exit the Interface configuration mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Specifies that outgoing packets are filtered Note Restrictions when filtering layer 2 interfaces Use an expanded MAC address access control list to filter packets outgoing on layer 2 interfaces. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Specifies that incoming packets are filtered Specifies that outgoing packets are filtered If you do not specify a number for an access control list, all lists of an interface are disabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● Incoming and/or outgoing frames of a specific host are forwarded. ● Incoming and/or outgoing frames of hosts of a specific subnet are forwarded. ● Incoming and/or outgoing frames of a specific protocol are forwarded. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 840
Keyword for a single IP address dest-ip Destination IP address Enter a valid IP address. network-dest-ip Network destination address Enter a valid combination of IP address and subnet mask. mask Corresponding subnet mask SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● Incoming and/or outgoing frames of a specific host are not forwarded. ● Incoming and/or outgoing frames of hosts of a specific subnet are not forwarded. ● Incoming and/or outgoing frames of a specific protocol are not forwarded. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 842
Destination IP address Enter a valid IP address. network-dest-ip Network destination address Enter a valid combination of IP address and subnet mask. mask Corresponding subnet mask value Value 0 ... 63 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The access control lists are processed on the interface in the order in which they were created. The index number of the access control list is not used for this. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 844
If you create the rule for a single system (one IPv4 address), specify the subnet mask "". As an alternative, you can specify the keyword "host" followed by the IPv4 address. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
<dest-ip-address> | dest-ip-address> <dest-mask>}] [<message-type type(0-255)>] [<message-code code(0-255)>] The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note Blocks all incoming frames host Keyword for a an individual IPv4 ad- dress SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure an IP access control list for the TCP protocol. You have the following options: ● All incoming and/or outgoing TCP segments are forwarded. ● Incoming and/or outgoing TCP segments of a specific host are forwarded. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 847
Keyword for port numbers higher than the specified number (gt: greater than). Keyword for port numbers lower than the specified number (lt: less than). Keyword for a specific port number (eq:equal). SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You display the configuration of the access control list with the command. show access-lists deny tcp Description With this command, you configure an IP access control list for the TCP protocol. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 849
Port number 1 ... 65535 Keyword for port numbers higher than the specified number (gt: greater than). Keyword for port numbers lower than the specified number (lt: less than). SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 850
Further notes You delete an IP access control list with the no ip access-list standard <acl-num> command. You display the configuration of the access control list with the command. show access-lists SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for a an individual IPv4 ad- dress src-ip-address Source IPv4 address Enter a valid IPv4 address. src-ip-address Network source address Enter a valid combination of IPv4 address and subnet mask. src-mask Corresponding subnet mask SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 852
Further notes You delete an IP access control list with the no ip access-list standard <acl-num> command. You display the configuration of the access control list with the command. show access-lists SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Enter a valid IPv4 address. src-ip-address Network source address Enter a valid combination of IPv4 address and subnet mask. src-mask Corresponding subnet mask src-port-number Source port number 1 ... 65535 dest-port-number Destination port number SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 854
Further notes You delete the IP access control list with the no ip access-list standard <acl-num> command. You display the configuration of the access control list with the command. show access-lists SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
(Page 42)". If you do not select an interface, the configuration of all interfaces is displayed. Result The configuration of the interface for the learning of MAC entries is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The static unicast MAC address entries are deleted from the MAC address table. auto-learn Description With this command, you change to the AUTOLEARN mode. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
MAC address list are used on the port. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: switchport lock SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● If you exit the AUTOLEARN mode with the command, you return to the Global exit configuration mode. ● If you exit the AUTOLEARN mode with the command, you return to the Privileged EXEC mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you stop automatic learning and convert all learned MAC addresses to static entries. Requirement You are in the AUTOLEARN mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-auto-learn)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: stop SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Value for an IP address specify a valid IP address For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The authorized manager is activated. Further notes You disable the function with the command. no authorized-manager no authorized-manager Description With this command, you disable the authorized manager. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: authorized-manager ip-source <ip-address> [{<subnet-mask>|/<prefixlength(0-32)>}] [interface[<interface-type><0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type><0/a-b,0/c,...>]] [vlan<a,b or a-b or a,b,c-d>] [cpu0] [service[snmp][telnet][http][https][ssh]] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 863
As soon as the list contains an entry and the "authorized-manager" command is executed, access to the system is blocked for all others. You should therefore configure the interface via which you access the system first because your access is otherwise blocked. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Decimal representation of the mask as 0 ... 32 a number of "1" bits For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show dot1x[{interface<interface-type><interface-id>| statistics interface<interface-type><interface-id>}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show dot1x guest-vlan mac-info Result A list with guest VLAN, MAC address and port is displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you enable the guest VLAN function for the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The guest VLAN function is disabled for the device. Further notes You enable the function with the command dot1x guest-vlan. You display this setting and other information with the command. show dot1x SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable MAC authentication for the device. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no dot1x mac-auth SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: dot1x guest-vlan Result The guest VLAN function is enabled for the device. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure a guest VLAN for a port. The port can only be assigned to the VLAN, if the VLAN has been created on the device. Otherwise Authentication is rejected. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, the guest VLAN ID is reset to the default value 1. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no dot1x guest-vlan vlan-id SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for the MAC address aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa MAC address to be removed from the guest VLAN. Result The specified MAC address or all MAC addresses are no longer assigned to the guest VLAN. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... dot1x mac-auth Description With this command, you enable MAC authentication for a port. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
MAC authentication is disabled for a port. Further notes You enable the function with the command. dot1x mac-auth You display this setting and other information with the command. show dot1x SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The port can only be assigned to the VLAN, if the VLAN has been created on the device. Otherwise Authentication is rejected. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You enable the assignment of the VLAN ID for a MAC address by the RADIUS server with command. dot1x mac-auth vlan-assign You display this setting and other information with the command. show dot1x SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can reset the port control parameter to the default with the no dot1x port-control command. You can display the status of this function and other information with the show command. dot1x SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you specify how many MAC addresses can be authenticated on the port at the same time. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: dot1x reauthentication Result Periodic authentication is enabled for the selected interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Periodic authentication is disabled. Further notes You enable the function with the command. dot1x reauthentication You can display the status of this function and other information with the show command. dot1x SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
In events and faults handling, you set the events whose messages will be distributed in one of the available ways. You configure the monitoring of certain system events and power supply and physical interfaces in the Events configuration mode. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no logging console SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the degree of severity of an event ("Info", "Warning" or "Critical") starting at which a notification (sending of an e-mail, entry in the Syslog table, entry in the Syslog file) is generated. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Monitoring of the power supply for power outage link Monitoring of the network connections for a change in the connection status If no parameters are specified, the settings for both error monitoring functions are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show startup-information SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
All log entries of the category "Critical" are displayed. Result The content of the logbook is displayed. show cabletest interface Description This command shows the result of the cable test of the interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command runs error diagnostics for an SFP port. Requirement You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The status of the power supply is displayed. 12.1.4 clear logbook Description With this command, you delete the content of the logbook. Requirement You are in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: events Result You are now in the EVENTS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-events)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the default value is used. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameter has the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note log-entry Entry in the logbook max. 150 characters Result The entry has been made in the logbook. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The function of the client selected for the transfer is enabled. Further notes You display the status of the events and the clients with the command. show events config You disable a client with the command. no client config SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The following events or message types are available: ● Message if there is cold or warm restart ● Message when there is a status change on a physical interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 896
Message when there is a status change in the power supply rm-state-change Message when there is a status change in the redundancy manager standby-state- Message when there is a status change on a standby connection change SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11... no event config Description With this command, you configure which of the various message types of the device will no longer be stored or forwarded. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 898
Error LED lights up. The setting is possible only for a cold or warm restart. env-data-change Message when there is a status change in the diagnostics data All clients at once SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
" ". Information warning System events are processed as of the severity level " ". Warning critical System events are processed as of the severity level " ". Critical SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Syslog file is disabled. If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the default value is used. Result The settings for sending system event messages are configured. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the current setting with the command. show events faults config You disable the function with the command. no power no power Description With this command, you disable the monitoring of the power supplies. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you configure and enable the monitoring of the physical network connections for cable breaks or for pulling of the connector. Requirement You are in the EVENTS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-events)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the EVENTS configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-events)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no {up|down}[{<interface-type><interface-id>}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 904
The settings for monitoring the physical network connections have been configured. Further notes You can display the current setting with the command. show events faults config You enable the function with the command. link SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show fmp limit [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id>}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on identifiers of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If no parameters are specified, the settings for all interfaces are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameter assignment: Default: enabled Result Fiber monitoring is enabled. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You define the limit values with the commands. fmp power-loss fmp rx-power fmp power-loss Description With this command, you specify the limit values for monitoring the power loss per port. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Description With this command, you specify the limit values for monitoring the received power per port. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 910
You display the status of this function and other information with the show fmp stauts commands. show fmp limit You define the limit values for the power loss with the command fmp power-loss SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
If you disable "Loop Detection" for the port again with STEP 7 Spanning Tree is not automatically enabled. Enable Spanning Tree with the WBM or CLI. 12.3.1 The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command without parameters or with the following parameter assignment: show loopd interface [{<interface-type> <interface-id> | port-channel <port-channel- id (1-8)>}] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Privileged EXEC mode again. loopd Description With this command, you enable the loop detection function. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The loop detection function is disabled Further notes You enable the function with the command. loopd You can display the status of this function and other information with the show loopd command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you disable the loop detection function for VLAN. Requirement ● Loopd is activated ● You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: no loopd vlan mode SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
● A Spanning Tree port, ring port or standby port cannot be the sender port. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: loopd {blocked | forwarder | sender} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The parameters have the following meaning: Parameter Description Range of values / note tx-interval Keyword for the send interval mSec Specifies the send interval for loop 500 ... 5000 detection frames in milliseconds. Default: 1000 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable a port that was blocked by loop detection. Requirement ● Loop detection is enabled ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call the command without parameters: loopd port reset SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Further notes You enable the "no action" reaction with the command. no loopd reaction local You can display the status of this function and other information with the show loopd command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you enable the "disable" reaction for a remote loop. If a remote loop is detected, the port is blocked. Requirement ● Loop detection is enabled. ● You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is: cli(config-if-$$$)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
"disable" is the default after enabling loop detection. Further notes You enable the "disable" setting with the command. loopd reaction remote You can display the status of this function and other information with the show loopd command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
They are only mirrored on the one destination port with the lowest hardware index. 12.4.1 The "show" commands This section describes commands with which you display various settings. show monitor Description This command shows the status of the port mirroring function. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This command shows the settings used for mirroring ports. You obtain information about the ports from which incoming and/or outgoing data traffic is mirrored and the port at which the mirrored data is output. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Privileged EXEC mode again. monitor Description With this command, you enable the port mirroring function. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Result The port mirroring function is disabled. Further notes You can display the status of this function with the command. show monitor You enable the function with the command. monitor SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Communication via the monitor port is disabled. Further notes You enable the communication with the command. no monitor barrier enabled You display the configuration settings with the command. show monitor barrier SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: monitor session <session-id(1-7)> destination {interface <interface-type><interface-id> | remote vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)>} SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 928
If you connect a BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 with a Module no. and port no. of the interface SCALANCE XM-400 basic device as of firmware version 5.1, you can select up to four ports of the BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 as destination ports. The BUS ANALYZER Agent XM-400 supports port-based and VLAN-based mirror- ing.
Number of the VLAN for the 1 ... 4094 RSPAN session For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Keyword for a an interface description interface-type Type or speed of the interface Enter a valid interface. interface-id Module no. and port no. of the interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 931
You delete the source for mirroring a port with the command. no monitor session ... source You end and delete a session with the command. no monitor session You display the configuration settings with the command. show monitor session SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Received and sent data traffic will be mirrored vlan Keyword for a VLAN connection vlan-id Number of the VLAN 1 ... 4094 mac-acl Keyword for a MAC access control list SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Parameter Description Range of values / note session-id Number of the session 1 ... 7 7 parallel sessions are possible only with port-based mirroring and their ports must not overlap. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: show rmon [statistics [<stats-index (1-65535)>]] [alarms] [events] [history [history- index (1-65535)] [overview]] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Privileged EXEC mode again. rmon Description With this command, you enable the Remote Monitoring function. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
The Remote Monitoring function is disabled. Further notes You enable this function with the command. rmon You can display the status of this function and other information with the show rmon command. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Relevant threshold value 0 ... 2147483647 fallingevent-number Event number for this 1 ... 65535 owner User to which the alarm is assigned ownername User name of the user max. 127 characters SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you delete an alarm for monitoring a MIB variable. Requirement You are in the Global configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
User name of the user max. 127 characters trap Specifies whether an SNMP trap should be sent notify Name of the community to which the max. 127 characters SNMP trap will be sent SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
This section describes commands that you can call up in the interface configuration mode. Depending on the Interface selected, various command sets are available. In the Global configuration mode, enter the command to change to this mode. interface SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You can display the content of a recording with the command. show rmon statistics no rmon collection stats Description With this command, you end the recording of statistical data of an interface. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: rmon collection history<index(1-52)> [buckets<bucket-number(1-65535)>] [interval<seconds(1-3600)>] [owner<ownername(127)>] SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
With this command, you end the recording of statistical data of the interface. Requirement You are in the Interface configuration mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli(config-if-$$$)# Syntax Call up the command with the following parameters: no rmon collection history <index(1-52)> SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
You are in the User EXEC mode or in the Privileged EXEC mode. The command prompt is as follows: cli> cli# Syntax Call the command without parameters: show events syslogserver Result The entries of the configured Syslog server are displayed. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". If you do not select any parameters from the parameter list, the default value is used. SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
For information on names of addresses and interfaces, refer to the section "Interface identifiers and addresses (Page 42)". Result The Syslog server is deleted. Further notes You add a Syslog server with the command. syslogserver SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
4861 Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6) 4862 IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration 5095 Deprecation of Type 0 Routing Headers in IPv6 6603 Prefix exclude option for DHCPv6-based prefix delegation SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 948
Appendix A A.1 Supported RFCs SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
292 no auto-save, 127 default-information originate, 536 auto-summary (IPv4), 679 no default-information originate, 537 no auto summary, 679 default-information originate always, 538 no default-information originate always, 539 delay mechanism, 176 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 950
54 ip dhcp-server pool no ip dhcp-server pool, 352 ip dhcp-server pool, 350 ip domain lookup, 294 no ip domain lookup, 295 factoryclean, 145 ip domain used server, 293 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 951
561 ipv6 mld join ratelimit, 501, 502 ip ospf transmit-delay, 563 ipv6 mld snooping, 503, 507 no ip ospf transmit-delay, 563 no ipv6 mld snooping, 504, 507 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 952
... source, 932 no monitor session, 933 lease time, 353 source, 930 link, 902 monitor session destination, 927 no link, 903 mtu, 99 lldp, 96 multicast-block, 100 no lldp, 97 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 953
(IPv4), 723 passive-interface, 595 no match next-hop ip (IPv6), 725 no passive interface, 595 no match next-hop ipv6, 725 passive-listening bpdu-vlan-flood, 281 no match route-type, 727 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 954
371 no redistribute, 545 no service dhcp-relay, 372 redistribute (IPv4), 684 set dot1x guest-vlan mac-addr count, 874 no redistribute, 685 set dot1x mac-auth mac-addr count, 879 set gmrp, 432, 433 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 955
347 show ipv6 dhcp pd sub-client interfaces, 336 show ip dhcp-server bindings, 347 show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics, 376 show ip dns, 289 show ipv6 interface, 68 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 956
161 show user-groups, 803 show passive-listening, 280 show users, 804 show password-policy, 801 show versions, 73 show plug, 143 show vlan, 186 show pnio, 70 show vlan device info, 187 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...
Page 957
780 sntp time diff, 169 no storm-control level, 780 sntp unicast-server, 170 Subnet mask, 48 no sntp unicast-server, 171 subnet-vlan, 195 spanning-tree, 245 no subnet-vlan, 196 no spanning-tree, 245 SCALANCE XM-400/XR-500 Command Line Interface (CLI) Configuration Manual, 06/2016, C79000-G8976-C252-11...